Thursday, October 31, 2019

OcTobler Phone Favorites

OcTobler was here and gone before we even got to suck all of the festiveness out of the holiday. Looking through these pictures, it was a random month, but we had fun. Here are my phone favs. 

 Pumpkins and Mums. Be still my holiday heart!

Sprout got glasses. It's tricky taking pictures of him wearing them but he is so gosh darn cute. He is cross eyed and his eye tends to float around. He still uses both eyes equally and we have gone to a specialist. We are trying out glasses and hoping that will fix the problem. 

We had a sculpting night.

Duke's octopus with big muscles!

Temper trantrms usually lead to sleeping children.

When your baby asks you to come and snuggle, you drop everything and snuggle. I can't believe that he will no longer be the "baby" of the family soon. 

Stealing Daddy's clothes because.... well just because.

 When you get all festive and paint your nails, but you can't paint the right hand you go to your husband. Thanks for helping babe!

All the heart eyes.

Matching Mama and Mini shoes. E is really into matching right now and I am HERE. FOR. IT!

 The beginning of the plague. Leif had croup and had to go in for steroid shots. I hate croup, it's terrifying. One night Duke came down to our room. I had been upstairs to tuck them in just an hour before. He couldn't breathe. He was tugging SO hard. We quickly gave him his inhaler and it didn't even touch it. Jakob dressed as fast as he could and RACED him to the hospital. This was the first time that I didn't take him and it broke my heart. Waiting at home was HORRIBLE. 20 minutes later I texted to see what was going on and Jakob sent me this picture. They gave him all the good drugs and he was doing just fine. He had croup as well. After that he was 100% fine. Two days later E came down with a cough from the underworld! Germs suck!

Paint party with the crew!

 I think someone may have come to the doctors office with me a few too many times. He was showing me what the cups are for and how to leave a sample. 
Picture of the ladies at trunk or treat. 

I made the little man a fox towel and I L-O-V-E it!!!

After tub time one day E came to me with her tail dragging. I asked her what was wrong and she asked why I had made towels for Duke, Sprout and the new baby, but I didn't make her a towel. The answer was that E was gifted a towel when she was a baby, but it was small and barely covered her little booty. So I asked her what kind of towel she would like and she said an owl. 

 A few days later she came home from school and I had a towel for her. She was thrilled!

Chef Sprout at it again!

Quite possibly one of my favorite pictures. :)

Happy Halloween eve. Reading Halloween stories with Halloween jams! It was a fun and busy month and November is only going to be busier!

Costumes and Halloween

 Here we go! The great costume reveal. This year I decided I didn't want to kill myself trying to get the "perfect picture" on Halloween so we dressed up the week before while it was warm and took our pictures and I'm SO glad I did. Turns out it snowed on Halloween and it was really chilly.

Our sweet Mario and Yoshi. Duke really wanted to be Mario riding Yoshi, and I really wanted to make it for him, but I just didn't have the energy or the room to store it afterwards. So Jakob asked if he would be okay if we bought him a Yoshi toy. He was more than okay and I am so thankful.

Princess Peach. She is just the cutest ever!

One of my favorite pictures. 

Sprout hated his costume even though it was So. Freaking. CUTE! I had a bandana for him to wear too but he was just NOT having it. I'm pretty obsessed with this kid and how this costume turned out. 

Daddy was Luigi. Super simple costume!

I was a 39 week preggers Toad. It was another super simple costume!

 As per our agreement, E gets to decide a second costume to wear when we are not together as family for our group costume. This year she decided she wanted to be an "ice princess." We found the perfect dress at Savers for $3 and we had everything else on hand. SCORE! 

 We snapped a few pictures before trunk or treat. 

 She must have worked some magic, because it snowed Halloween morning. Had to snap a picture of the snow queen outside before school. 

 Halloween Parade.

 Class parties. 

 And guess who made it to our house for Halloween?? We are so happy to have Mom here, now this baby can come anytime!!!! 

 Peanut's class party. Running back and forth to two parties was busy. I didn't sign up to do anything accept be a warm body in the room and it was so nice not to have to host the entire thing. 

 So much festive fun!

Since Mom was here I needed to make her a costume to match the family. Mom was the cutest Piranha plant you ever did see.LOVE how this apron turned out!

I'm not going to lie, this is one of my favorite costumes to date.

These two are so dang cute!

 Then it was time to bundle up. I was flashing back to Halloween in Canada wearing snow suits under your costume. 

Not nearly as festive but we were warm! Most of the snow was gone by the time we went out anyways.

Trick or treat!

It was a wonderful Halloween, now it's time to get ready for a baby!