Thursday, March 29, 2012

What I Wore: The Warhol Dress

Tomorrow James and I are going to Atlanta. We will see one hundred works by fourteen artists from Picasso to Warhol at the High Museum. It is a school trip. We get to ride on a bus for two and a half hours with thirty four other people. On the way back we will watch Midnight In Paris. Don't let the lack of exclamation points fool you: I Am Excited!

For those of you who watch RuPaul's Drag Race, you may be interested to know that James will be wearing this shirt with this jacket.

Outfit Deets:
shirt: thrifted
scarf: thrifted
tights: borrowed
shoes: gifted
glasses: coastal

*This shop has amazing prices! They are about to update, so there is a super sale right now. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

8 1/2

This is a painting I did over the weekend. I named it after a Fellini film because that's the mental connection I get from the dress. Huh?

Anyway, as you can see, my children are only half dressed and I can assure you that my house is a mess. Despite this, my floor shines thanks to the scrub down it got the other nights after this adventure.

This painting was all kinds of fun, but it took some time! Today, I entered it into the student show at school. Maybe it will be accepted!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What I Want :: This Outfit

I found these pants on etsy. But there isn't anything I don't love here:
The pants are killer. But the top is too! And the boots! I think I would die if I saw someone wearing this look. And if I owned it? I would absolutely bleach out my hair. Period.

pants from diana joy jams

Friday, March 23, 2012


So tonight? I put my kids to bed and within a quarter of an hour, we were all back up, one in the bath, in a house completely covered in vomit. Projectile. This is what it is like to have kids. My son is not sick. He is happy and healthy. And sometimes he puts something disgusting in his mouth and later voids it. All over my sofa and rug and self. So I clean it up and move on. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Squats and Lunges

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am going to the gym more or less regularly these days. I have a good reason. It is one piece and sky blue. Is this not the cutest swimsuit ever? I have a feeling I will be wearing it a lot. It's already a/c weather here in South Carolina. I don't even like to think about what's in store. Other than the water park and beach trip parts...
I found this suit on etsy from Mom and Pop Culture Shop. There are a ton of cute vintage ones on etsy if you are in the market. This one is another I considered. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I Wore :: Mint and Purple

sweater :: thrifted
shorts :: thrifted
socks :: happy socks
shoes :: thrifted

Wanna know why my face is so blurry in that last picture? I totally lost the connecting device for my camera's remote! What?! I know, I just got it and all, but it's gone. Gone.

This sweater pretty much only comes off to get washed. (Is this the month of mint around here or what?) I wear it with yellow jeans, plaid dress pants, shorts. Everything. What is my problem? I'm even matching my socks and sweater. I can't wait to be old --I'll fit right in!

There is kinda a lot going on around here these days. We are moving in a little over a month with a number of house projects that have to get done first. My semester in in the last stretches, just a few big projects left. Ambrose suddenly thinks he is ready to potty train. Bea is testing limits as 2/3 year olds are wont to do. AND it is still tax season and I never get to see my husband!

In one month:
tax season will be over
the semester will be almost over
we will be mostly moved
Bea will be 3
I will be about to start my new internship!
I will be able to see gym results (seriously, a recent swimsuit purchase has gotten me pretty regular with my exercise...)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

Franz Kafka

Monday, March 19, 2012


So these are just some recent likings from pinterest. It's interesting to scroll through my likes and see color stories that have spontaneously developed. Like here, all pink and black:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Encouragement from Ira Glass

When my friend shared this with me? I didn't even realize how much I needed it. Ira tells me that I do have good taste, but that I need to do a LOT of work in order to be as good as I want to be. To be up to my own standards. To live up to my ambition. I hope this brings encouragement to all you creatives out there!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


This post is specifically for people who are not friends with me on facebook. I just want to give you a peek into my life via status updates. I guess a lot of folks use twitter the way I use facebook.

The Statuses:

-Beatrice disobeyed and got on the table. When we talked about it, I asked her to say her verse about obeying. She said, "Children, obey my parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor my father and my mother and my papa and my moma and my Emma and my Wendy that it will go well with me and I may not get on the table."

-The kids and I went downtown today for a long walk. We got cake pops from The Chocolate Moose. Came home and had a nice siesta. Played outside in water buckets and then in the rain. It got to be too cold and windy so we came in and Bea worked on teaching Am his colors and shapes. Vegetarian tacos for dinner. I LOVE being a mama!

-I asked Bea what she wants for her birthday (it's less than a month away!) and she answered, "A piñata, a cake, bumper cars." And she said we could invite Arlo and Phinn. Sounds like a good party to me!

-It totally blows my mind how anyone can NOT love this lasagna. What is wrong with my children? In other news, we have lots of lasagna available for carry out.

-While all my friends had crushes on Jonathan Taylor Thomas, I was into Davy Jones. ♥♥♥

-In the future we will be able to ban people from our browsers. The Olsen twins. Keanu. Thom Yorke.

-Was there ever a time in my life when fussiness was not a big part of every day? Will there ever be? People, if you have kids 2 or older, please tell me this too shall pass. If you do not have kids but plan to someday, you have been warned.

-All of you who say you are too bad@$$ to safely eject your USB? The joke's on you. The Joke Is On You.

-All those people who complain that they were born in the wrong era? WTF- we have photoshop and Nicholas Cage.

-I don't know what's better: the spaghetti and cupcakes waiting for me in my clean kitchen or the fact that Ambrose plays fetch BY HIMSELF! (he even says, "fets!")

