Showing posts with label hello. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hello. Show all posts


Hello May...

Hello May
Hello to saying goodbye to April
Hello to saying goodbye to the dark cloud that has been hanging over us for some time
Hello to things getting back to normal
Hello to routine
Hello to normality
Hello to new adventures
Hello to being scared but embracing it anyway
Hello to letting go of negative thoughts
Hello to positive thoughts
Hello to getting back into the gym
Hello to eating right
Hello to alcohol free days (after the last few months I need a detox)
Hello to pushing through the last three months and getting to the other side
Hello to getting back into being creative
Hello to catching up on project life

Hello May - lets get it on baby!

At first glance this post may seem a bit of doom and gloom but without going into too many details, life around here has been pretty hard but I am glad to say that things are slowly, but surely, getting back to normal.  

On the bright side Big Picture Classes has asked me to teach a class so although I am feeling completely freaked out, I am also feeling very excited.  At first I was going to say no because of all the stress that has been going on lately, but, I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason and maybe putting myself out there and taking on a new adventure is exactly what I need.  So I am breaking free of the negative shackles that have held me down for the last few months and moving forward to new adventures.

Love me :-)


Hello April...

Hello April

Hello April! where the hell did March go?
Hello to my gym opening and to me going regularly
Hello to saying goodbye to March.... it was a tough month and glad that it's left
Hello to moving forward
Hello to finding the courage to say goodbye to a loved one and knowing that he is now in a better place and free from pain RIP!
Hello to school holidays - woohoo! yep I'm excited
Hello to trying out some new food places
Hello to getting back into my craft room
Hello to my new addiction - Green Smoothies
Hello to slowing down and catching my breath
Hello to embracing "kitten duty"
Hello to my savings account growing slowly, but surely
Hello Easter and my favourite thing ever - Hot Cross Buns (binge eating here we come)
Hello to getting away down south 
Hello to Family arriving from Holland
Hello to welcoming back "normal"
Hello to changing my mind about how I want to document PL 
Hello to doing PL!
Hello to Alex hand raising kittens and watching her growth as a vet nurse
Hello to reading - finding the time
Hello to a clean craft room - Ok so this may be a little out of reach but one can dream.
Hello to football season and embracing losses (I think there are going to be alot)
Hello relaxation
Hello to anything positive
Hello April - bring it on!


Hello March...

Hello March

Hello to a happier month
hello to recovering from school camp (loved it but so exhausted)
hello to staying positive through a difficult family situation going on at the moment
hello to staying positive... period!
hello long weekend
hello to finding time to read
hello to trying to get back into the habit of gratitude
hello to a new football season (go Dockers)
hello to starting at the gym... hopefully
hello to getting back into the habit of finding calm
hello to savings in the bank - woohoo!
hello to seeing my niece perform in her play
hello to seeing "the Elvis Show"
hello to crafting - need to do more of this and less stressing over family stuff
hello sleep
hello to making an effort to socialise with work friends
hello to cooking - yup! more effort than last month I hope
hello to relaxing baths - stopped doing this last month
hello to keeping stress down - LOL!
hello to my essentials oils - yep, let this go last month too
hello to being more organised - this so did not happen in February
hello to driving Josh around to all his sporting activities
hello to positive vibes
hello to celebrating my Mum's birthday
hello to trying out a new breakfast place
hello to a movie date
hello to watching Alex embrace her new career
hello March - I'm so doing this!


Hello February...

Hello February
Hello to turning 52 - really!
Hello to school going back.
Hello to continuing working on my OLW - mantra
Hello to a new Travellers notebook for February
Hello to going on school camp - love going on camp
Hello to working with a new teacher
Hello to doctors appointments and getting the all clear (skin check)
Hello to exercise
Hello to starting my gym membership - yep I finally did it and joined!
Hello to 21/90 - it takes 21 days to create a habit / it takes 90 days to create a lifesyle
Hello to sticking to my budget - well trying at least!
Hello to being a guest Creative Team Member for OLB - so excited
Hello to more decluttering
Hello to more blog posts
Hello to cooking - kinda missed this in January so making a big effort this month
Hello to more reading - I have started off the year well and I want to keep it up.
Hello to "unplug" days and weekends.
Hello to embracing my age - ???
Hello to keeping my stress levels down
Hello to using my essentials oils more - they made a difference last month in a positive way
Hello to more relaxing baths during the week
Hello to watching my savings grow - slowly but surely
Hello February - Let's do this!

Have a great month
Love me :-)


Hello 2017...

Happy New Year!

Yes it's been awhile since I did one of these posts, but I am bringing them back.  Every month I will do a "hello" post to welcome in the new month.  It's my way of greeting the month, along with any new experiences and challenges that it will bring with it, in a positive way.  Sort of like  a "to do" list, something to keep me on track and focused.

Also at this time I usually let everyone know what my OLW for the year will be.  I am not actually doing a word this year, insert shocked look.  I know, I know, "You have always done one", I hear ya!  I will post about this a little later, but just quietly, I think it's going to be way better than a word.

I hope you have the most amazing year, you deserve it.
Love me :-)

Note: digital stamp by Kellie Stamps, digital paper by Paislee Press, flair by Feed your Craft

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envye template.