Saturday, November 24, 2007

Start the season right!

First of all, A very belated Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and family! Hope you all were able to eat lots of good food! It's the one day you have to let yourself splurge like crazy!
To start our holiday season right we took a trip to Disneyland this week on the first day they put up the Christmas decor and started all of the Christmas activities. Daniel and I took Cody and Porter mid morning (Autumn met us later with Phearson) and as soon as we got there we realized that everyone else in Southern California decided to come that day as well. We had a fun time taking the boys around and mostly taking pictures with the characters, looking at the reindeer, Santa and Mrs. Claus. We, of course. had to hit up the Buzz Light year ride for the boys because that's their favorite ride. Other than that and a few others we didn't go on too many of the rides because of the longer lines. Autumn and Phearson met up with us later and we hung around until the Christmas parade. The boys had been waiting so long but they loved watching all of the Disney characters go by with Christmas excitement. They were dancing, clapping and awed the whole way through. I love to watch them enjoy this kind of stuff. By the end of the parade Phearson was sleeping and the other two boys were well on their way to falling asleep. Porter fell asleep on the walk out and Cody as soon as we got in the car. What a fun day though. Definitely the right way to start our Christmas holiday. We love being so close to Disneyland!