Thursday, April 30, 2020

April Phone Favorites

I feel like all I do is take pictures. These moments in the kids lives are so gosh darn precious and they are changing so fast. I never want to forget months like this one, so here are about 100 different memories and this months round up of Phone Favorites. 
Jakob's first grey hair. (Age 32)

We moved Sprout out of the nursery and rearrnaged the entire house (again) so Redd could move out of our room into his own room. We thought that Sprout may have a tricky time transitioning but he was THRILLED to be moving to to the big kids room. He loved his big boy bed and didn't leave it for the first few hours. He got out of bed a couple of times the first night, but he did great and transitioned like a pro! Such a big boy! 

Some of walks were a bit chilly. 

This year conference was different. It wasn't held at the conference center and while nothing changed for us. We still sat in our Jammies, ate cinnamon rolls and listened to the talks, I felt like the feeling of gathering together was missing. It was a wonderful conference. The children got to participate in the hosanna shout and I loved the spirit it brought into our home. 

I took my Mom's prom dress and shortened it, not sure why I neglected to take an after shot, but it's something I checked off of my list. 

We lived outside.

Quarantine has gotten Jakob's cooking skills flowing! He has made some amazing food. This is Crispy Ginger Beef and it was incredible. (recipe is on my food blog link above)

We've started making a puzzle a week. This Harry Potter one was fun!

This little story by E melts my heart!

Her five leaf clover!

I love evening chores and Sprout loves vacuuming, win win!

Those eyelashes! Swoon!

 Sprout has started skipping his nap. And some days he just can't make it. 

Sweetest sibling ever! Oh how I love them!

Quarentine ladies night spent in a circle bundled up chatting the night away! SO much fun!

Sometimes Daddy has to work and can't mow with you, so you mow with the neighbor! 

Big sister teaching Sprout how to ride his big boy bike!

Some Sunday's I get dressed. Most Sunday's he does not. I miss dressing up every week. My dresses are feeling neglected!

Roo is a terrible sleeper but some days we just end up watching Dory and cuddling and it's pretty perfect! 

Reddy-Roo loves the swing. Fun fact, Roo was my nickname that my Daddy used for me. I'm not sure if it will stick on Redd but it's fun for now.

Our sweet drummer boy!

Rainy day shenanigans. 

We taught the kids how to play Settlers of Catan and it was a major parenting win. They LOVE IT!

 This is the kids play table with all of the tiny toys Leif and Redd should not touch. This is E's side, all spread out.....

and Duke's side. Bless his heart! He is so dang tolerant. 

Watching the big kids out the window. 

Another puzzle. I LOVE these Thomas Kinkade Disney puzzles.

Still 100% obsessed with Dory.

His new favorite shirt. Picked it all himself. Oh sweet boy, never grow up!

A few of my favorite Meme's.

 It was a busy month despite us locking down and not leaving our house at all. So many wonderful memories.

Flying Kites & Chalk

People often ask what one's favorite season is and I would very honestly have to say all of them. I love summer time. The vacations, time spent with family, days spent at the pool and picking all of the fruit. I LOVE FALL. The bulky sweaters, apple cider, pumpkin patches, sunflower fields and Halloween. I love winter. The SNOW, the holidays, the traditions, snuggling up under all of the blankets. And I love spring. The flowers, the need to be outside 24/7, the feeling of purification, NO BUGS!!! spring time just makes me wanted to spend every day outside creating magical memories so that is exactly what we did. 

The wind was blowing so we spent the afternoon at the church flying kites and it was PERFECTION!!!! 

That afternoon, we headed outside to create chalk art. I love this picture of Sprout. He just plays this part to perfection. 

The most beautiful baby who is growing WAY to fast!

Space theme for my space loving girl!

I never want days like these to end!