Showing posts with label ambrose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ambrose. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I Love June 10th

Yesterday was rotten. It really was. June ninth is rotten every year because it is the anniversary of my brother's death, but yesterday was extra much so.

It started out a fairly promising day, for a June 9th. I had this job interview last week and yesterday I had a series of assignments to complete within a time frame of three hours as part of the application process. So I was maybe a little anxiety riddled because of that, but it's an exciting thing!

But then this happened. It was the kids' first day at the YMCA day care and they effing lost Amby. They found him (he had gone with a field trip group to a skating rink in another part of the county!) and it all worked out fine. But it's absolutely not ok and the folks there had no explanation. James ended up going to the Y and withdrawing both children from the program.

And then as more of like a minor thing to top it off, I had a somewhat emotional discussion with someone very dear to me about something we don't see eye to eye on. But that's not a negative thing because I think we're better for it.

Anyway, June 10th, I'm all yours!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Yeah, so I'm late getting these up, whatever. The kids had a good Halloween. They went trick-or-treating with their Daddy. When they came home, I made popcorn and we all watched Frankenweenie. The old one from 1984.

(While they were all out, I did a tea leaf reading. But that's a story for another day.)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Book Worm

Last night after I put Ambrose to bed, I heard him in his room and found him with the light on. After he's been tucked in, that totally doesn't fly. He was in bed looking at a book. I made him lie down and I turned the light back off.

Then this morning, I was up at 6:15 getting ready for school when I heard sounds coming from his room. He was awake, had turned on his light and was back in the same book.

He amazes me sometimes. So determined!

Monday, October 7, 2013

James Ambrose is Three

We are having cake and presents tonight. Too bad his birthday falls on one of my school days, else he'd have a super 3 birthday like we did for Bea. She woke up to a three pancake stack, had a party at 3pm with 3 presents, etc. It was great. But tonight will be great also! And there's real-live-film in the ol' Pentax!

all photos by James

Friday, July 19, 2013

Amby's Work

My son is so particular about his toys tools. He collects parts and puts them together. A lot of times, he can't get them to go just right and he asks me to "fix it." I have no idea what he wants. This takes up a lot of our time.

This is what he does all day, every day.

Blocks, letter magnets, drumsticks, kazoos, palette knives, kitchen spoons, straws, pipe cleaners. Anything and everything!

He usually carries around a few tools at all times. (If you look closely at the pictures from our recent trip to Paris Mnt., you will see 2 kazoos in his hands!) He even sleeps with them. He has put them together to be longer than he is tall, though mostly they are just the right size to be used as swords.

He came crying because his things wouldn't fit together, 
This is how it looked.
From what he described, this is how I thought he wanted it.
But really the kazoo needed to be wedged in here.
Like this.
Now he's ok with it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ain't Nobody That Can Sing Like Me

Today, Amby and I spent a lot of time together. He came with me to school for the art sale. It was hard because he is heavy and he's two and he's still in diapers and college students are not mindful of young ears and there's no place to nap in a lobby like that. Oh, and lobbies are boring. But then, he slept all the way home.

The art sale will continue tomorrow. It went pretty great today. Lots of sales and all that. Another great thing about today is that I registered for classes and got into all the ones I need. Yes! For once! 

*The title of this post is from Amby's favorite song.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, Happy New Hair

Well, he sure does look like a boy now! 

My little two year old got his first haircut. He really looks like James. We went to Great Clips and I told the girl to leave it a little shaggy and I forbad those awful, straight-across-the-forehead bangs. She did a fine job, no?

cardigan :: target
shirt :: vintage/thrifted
skinny jeans :: baby gap/thrifted
baby legs :: target women's socks

The tiger is named Hobbes, of course.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Just for a Day

This sweet little one felt terrible the other day! He stayed on the sofa most of the day and watched Nightmare Before Christmas on and off. (I do not believe that movie is appropriate for children of his age [2], but he saw it when I wasn't around and says it doesn't scare him. And he seems to follow the story quite well.) 

In the picture above, we had moved a living room chair into the kitchen because he wanted to be with me and I was baking. Not long after, he wandered into the living room and took a nap with his stuffed tiger, Hobbes.

He slept with us that night and felt back to normal the next day.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Amby Faced

Remember back on myspace when that guy Mario was friending everyone and then he'd post a huge picture of his face in your comments? I do. That was hilarious. "Oh, you got Mario Faced!" Well, that is just what I thought of when I took these silly pictures of Ambrose's face. He makes such a cute sad face. lol: You got Amby Faced!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What He Wore :: Gypsy Prince

It's gotten darn cold around here in just the past few nights. We've been bundling up because the heating system has some kinks we have to work out. Ambrose picked out his own clothes and I added the coat. Even if the skirt offends you, you have to admit that he's pretty adorable.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ambrose is Two

When I got home from work last night, James and I got things ready for Amby's birthday. We blew up balloons and put hung crepe paper from his doorway. He woke up this morning around 7:30 and we all had cupcakes and fruity pebbles (we never have sugar cereal, so it was a real treat). 

Then the kids got dressed and Am got his first present:

 He loves Hobbes! :) I read the kids some stories. We got a few new books this week.

I went over to have coffee with Mama this morning and when I got back home, Am was naked! So we figured it was about time for the next present:

Now the kids are napping (well, not quite, but I'm hopeful that they will quiet down soon so that I can get some school work done!). We are having a little family party later today.

Here is a picture from his birthday last year:

Friday, September 28, 2012


Weekends are busier than weekdays for me, but I'm ok with that. Time is flying super fast with so, so much to do and I certainly don't want to look back and feel that I missed important moments. But, boy, am I ready to get through with school already! I want it to go by at a nice clip like this, full speed to graduation! 

Most of my days are spend with long stretches of not thinking about school at all because I am in mama-mode 100%. If I get distracted by thoughts of school or -heaven forbid- try to work on school, the kids pick up immediately that I am disconnected from them. And then they act out. 

But if they get my full attention, it's smooth sailing. Like today, so far. They are learning constantly and it is mostly because James and I take the time to answer all the many questions. "Mama, talk about tornadoes." I hear that about 15 times a day. (I was going to say a hundred, but 15 is the literal average.) Mama-mode time is mostly spent sitting at eye level with Bea or Am a foot or less away from my face intently explaining all kinds of things about our world and partly spent teaching them how to do chores. 

(Having chore help was definitely a factor in deciding to have kids!)

It's funny to think about all my friends at school* who think they really know me, but haven't seen even a glimpse of who I am as a mom, who I am primarily.

*excluding Beth of course

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Man Buns

Do you like man buns? I do. I have been checking them out on pinterest and I think they are pretty hot. Especially with a good beard. Anyway they look mighty fine on little men, too. James Ambrose sported one the other day. It's not a top knot when it's on a boy.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Room Tour :: Ambrose's Nursery

Just because I'm showing it, doesn't mean it's done. This room needs some help here and there, but it is already very sweet and quite inviting. The whole wall next to his bed is huge and empty, begging for a mural or quirky wallpaper. 

When James was a kid, he had this room and it was all jungle themed. I may have to go through some albums from his childhood to get inspiration...