To say that I am enjoying this little project so much is a huge understatement. Every prompt has been thought provoking and challenging. Every prompt has made me stop and look around and be so thankful for this amazing life that I have.
Week 4's prompt "a day in the life" did just that. It made me stop, think and be thankful. I have done a Week/day in the life many times but this is the first time that I really thought about each moment of the day as it passed.
To be completely honest I was not really into the prompt when I first saw it, mainly because of the time that I was going to need to document it. I needed a way to get into the prompt, in a way that would work for me and one that I would enjoy doing. I decided that I would simplify the documenting, really simplify it. Recording the reality of our day, just as it unfolded. The only way I felt I could do this was to "doodle" it, a technique that I learnt from Brandi and her Big Picture Classes "Doodled" (which I thoroughly recommend by the way).
With only my pen, roller stamp by Ali Edwards, stamp pad, pretty paper from Felicity Jane and free printables from the #littlewinterjoy class I recorded our day and it went a little like this...
I could not be more happy with how this turned out. It really does show exactly what our day was like and I absolutely love it.
Love me :-)