Showing posts with label OLW2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OLW2016. Show all posts


FOCUS - March

As we move into March and as I settled in to work on my OLW prompt for March, 
my word sat heavily in my head.  
I find it very hard to Focus on any one thing.  
I am always thinking ahead, planning ahead and worrying about what is coming up.  
Sometimes my head is overflowing with ideas and sometimes it's just plain empty.  
I start way too many projects, 
and because I have way too much going on, I don't ever finish most of them.

I needed to empty my head of these "thoughts".  Not because I didn't like them or thought they were silly but because it was important to acknowledge these thoughts.  Too often I push things aside to rush onto the next thing, so it was time to stop, listen to myself and Focus on what I was trying to tell myself.

When I ordered these mini flair from Feed your Craft my intention was to do a layout with them.  But I think I will keep them and put them into my OLW album along the way, when I need a reminder to work on my word.   Having them scattered through my album will be a nice gentle reminder to FOCUS.

How are you keeping your word visible.

Love me :-)

Note:  these custom mini flair are available at Feed Your Craft and they are a great way to add your OLW word your album.


OLW2016 - Focus

I spent quite some time choosing my OLW2016.
Sometimes my word comes easy and other times is takes a bit longer.  I had originally chose a different word and although I liked the direction that it would send me in, I felt that it also may limit me.

In the last few days something happened, and word kept coming up and each time it did I could feel it was trying to tell me something.  So I stopped, listened and spent time just being with this word.
I loved how it made me feel and I loved how it got me excited.

I wrote a list of some of the things that I want my word to help me with...

Acknowledge bad days, learn from the lesson and then FOCUS on making tomorrow better.

Accept bad food choices, then FOCUS on making good choices for my next  meal.

Look beyond the negative experience and FOCUS on the positive.
(there is always a positive, you just have to look)

Splurge every now and then and continue to FOCUS on good spending habits and saving goals.

Listen to your body and FOCUS on making it healthier, fitter and stronger.

When the road ahead is foggy, take a breath and wait - give yourself time to FOCUS on what you need to do, never rush.

Everyday FOCUS on the little things that bring Joy.

... where will this little word take me!
Love me :-)

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