Showing posts with label plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plan. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

On planning for year end Australia trip

I have completed my MBA in July and the graduation will be held in Australia. Looking forward for my graduation in Ballarat.

Now, am planning on how i will spend the 10 days (Dec 5th - Dec 13th 2015) in Southern Australia i.e. Melbourne area. I heard there are one very nice driving stretch by the coastline near Melbourne and Ballarat area. The Great Ocean Road (GOR).

Anyone been to the GOR before? Can share with me your plan? 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Busy months in ahead....

My 2nd last semester for MBA has resumed on Nov 29th 2014.
This semester I'm taking 3 modules. In other word, more sleepless night~
Each module has two assignments (individual and group) and two of the modules have final exam which have to score at least 40% out of 100% to pass the module. Scary eh~

Anyway, I'm looking forward to end this semester and i say MY LAST SEMESTER which is coming in March.

As you know, there is a trip to Myanmar already planned and the execution date is Dec 19th - Dec 25th 2014. Yes! We are going to spend Xmas in Myanmar.
After coming back from Myanmar, I'm gonna make a trip to Singapore for year end countdown... 

Hehehe... my birthday month, anyone wants to celebrate my birthday?
I can foresee my January will be packed with group assignment and presentation. Which one of the group assignment due on January 4th 2014... *sob sob*  I have to bring my lappie with me to Myanmar.

Chinese New Year month but this CNY is a study CNY... right after CNY is my final exam. Sigh~
Anyway, I still haven't decide whether should go over to Ho Chi Minh City or stay in Kuala Lumpur. *Flipping the Coin*

Looks like 24 hours is not enough for me... I need 48hrs maybe 72hrs...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

India - Here i come

My friend being selected to receive an offer on air fare via Silk Air to India. Both of us has decided to take this opportunity to visit India.

I have been working with the Indian from India via conference call and some of them face to face. My current boss is an Indian but she has become American and currently staying in India. I heard a lot of stories regarding India from Indian stayed in India and Malaysian visited India.

Anyway, I'm exciting to explore this country which a lot of people say it's very challenging to go around and exploring this country. How challenging, to me i could not imagine but I have been to Uganda Africa, not sure is it like what i have experience in Uganda? Hmmm... let see.

Anyway, we decided to go to Darjeeling, Northeast of India, near Himalaya mountain range... So it will be -17c during March. Very cold eh~

We have shortlisted 3 places to explore and 2 Unesco Heritage.
  • Kolkata
  • Bohd Gaya
  • Darjeeling
  • Mahabodhi Temple @ Bohd Gaya
  • The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (a.k.a - Toy Train)

My friend starts the planning soon... I'm so looking forward to see and experience India. Not sure i will like it or not but i bet it will be a new experience for me. 

Anyone have been to Darjeeling/Bodhgaya/Kolkata area that can share with me some valuable information and experiences?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Yangon + Bagan, Myanmar

If you notice my side notes...

My travel buddies are planning a trip to Myanmar. Our first stop is Yangon than board domestic flight to Bagan, an ancient city of Myanmar. I heard it's a very beautiful place to visit especially i like to take picture... I just bought my AirAsia return flight ticket for RM361 (Kuala Lumpur - Yangon - Kuala Lumpur). Looking forward for my 5D4N in Myanmar.

Here you go the youtube clip about Bagan, Myanmar...


Thursday, June 13, 2013

TZ @ ambiguous period...

Reorganization, Restructuring, Re-mapping resources... are very common terminology in Multinational Companies. The more the workforce turns into global, the more political issues arose.  Due to the saving storm, most of the companies will keep restructuring and reorganizing until they reach the target or stay within the cost.

Guess what? I'm going to report to a different manager again after the restructuring of my team. Hurray~ This will be my 4th boss within 2.5 years with the company. Is it good or bad to me? Hmm... I think good is we get to have fresh start whenever there is a change but... Bad is obviously we need to re-adjust ourselves to new expectation from different boss. Style change again eh~. Sigh!

Anyway, whenever there is a restructuring/reorganizing... there will be an ambiguous period within the team. Lots of rumors are wondering around too. This colleague is going to resign, that colleague is looking for a better position outside the team (i.e. internal transfer). blah blah blah... So how true is that?

TZ is in the ambiguous period as he forced to leave the good manager whom he is reporting and could easily work well with . Now he has to start all over again to work out the expectation with the new boss... Good or bad?
when to say; where to start; what to expect; how to action; why?
LoL... this no longer on figuring where to visit shown in the picture above. It is the period on getting the 4W and 1H answered and plan out the right career path... :p

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dragon fly away, Snake sneak out...

Today is the last day of Dragon year... as my animal zodiac, this year was NOT a very good year. Just a normal year which i still have my job, enough money to survive, i bought couples of TOTO but only strike RM4 in Malacca once. Still have people who loves me. Hmmmm.... other than that it's a very quiet and non excited year.

Since the Dragon going to fly away and the snake is sneaking out... I hope the coming year will be better for me. I went to TIMES two three weekend back to read the projection of the Zodiac Animal for Year of Snake from Lillian Too. Anyone a fans of her?

Then i went into the internet to read some of the other prediction... All of them have the common said.
1. It's good time for me to switch job. So what job should i take?
2. I have luck on wealth for this year. Hmmm... so i should buy more TOTO, 4D and 6D too.
3. I'll enjoy traveling around for this year... not sure what it's mean but i'm looking forward for my vacation

Errrr... what else? ...

Anyway, do you believe on these kind of prediction?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Resolution for TZ

It's 2nd day of Year 2013... "So what is your new year resolutions" asked by almost all the people. So what is yours?


  • Be better on handling all the events, challenges which are surrounding me.  
  • Spend more time with my parent, person i love, my close friends and of coz those new friends that i met which worth spending my valuable time with them. 
  • Continue stay healthy and work out my long due 6 Packs wish... Can i achieve this year?
  • Always reach for better opportunities and undertake better career enhancement. 
  • Get one or two certification within 2013, maybe doing master in International Business.
  • Seeing more parts of the world... I'm not yet plan which part of the world should i go LoL
Anyway, i will try my best to close all these resolution before the next review i.e. 2014. 

So what is your new year resolution? Do you have one?