"Lotus" Original 4"x4" Painting on Panel Here
I hope the new year is treating you well! I've been working on some new additions to my website, I hope to be able to start sharing them next week...
This week my featured painting is "Lotus." She has huge blue eyes, pink hair, and her wings are inspired by hummingbird wings. It is one of my smallest paintings. The painting has a lowbrow surreal fantasy feel. This original big eye gothic angel fairy painting is available for purchase on my website as are art prints and LE ACEO prints!
Most of my art is also available on my website at
lisarusso.com; however, on the first Tuesday of the month, I like to put some art prints and LE ACEO prints on ebay at a lower promotional rate for the duration of the auctions... This month, my theme is angels, you may see them
Featured Image "Lotus"
5"x7" Open Edition print on Sale
ACEO 2.5"x3.5" Limited Edition LE 1st of 25 on Sale
I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday. To see more participants, please visit:
December 19-January 4 Sketches
I decided to do a sketch a day in December and have decided to continue this challenge through January. They are all rough sketches. I'm quite a bit behind in sharing my daily sketches, so I've grouped the images in groups so it isn't quite so overwhelming. You may see December's individually on facebook
here and January's
here. You may see some of my finished paintings at
lisarusso.com if you'd like.
Day 19: Here is a sketch of a pansy. The are such sweet flowers...
Day 20: Here is a sketch of a pansy. It is sketched at a different angle than the day before's...
Day 21: Here is a sketch of a big eyed maiden. She has her goggles atop her head and is ready to take flight... I think she is most likely a fairy angel, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.
Day 22: Here is a sketch of a big eyed maiden. Her eyes are serenely closed... I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.
Day 23: Here is a sketch of petunia blossoms. They are a charming flower...
Day 24: Here is a sketch of a naturtium. These flowers have a wonderful energy...
Day 25: Here is a sketch of a poinsettia. I was feeling a bit in the Christmas spirit...
Day 26: Here is a sketch of a bearded iris. They are such elegant flowers...
Day 27: Here is a sketch of a big eyed maiden. She has a delicate sweetness... I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.
Day 28: Here is a sketch of a big eyed maiden. She has sultry quality... I think she is most likely a mermaid, although she could also be a fairy angel or a goddess.
Day 29: Here is a sketch of a big eyed maiden. She has a wary expression... I think she is most likely a fairy angel, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.
Day 30: Here is a sketch of a hibiscus. They are such cheerful flowers...
Day 31: Here is a sketch of an anthurium. They are a wonderful flower to sketch...
Day 1: Here is a sketch of a big eyed maiden. She has an aura of gentle concern... I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.
Day 2: Here is a sketch of a pig. I haven't interacted much with pigs, but I've heard they're clever... This is pig one of three potential piglets that I will decide amongst to paint.
Day 3: Here is a sketch of a pig. I haven't interacted much with pigs, but I've heard they're clever... This is pig two of three potential piglets that I will decide amongst to paint.
Day 4: Here is a sketch of a pig. I haven't interacted much with pigs, but I've heard they're clever... This is pig three of three potential piglets that I will decide amongst to paint.