Showing posts with label Bee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bee. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Cuddle Time! Huntington Gardens Photograph of a Bee with a Yellow Rose...


It was a beautiful day at Huntington Gardens yesterday.  My mother wanted to see the roses and they were gorgeous.  The bees were buzzing, the hummingbirds humming, and the gardens were glorious.  In this photograph that I took, the bee looked like it was cuddling the yellow rose...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My Photograph of Coneflowers & a Bee at Huntington Gardens + August Sketches Art, Day 17 Sketch, Big Eye Angel...

I took this photograph of these coneflowers at Huntington Gardens.  Here there are red and yellow flowers and a bee has alighted to dine on the flower's sweet nectar.  I hope that you will enjoy this photo!

I love to paint flowers, you may see some of my finished paintings at if you'd like.

Here is a sketch of a big eyed gothic maiden.  Her big eyes are heavily lined with kohl and she looks like she is considering something...  I think she is most likely an angel fairy, although she could also be a mermaid or a goddess.  I'm unsure if I'll paint her or not, but I did enjoy sketching her.

I've decided to try and do a sketch a day in August.  This is day 17.

This is a rough sketch.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Photograph of a Purple Round Dr. Suess Flowers at Descanso Gardens...

I took this photograph of three purple flowers being visited by bees at Descanso Gardens.  I'm not sure what kind of flower this is, it's similar to garlic flowers but not quite a match; it reminds of flowers that Dr. Suess would illustrate.  I've been focused on trying to get my home decent for inspectors/repair people to come so my paintings in progress are waiting patiently for me...

Edit: It turns out my mystery flowers are Alliums, thank you Rebecca and Descanso Gardens twitter!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Photograph of a Pink & Yellow Rose & Rosebud Flower with a Bee & Snow White Original Painting on My Website...

I took this photograph of a pink and yellow rose and rosebud being visited by a bee at Descanso Gardens.  This honey bee loved this flower so much, it seemed to be patiently posing, but I suspect it was just enjoying the nectar of the blooming rose...

Apple of My Eye Original 11"x14" Painting, Open Edition 8"x10" Giclee Prints & Limited Edition Giclee ACEO Prints Here

This gothic big eye Snow White stands amidst a princess friendly apple tree.  She has big green eyes, rich brown hair, and ever so pale skin.  This piece available as an original, as prints, and Limited Edition ACEOs!  

Every week on Tuesday, I try to list a small original, some giclee art prints, and giclee LE ACEO prints at promotional prices. Visit here to see what I have available this week!