Oooh, look! What's that shiny black and white bird? It's so smooth and black on back and head. Could it be a rarely seen Satin Flycatcher in the Common today. Yes, it could. And it took a visitor from Wiltshire way, Sheila Ashley, to see it first. Proving that one good turn deserves another, she and husband Paul were being shown around by Len and Chris Ezzy. I tagged along. Lucky all of us.
Not so much luck involved in seeing a few other species commonly seen lately. Rose-crowned Fruitdove seems content to stay forever close to favourite feed trees near Freshwater hide.
Which is close to where immature Australian Raven was today tucking into fish, without parents or sibling trying to cadge a bite.
Not so many Sharp-tailed Sandpipers at Pandanus viewing area today, but caught some showing off in recent times.
Male Barking Owl certainly not one to show off, but every now and then he glowers for the camera.
More glow than glower from Nankeen Night Heron, missing today from Melaleuca hideout but almost whitewashed me nearby just the other day.
Much noisier and more easily spotted, adult Dollarbird one of four calling and shifting position often this morning near Payet Tower.
But no sign today of immature Spectacled Monarch, above with, I think, Crane Fly.
Crimson Finches seldom fail to turn up, nor did they today.
And one of highlights for Sheila and Paul, apart from the Satin of course, male Great Bowerbird busy, busy, busy about his bower. Happy too, crest-risen, as opposed to crestfallen.
What a pity we're too far northeast for Satin Bowerbird and Satin Flycatcher in one day. That'd just be greedy though, eh?