Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2024

On Projects and Thankfulness and Hope...


Thanksgiving is a tricky holiday for me, I like the concept of it, the origins less so...  As I do very much believe in being thankful, I knew I wanted to say something today, but I just wasn't sure what.  I think right now, I'm focusing on being thankful for the small stuff.  In light of that here are some very tiny frames.  I'm planning on doing a smol Studio Ghibli inspired series, I intend to use these frames, but if they end up being smaller than I can paint, I'll hunt around for some more.  But thankfulness, back to thankfulness.  I am thankful to have art in my life.  I am also thankful for the people in my life that make art possible for me.  

I hope that this Thanksgiving there is something or someone, no matter how smol, that gives you cause for thanks.  I hope for something that sustains.  May this day and the ones that follow be filled with love and beauty.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day! Heart on the Horizon...


I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's day.  I painted this image of a heart rising on the horizon of purple mountains quite some time ago, but it still speaks to me of hope and love.