Friday, December 7, 2007

Too much fun with tree time!!

Cody was very eager to put the star on!

And held the flashlight so Daddy could see while giving the tree water

The finished product!!

We decided since Cody had a ruff day of not feeling well and having to stay indoors for the past couple of days that we would take him out to get a Christmas tree. (He has strep-throat). He enjoyed watching the men at the lot put the tree in a shaker and cut the end off to put the stand on. He definitely loves everything about tools. Cody couldn't wait to start putting the ornaments on the tree when we returned home with it, and was very anxious to get that star on the top. He was quite the helper, wanting to be a part of everything that Daddy was doing. He has been very excited this year with each new activity. It's so fun to watch his reaction to all of this holiday hoopla! He's starting to understand more and more as the month goes on what this Christmas season entails...parades, lots of shopping with mommy, yummy treats, (fake)snow, trees, ornaments, fun music that he now requests mommy and daddy to sing as we put him to bed (favorites-Silver Bells and Winter wonderland, Jingle Bells). Today he watched and cried as I wrapped his cousins fun gifts that he wanted to keep for himself. We had to take a break and write a letter to Santa to let him know that he wanted all the gifts that his cousins were getting. Holidays are definitely more exciting when you have kids. I enjoy this time of the season and it really helps remind me to be thankful for all of our blessings. It seems everywhere you turn there's a charity trying to raise money or give gifts to families/kids in need. It makes you realize how good you have it and it makes you want to do more for others which is what Christ wants. So, in other words, Happy Holidays to all and count your blessings!!