Hello May
Hello to saying goodbye to April
Hello to saying goodbye to the dark cloud that has been hanging over us for some time
Hello to things getting back to normal
Hello to routine
Hello to normality
Hello to new adventures
Hello to being scared but embracing it anyway
Hello to letting go of negative thoughts
Hello to positive thoughts
Hello to getting back into the gym
Hello to eating right
Hello to alcohol free days (after the last few months I need a detox)
Hello to pushing through the last three months and getting to the other side
Hello to getting back into being creative
Hello to catching up on project life
Hello May - lets get it on baby!
At first glance this post may seem a bit of doom and gloom but without going into too many details, life around here has been pretty hard but I am glad to say that things are slowly, but surely, getting back to normal.
On the bright side Big Picture Classes has asked me to teach a class so although I am feeling completely freaked out, I am also feeling very excited. At first I was going to say no because of all the stress that has been going on lately, but, I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason and maybe putting myself out there and taking on a new adventure is exactly what I need. So I am breaking free of the negative shackles that have held me down for the last few months and moving forward to new adventures.
Love me :-)