Showing posts with label announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label announcement. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2014

Will Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur become city of NO WATER?

In this hot and dry season, what is the scarcity resources... Yes! it's water...

Picture adapted from signoftherose
Rain in a tropical country is a normal event but recently mother nature stop dropping the water and we have not getting any rain for the past few weeks. The water level in the reservoirs are dropping tremendously. I was worry about no water in City of Kuala Lumpur a.k.a city of potholes but today my worry came true... That's was NO WATER in my condo unit as i tried to wash my hand. Not a single drop of water...

Our lovely government has done a very BAD job in this disaster. They did not announce their plan earlier or should i say they don't have the plan upfront until the water level in the reservoirs drop to the danger level... Now, to conserve as much water as possible for future, they have no choice but stopped the supply of water immediately. Not sure who is the adviser, consulted our lovely government to stop when they think it's critical to stop. I bet many of us would have been shouted at the lovely government for not giving early notice for us to keep some water.

As my FB friend said, " This is another project of Barison National (BN)"  If you hope our lovely government will help us... "slow slow wait"
So, now what should we do?
  1. Pray for the mother nature to drop the rain again. 
  2. Learn the rain dance from the native to entertain the god and make them delight to give us some rain
  3. Shower in the gym... now need to know which outlet has water and which outlet got impacted. (Anyone can help?)
  4. Contact friend to look at whether can pop over to their house to do whatever needed.
Any of you have any better idea?

I got another name for our lovely city, Kuala Lumpur... City of NO WATER... muhahaha...    

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Run Run Run for your lives... on 11114

The zombies are coming... Run everyone run... run for your lives.

In a few hours from now... I will be running for my lives cause i will be chased by the Zombie @ Padang, Singapore. This is an interesting run as it's not like the traditional running even like Sundown, Standard Charter, Nike Run etc. This is the zombie come after you for your lives...

My friends have signed me up with two different race... One is the survivor, which I have run from Zombie and another race is to be the Zombie to run after the survivors. Interesting eh~

For more information about the run, you may visit Run for Your Lives Asia website.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Celebrating Malaysia Day @ Hornbill State

huhuhu... I'm leaving city of pothole again for celebrating Malaysia Day. Another 24 hours i will be on my way to the city of Meow Meow... Guess?

This is 1960s Meow Meow City (TZ made it looks like 1960s. Nice?)... Let's roll the clock forward...

I was there on March 2009 and it was an enjoyable trip as i went with a friend of mine who likes photographing. And we met a couples of new friends at the backpacker inns. We spent 6 days in total at Kuching. Okay don't ask me why i spent 6 days in total. >.<

Anyway, this trip was a short one as i will be following a friend of mine back to his hometown and stayed in his house together with a Singaporean friend of us for a weekend. So, I'm not sure whether what my friend has arranged for us but i got to know there is one Sarawak Cruise in the itinerary... i'm bringing my Nikon D7000 for more shots. huhuhu...

Anyway, stayed tune for the report out of my weekend escape out of City of Potholes. Hello City of Meow Meow...  

Here some photos that i took when i was there in 2009

Water Front

Bidayuh house @ Cultural Village

Umai Umai - Sarawakian Sashimi
Say hello to Ritchie

Monday, September 2, 2013

RON95 increase 20cents in Malaysia

Our lovely Prime Minister has announced an increase of 20 cents/liter for Diesel and RON95 effective September 3rd 2013 00:00.

A lot of people just thinks that it's affordable as it's only increase 20 cents/ liter. Base on the past history whenever the petrol price jerk up... the repercussion is the rest of the goods and services will increase too. So if you think it's just a 20 cents up only? You are super wrong... wait and see more to come.

Look at how the 20 cents impact to THE RAKYAT immediately...

Most of the people trying to queue to fill up the petrol... but unfortunately there were small amount of people just filling up RM10. So how much can they save? Moreover, they have jammed up the whole place. Dear lovely PM, can you see how suffer some of the people whom felt the pinch even though it's only 20cents increase...

For my case, my tank was already below 1/2 tank and i have pumped RM40 to make it full. It cost around RM90 to get the whole tank filled if the tank is empty. So, estimated saving was around RM4. Not even a Char Keow Tiao in Kuala Lumpur. Sad case eh~

Thanks to those who voted the Rakyat Didahulukan and Janji Ditepati Party... Just to see when the Karma will strike... Good Luck~

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Change is on the way...

When a project goes into a sustaining mode... there's when the time a project manager has to move on. Guess what? My project finally moved into sustaining mode. So i have to move on. Today is my last day of handling my current project... I have transitioned myself out from the project... 

For the past few weeks i was busy searching for a new group with the new project. Finally i gotten a new project which is more interesting than what i had before... The new project is mainly dealing with process improvement and interact with the business up to 90% of my project time. The main objective of the project is to handle the process re-engineering and recommend the automation solution to the customers. Understand the business, help business to improve their process with automation... This is the kind of job that I prefer rather than talking to another group of people whom are project/program managers to provide the services.

