Thursday, March 31, 2022

March Phone Favorites


Duke had to give a presentation in school about Arctic Foxes. He did a great job telling everyone facts about his fox. Way to go buddy!

Duke and Roo have really bonded these past couple of weeks! These moments make my heart so happy!

Park days with the babes!

This reminds me of 101 Dalmatians. 

Oh my heart!!!!!!!

SPIKEY HAIR!!!! He was so excited!

We are officially into spring! Ready for those bunnies!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Dance Party

It's cold and dreary and we were supposed to do our dance party in January. We turned on the music and danced the night away. By the time I decided to take some pictures, half of our group had left.

Silly face picture where I'm the only clear one. This one had me laughing like crazy!

 Papa Hensley was kind enough to keep the building safe and was sweet enough to dance with me. :)

I love a good reason to get dressed up! we had a fun night with the ladies!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Redd's Bread

Papa Hensley makes some yummy banana bread and my kids are big fans! I came into the living room and here was Redd pounding the bread. He had claimed it and it was the cutest!

Time to help Mama with dinner. Roo loves to cook. He's a great helper.

Oh sweet baby, you are so loved!

PBR Date Night

On Wednesday afternoon I got a hankering to go see some bull riding, as it turned out... PBR was in town! Jakob's never been to PBR It was awesome!

Gosh I love date nights with you! 
These guys are such incredible athletes! 

Love this boy! Thanks for the hot date babe!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Science City

You've got to either be crazy or desperate to take your kids to Science City during spring break. These babies did such a great job. We have been practicing when I whistle they come running no matter what. A few years ago we lost Duke in Science City. It was the longest 24 minutes of my life. One Mama with four kiddos, the math just doesn't add up. They did such a wonderful job coming when I whistled. I am so grateful that they know how to listen. It makes my job as a Mama so much easier. It was a fun morning!


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Mama & Bear

I was getting ready for church and Bear came downstairs all ready for church he then went back upstairs and came back down in a different outfit. I asked him why he changed he looked at me and smiled and said "Well, now we match!"

I about broke down in tears. This boy's heart is so dang pure! So naturally we had to take some pictures!

Oh Bear! You are so loved!!!


Saturday, March 5, 2022

E's birthday Party

Aloha Friends!! Welcome to E's 10th birthday party! My goodness this party was FUN!

Decorations all ready to set the mood!!

The cake the had me in tears. Is it really that bad, absolutely not. It's just not our usual kind of cake, It's much more simplistic and really now looking back, it's beautiful. 

All of the stitch goodies.

 Friends dressed up! Kaydence, Naomi, E, Emma & Lucy. This is the first year that we have only had school friends over and honestly it was such a wonderful change of pace. Small group, the girls were all the same age. We had a great time!

 First thing we did was screenprint some tote bags. For some reason in my mind I saw this process going so much faster than it did. I planned a two hour party and we were almost an hour and a half in by the time we finished the totes. note to self.... give yourself more time!

Then we ca,e upstairs to make our little scrumps. This was a absolute gong show but it was so so fun!!

It was at this time that we started to loose girls because our time was up. We sent them home with a tote full of activities that we didn't get finished. Oops.  

Drinks while they worked.

Naomi and E

E and Emma

E and her bestie Lucy.

Our finished Scrumps! Holy Moses they are so dang darling!

Now I felt absolutely terrible because we ran out of time for E to have her friends sing Happy birthday and eat her cake. E was so dang sweet and posed for pictures regardless but it broke my Mama heart a bit!

WE made E a Stitch shirt when we made the totes. 

Making her water bottle.

And while the party was fun E got to have a "late over" with her bestie Lucy. They spent the day playing and Lucy came around the corner with a striped tiger. I asked her about it and she said that it's her favorite stuffy. Like Sprout's Elephant. I laughed and told the girls to wait a second while I headed up to the attic. I pulled down my Beanie Baby tote and started sifting through it. I have the exact same tiger. The girls were so stoked to have twinning tigers. Lucy's is named "Fluffy" so they named E's "Scruffy". 

And that's another wrap on a birthday. It's was busy and wonderful and I'm happy it's been checked off the list! Happy birthday E!!! You are so loved!!!