Showing posts with label mosquito repellent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mosquito repellent. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Do Rufous Owls give a hoot about mozzies?

It's a little-regarded truth that most wildlife must suffer mosquitos (no plural e for me, thank you). No spray for them! Just today came a report that even earthworms suffer to satisfy the female mozzie's need to feed and thus to breed.

There are tales from Australia's past of various Aboriginal defences. Seems a particularly successful but drastic answer was to feast upon bats and flying foxes. Drastic because while the diet foiled mosquitos and other insects, it brought BO so powerful none could stomach being near bat-man.

So what to think of relations among, say, Rufous Owls when one clutches last night's kill through the next day? Mozzie repellent? Mate repellent? No worries, because owls lack much sense of smell? Whatever, got no answer from pair of birds near Ross River today.

Monitor with right-of-way not spotted right away

Who gives way on footbridge, Yellow-spotted Monitor or unspotted bird watcher? Naturally, dinkum locals have right-of-way. I step aside, Spo...