Anyway, i'm excited to kick start my new project in June. Hopefully the new project can bring me to Europe and US on business trip eh~ :p

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 11th 2012

source :
The 8.6 Magnitude Earthquake hits Indonesia has triggered the Tsunami Warning to 28 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, India etc... For those people who are staying in the area that hit by year 2004 Tsunami, they are very very worry and panic. I bet they felt so panic that the history might be back again. Anyway, glad to know that there were only very small Tsunami hit.

Source : Inquirer News
It's the king installation and a national holiday for the country. The Sultan of Kedah is the 14th King of Malaysia and the highness is the first king to stay in the nicely built Palace @ Jalan Duta. It was a very huge palace from outside compare to the old one near Jalan Istana. The ceremony has been lived throughout the national TV. I didn't follow the ceremony as i was having an appointment in Klang @ 10am.

TZ was having a 2nd date with BKT, he drove to Klang early this morning to have BKT with his two other friends. if you wanna know more about his first date with BKT... read more

Dating BKT @ 飞机肉骨茶
5 person LIKE in Facebook post
Followed by the nice Pastry, Cakes and Coffee during tea @ Fruity 

Pastry, Pie and Coffee
2 person LIKE in Facebook post
Comment in Facebook : Dear PT, see what TZ is eating and you should know what to do...

I enjoyed the food so much... left Fruity around 2:30pm. Dropped my friends back to his house and headed back to KL... I didn't felt the tremor of the Earthquake as i was driving back to KL from Klang. 

BTW, i was planning to have happy hour with my ex-colleagues but after i checked on my work calendar @ Outlook, I realized i have a conference call with US team @ 9pm. So no more happy hour...  Guess what? The meeting was postponed 3 minutes before the start time ... :@ And the new date/time is April 20th 2012 9-10pm. I have declined the meeting as i will be out of town next Friday. 

That's all folks...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 elements of my life marching into Year 5

Time really flies... 5 Elements of my life has survived for four years one month back. I started this blog in March 8th 2007. Now we are in year 2012... it means that 5 elements of my life is marching into Year 5.

During the years, this blog has bought me into a different social life. I met lots of people from blogging. Over the years, some still stay and some has just vanished from the blog communities. My blog has accompanied me during the ups and downs... And also given me the motivation to take more picture. Why i say so? my reader once has commented that they like my blog because of the photo i took.

As a result, i have setup another blog A Picture A Day to share the photo that i took...

I knew i have lots of silent readers reading my blog from different part of the world. Some has become the regular commenters, some has become friends to hang out with and some still remain as the silent readers... Anyway, i valued all of my readers.

HAPPY 4th Years ANNIVERSARY to 5 Elements of My Life 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

8 days to go ....

When i saw the countdown... it's shown 8 days to go for my 8 days vacation. Hurray! I'm happy in one hand but unfortunately as usual. It will be a busy days from now until i fly off to Bangkok.

Question now... should i bring along my BB?

Bangkok Bangkok!... Here i come... Oh, i have to book our accomodation tonight.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Last day

This is the last day of working day in the week... and also last day of working for TZ before his 4D3N trip to Penang, the city of good food.

I will be leaving Penang tomorrow morning for 4D3N in Penang. Will be visiting uncles, aunties, cousins, ex-colleagues and friends. Until now i haven't have anything schedule yet. I couldn't make the schedule until i reach Penang tomorrow. I think i have to reserve my dinner tomorrow with my aunties...

Anyway, i'm free on Sunday, maybe just hit the gym for a couple of hours just to maintain my workout schedule. So any suggestion of what i should do in Penang?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Din Make It...

I think my readers were eager wanna know whether i make it for my long prepared examination... Errrr... the news for all was I din make it for my exam ... yes, i din make it ... I lacked of one mark i.e 1 question to hit the pass ... i was shocked and sad after i got the unofficial result.... :(

Anyway, this is an unofficial marks ... waiting for the official marks. Hopefully something happen and i pass the exam... otherwise i will have to re-take.

Thanks for all of your support, luck and wishes.... 


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Birdie piccie coming soon ....

Look out for some new and different angle of birdie piccie... Stay tune folks! My next entry ... different kinds of birdie shots :p

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A spy in Coffeeland

Coming Soon to 5 Elements of my Life !!!! ....

Friday, November 14, 2008

FlyFM 3rd anniversary party

I just came to know FlyFM is going to hold a 3rd anniversary party in Central Avenue One U... Anyone is planning to go to the party?

Venue: Central Avenue 1-U
Date: Nov 15th 2008
Time: 7pm onwards

url: FlyFM party

ps: sorry i just forgot to place the date ... 