Ok, that's all for now folks. I haven't seen anybody else do a post like this, but if you do it please send me a link and I will read/comment for you!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Completely Different Direction

I've done so many hair posts here on my blog. From pink hair, to all kinds of other pastels, long hair, short hair. Now I have a new idea: Punk and dark with light blue streaks. Like a combination of these looks:
via: one, two
I really like super short, choppy bangs. But my hesitation is Color+Summer. I want to be outside and in the pool All The Time. And not worry about upkeep of a 'do. KWIM? So many ladies in the blogisphere have colorful, fun hair. But do they go to water parks?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

More Minty Goodness

So yesterday, I posted a vintage find in this on trend color. Now I am back to show you what I actually wore to school yesterday. It was the perfect weather for this two-piece set. Sunny in the 80s. I wore the vest for awhile, then served summer realness in the dress alone. I wore my brown leather sandals, not the red flats shown. No accessories, as usual. I'm showing you the dress with and without the vest.
The little button details really make this special, I think. Something about it just charms me. Maybe because there are pictures of my mom when I was a baby walking along a country dirt road with Aunt Stephanie and one or both of them wear dresses like this.

At school, people asked if I had made it and said it was crazy. I told them that people used to wear these. My teacher even backed me up.

I took these pictures with James when I planned on adding this dress to my shop. But by the time we were done with the pictures, I knew it was a keeper :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So last year, teal and turquoise blue were kind of a big thing. Now all I see is mint. It's everywhere, along with many other soft pastels for Spring. I tend to gravitate toward brighter colors, but trending colors catch my eye too. Here is a little vintage two piece that I unearthed over the weekend. It was deep within a sale rack.
Admittedly, it would look better on someone hippier and shorter than I am. What a great dress though, no? I love the little details in the jacket.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Proud Jane

I found this doll at Miracle Hill the other day and thought she looked so proud. I fet bad for her all disheveled and yellowed. At least she was high in a shelf where kids couldn't get to her in her wedding gown. She was $2.50. I brought her home and named her Jane and gave her to Beatrice with a new outfit. She is from 1965.

When I was little I loved dolls. I had Sarah and Pete. Sarah had blonde hair that was actually pretty disgusting, but I didn't mind. She was beautiful. Pete was cute... until he got lost in the woods for a year. When I found him he was black with mildew and had to soak in bleach. I still have him. Nobody else could love him because he still looks like he has a dread disease.

I found another vintage doll recently. He has choppy, bleached looking hair that greatly resembles Sharon Needle's boy persona:

Monday, March 12, 2012

What I Wore: Hugs Keep Us Alive

It's always a little strange to me when I go to school, what people notice and what they don't. Sometimes I'll wear something I am really excited to debut -like an amazing butter colored 1960s dress with a big bow at the neck- and no one will say anything. Like I'm wearing khakis or something! Then, I got my favorite t-shirt from threadless and when I wore it to school? Everybody had something to say! Apparently it is "epic."

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This little girl wears two braids in her hair almost every day. She has to be like Laura. We are reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Bea loves it! She wants me to read it to her as soon as she wakes up in the morning, but mostly it is for bedtime/naptime after Amby is down.

Those books are so sweet and I think it is really good for Bea to start to realize that I'm not just making this stuff up: My standards for Bea's behavior are very similar to Ma's standards for Laura and Mary. Little girls must not be selfish, they must obey, do their chores and sometimes they must even be quiet.

I think Bea's favorite part so far was when Ma slapped a bear because she thought it was Sukey, their cow. That was really scary! But they were ok because Laura obeyed right away without asking questions. :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Little Plaid

Alright, alright, I've shown you this dress before. But, now I am letting it go. To etsy. Are you 32-26-36? If so, this dress would look great on you! (tiny yellow bird)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Girls' Nite Out

Beatrice and I had been planning this for so long! We went on a date as she called it. You would not believe how many times she invited Daddy and Ambrose to come along. But in the end it was just the two of us. We dressed up a little and curled our hair. I wore my new sweater.
We went downtown. The restaurant we selected had a bunch of vegetarian options and was fancy. But still really inexpensive. Seriously. Cheap. We got spring rolls, lo mein, tofu fritters and ginger slaw and drinks and had leftovers and it was $11. Huh? (James, lets do another date there! We haven't been since the day you proposed!) 

Bea is a very adventurous eater. She basically loves food. Can you tell?
We had planned on hitting up the toy store after dinner (Bea wanted a blue fire truck), but alas they were closed already. So we had ice cream instead.
On the way home, Bea told me she loves me. And I told her a list of some things I love about her. Like how she introduces herself to everyone in the sweetest voice I've ever heard, how her skin smells and how well she knows her letter sounds. 

I am overwhelmed by this blessing, this daughter, this beautiful responsibility that I've been given.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What I Wore: All The Time

This is my Spring Break. I clean house, cook, take lunch to James and play with my children. I know it isn't as glamorous (or raunchy -thank goodness) as some Spring Breaks, but it is my own time to unwind and catch up.

Today I cleaned to the point of mopping my many hardwood floors. Finished a logo for the Appalachia trip for Christian Education Ministries. Read to my girl. Did even more laundry.

Now I am painting my nails, doing some homework and watching V for Vendetta. It's not exactly the lighthearted chick flick you may expect for Spring Break, but I was listening to our real life Prothero on the radio today and getting a bit outraged at his fat-throated lies, so I thought I'd re-ignite my fire with a pointedly apropos movie. How's that?

shirt: old navy
pants: thrifted
apron: target

A note on the photography: We have one of those remotes, but the connector cable is gone. So I am back to good old fashioned time-delay. SO HARD. Therefore, you may expect strange cropping until it is found! Sorry. 

If you are wondering about the title of this post, I never don't wear this.