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finally... I got to fly :-)

My flight to Uganda has confirmed and the air ticket has been issued... I'm flying to Uganda Africa on Sunday early morning while all of you still asleep. :-) I was looking forward to leave Malaysia for Uganda since May 2008... Finally i got the confirmation and this is what the decision i meant on my last entry... hehehe :-p Kampala here i come :-)

I was a little bit sad as i have to say goodbye to my friends in Tony Roma's and TGIF... *Sob Sob*... besides i have sent all the message to my friends and tell them that i would disconnect my mobile phone and just switch the contact to my hotmail. Anyway, this is expected and got to move on with my new life in Kampala, Uganda. I'll be back to KL again end of October 2008. 

So, folks let's keep in touch and will keep my blog updated with Uganda entries in the near future :-p Stay tune eh!

Friday, September 19, 2008


My trip to Uganda is delayed to next weekend... This is good that i have more time to settle my outstanding items but this is also bad to me "I'm still stuck in Malaysia" *sob sob* I thought this time will be definitely flying off since they have placed the reservation and confirmed the air ticket. Fortunately, they haven't issued the air ticket... otherwise, there will be a cost incurred 

To those friends that i was saying bye bye... oops, I'm still here :-) Anyway, i will definitely going to fly off next week. Will have another busy week meeting up my boss and continue settling my outstanding items... 

I think i better keep it to myself my next flying off time and just keep it low profile... when you see the entry coming from Uganda ... you know i'm in Uganda... hahahaha :-p

Thursday, September 18, 2008

When time comes... I will fly... :-)

I bet your questions will be when is the time...???? This question has been popped up every time i met my friends, relatives, ex-colleagues etc... As a result, i just answer them with this statement " When the time comes... I will fly... " Fly what? Fly to Uganda, Africa. 

Guess what? I got a confirmation of air ticket to Kampala (capital of Uganda) this morning from the Malaysian management... So i guess the time has come :-p I'm flying this Sunday Morning from KL to Dubai and Dubai to Kampala. Finally... I'm off for my new job, new environment and new challenges that i'm looking forward for months... wish me luck eh!

To the whole world, here i come Kampala... I was so happy and excited when i got the news but on the other hand, I was sad to leave my current lifestyle ... Goodbye my friends, Goodbye Fitness First, Goodbye Starbucks, Goodbye TGIF and Goodbye Tony Roma... I will definitely miss all of you... *sob sob*

Hello Kampala, Hello my new friends, new colleagues, new culture and new food... hehehe... will try my best to get my blog updated about tz's life in a different country with different lifestyle. Stay tune folks ... it's time for me to sign off for my gym session again... I need to value my gym session now as  I only got another 3 more days including today.... Sigh! :-(

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Setting up the gadget...

I'm setting up my gadget for the fireworks in downtown KL... there are three places with fireworks display... Dataran Merdeka, KLCC and Bukit Bintang. I could get this three spots clearly from my balcony. :->

Since i have bought my new lens few months back. This will be the first time i will take the fireworks again. I hope to capture nice fireworks from my balcony... Will post the picture here... stay tune eh!

Happy 51 Birthday Malaysia... can we improve the public transportation in KL????... :-p

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I won the Fitness Challenge last nite...

After an hour torturing with the planned exercise, the result came out that i won the Fitness Challenge. This is to my surprise that i won the challenge.... hehehe :-> I only managed to complete 2 tough exercises and gave up on some of the exercise. 

Anyway, it was a good experience  to participate... my initial intention was not to win but just test out myself how far i could go... :->

Stay tune with the full report out later when i got the picture.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympics Closing Ceremony

Tonight will mark the end of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic. Time flies... and yet i'm still in Malaysia watching the closing ceremony... *sigh*

I'm planning to watch the closing ceremony tonight... so no nite out folks! Again, the closing ceremony is planned to start @ 8pm Beijing time (Malaysia Time) but the live telecast in our national TV will only start at 8:30pm @ RTM 2. We are going to miss 1/2hr again... the TV station did not learn their lesson on the opening ceremony... All Malaysian whom watching from the national TV has made lots of noise because of missing the 1st 1/2 hr of the events during the opening ceremony which missed out the best part of the opening ceremony... Digi... If you wanna to sponsor the event live telecast... please sponsor the full version not the 1/2 cut off in the beginning... 

What do you think about this summer olympic logo? 

Saturday, August 23, 2008

2.55 <-- what is this?

What is 2.55 means to you? The 2.55 is the RM2.55/Litre. Our lovely Bolehland government has just adjusted the petrol price from RM2.70 to RM2.55... Is this because of the Permatang Pauh's by election or just because of the cruel oil price dropped?... Our bolehland government claimed that the petrol price dropped is not due to the by-election but why the decision is made 5 days before the by-election, why not only announce it next Wednesday... what do you think? BTW, hey if i'm not mistaken the crude oil price has increased to USD120 per barrel on Friday, so what and when will be the next announcement on Petrol price... after the Permatang Pauh by-election.... muhahaha... 

Anyway, the price of the petrol has dropped to RM2.55 but how about other goods and services... will they drop the price too? I don't think so... You know what ... Malaysia inflation rate has reached 8.5% which is all time high. As for a person without salary like me ... how many more days I could survive... *Sigh* :-(