Showing posts with label Joelene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joelene. Show all posts

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Randomness Part 1

Baby Gulls

There is a seagull's nest on the building of the roof next door. The babies are hatched and walking around now. They look like fuzzy little Cadbury Malt Easter Eggs (tm) roaming around on the roof. They never really leave the nest except to run to greet the parents who throw up food for them. It's cute and disgusting all at the same time.

Regrettably, I do not own fantastic enough glass to get good, clear, close up shots of the babies so these photos are kinda shitty. But it was the best I could do, unless someone wants to sponsor my purchase of a 400mm!

They are pretty darned cute though. Maybe I can convinced the landlord next door to let me get on the roof?


Randomness Part 2

Tweed, on a chair!


Randomness Part 3


The annual "Celebration of Light" is here again already. Blech. I won't repeat my litany of complaints (loud, crowded, noisy, messy, knife fights, "WOOHOO"ing to all hours of the morning, terrified dogs - oh wait, I listed them again! Oops) about the fireworks, I will just tell you that IMO, I am ashamed to admit, the US (Saturday night) kicked Canada's (Wednesday Night) Pyrotechnic Ass. Yeah, as far as fireworks go, America's were really cool.

I took photos on both nights, but as the prospect of editing them seems tedious to me, I decided not to bother. I don't have a tripod so the photos often do not come out really well, and fireworks photos are not really my "thing" ... I suspect they are boring to other people as well. So I will just offer the one composite I put together of the progress of a Fireball from last night's show:


Randomness Part 4

Sport spontaneously eats

Don't get *too* excited - Sport has sporadically over the last few weeks voluntarily consumed food, so this may mean nothing. However, it was pretty cool this morning to see him take his place in the food bowl line and eat an entire meal, un-coaxed by me, out his own bowl. He even wandered around and licked the other bowls when the dogs were done. He not only ate, but showed definite enthusiasm for eating.

He seems to like raw beef - but not raw hamburger - so yesterday I bought him several pounds of raw beef from Surrey Meats where I usually buy my turkey necks from.
Hopefully he doesn't go off raw beef or I'm stuck with oodles of the stuff.

"Oh hai ... Where's the beef??"

The next obstacle, assuming Sport keeps eating, will be to see if he gains weight and condition as well. Eating in and of itself is not quite good enough. Fingers crossed.


Randomness Part 5

Piper on a chair too!


Randomness Part 6

Critical Mass, July 2008

On Friday I hopped on Joelene and rode up to the Vancouver Art Gallery to participate in this month's edition of Critical Mass Vancouver. It was pretty fun. We rode all over the city; hipsters, doorknobs, families, freaks and even some spandex cowboys tagged long - there were maybe a thousand cyclists along for the ride.

I expect it was pretty usual:

lots of bicycles

Lots of really pissed off people in cars screaming obscenities at the cyclists (though my one experience with corking was positive, and the two cars I was corking were driven/stopped by friendly, supportive people). This is not a political blog, but this cyclist would like to remind motorists that Mass only happens ONCE a month. She also reminds motorists that when you are stuck in a traffic jam due to something vehicular, you do not

A) try to run over other motorists in your rush to go somewhere
B) get out of your car and threaten the lives of other motorists for being in your way or
C) get of our your vehicle and walk up and down the sidewalk telling people they are assholes while clapping your hands sarcastically (this means you CANADIAN POSTAL SERVICE WOMAN ON THE CAUSEWAY) ... so maybe don't do them at Critical Mass time.

But if you do in fact engage in these activities normally in traffic jams, the Food Lady is sorry to say that you are, sadly, a total douche.

One girl crashed her bike badly in Stanley Park (where was her helmet? Mine was on my head, where it ALWAYS is - even if I am going for a laid back Sunday cruise around the seawall, my helmet is strapped to my noggin! /end lecture)

And I learned the hard way that the Causeway through Stanley Park is not, as I had thought, a meandering flat land, but actually a constant, punishing incline... at least for me it was. IOW, Food Lady needs to do more climbing, as this is her very weak cycling area.

I would also like to thank the nice young man who invited me to come play something called "Bicycle Polo" on Thursdays for his generous invitation ... but I'm totally not doing that!!


Randomness Part 7

Sport stole Tweed's spot in the bedroom last night. Tweed was very put out.


Randomness Part 8

3WAAW gets another blog award, this one from MuppetDog

Here are the rules for the Brillante Weblog Premio 2008 Award:

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated.

The problem? The Food Lady does not read "at least 7" other blogs with any regularity. The Food Lady lists her favourite blogs on the right hand side of this site, and those are pretty well all she reads. The Food Lady is also lazy, and doesn't feel like going around nominating other blogs for awards - she has to go buy a new Fifa (tm) and take the dogs for a run.

So The Food Lady humbly suggests to the makers of these awards that the rules not be so stringent! A top 3 pay-it-forwards would be sufficient! For Heaven's Sakes!! (that one was for you, Fi!)


Randomness Part 9, an addition

Newer, better Fifa (tm) joins the 3WAAW household

Went back to the used sporting goods store today. There were some new, used Fifas (tm) and I picked out a real beauty:

The fellows at the store were nice enough to let some air out of it for me, and then let Woo come inside and test it, so we would be sure he would not try to drown himself for the second time this weekend.

Fifa the Fourth (tm) was a big hit.

And not just with Wootie. Piper likes it too.

Woo teaches Fifa(tm) a lesson it won't soon forget!

Tweed wants nothing to do with the scary soccer ball.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Happy Birthday To ...

That's right. Mr. T turned 8 years old today. And as has become tradition in my sad, single woman life, I bought the damn dog a birthday cake. That's right, I did. I am not ashamed. That's *totally* not why I cry into my pillow at night!

Anyway, Big T is lucky he got anything at all, considering the state I am in. See on the weekend, Heather and me decided to drive out to Langley and climb aboard a couple of these:

Now, I have been riding all my life, but the older I get the less frequently I go, because it's expensive and other stuff like that. So it's been a couple of years since I last got on a horse, and I'm a little out of, err, shape. Horse shape I mean - I'm pretty in shape otherwise; I run three times a week and I cycle every day (*runs over, kisses Joelene*). But horse-shape is different. My spinal column is definitely not in horse-shape.

Anyway, here is Heather on a horse, since I took the photo and said "I'm putting this on my blog!"

And so it comes to pass.

Okay, but this blog is not about riding horses. Long story short - horseback riding hurt like a mother, I ran for an hour the next morning and today I am practically incapacitated because my neck/back is KILLING me. We almost didn't get to do the Birthday Dog Beach trip because I'm all hunched over like a 90 year old man. (Actually, I shuffled past an elderly Asian gentleman today who was basically wearing the same outfit as me, right down to the hat. We could have been twins, except he appears to be in better condition - he was downright jaunty, comparatively). Jason would call this further proof that Riding Animals Is Bad. Shut up Jason.

But it's Tweed's birthday, so off to the beach we went.

Does anyone else hear Krusty The Clown's laugh in their head when they see pictures like this?

I made the mistake of telling Tweed before we went that there would be cake afterward. And he was pretty preoccupied with the idea of cake.

He wasn't the only one.

After some frolicking at the beach, we went to the Doggie Cake Store, also known as Three Dog Bakery, where Tweed was captivated by the choices.

We picked up our cake and continued home, so I could torture the dogs a little bit.

Oh hi Tweed, is it your day for cake?

"ohmygod...someone's looking at my cake."

A wee taste test:

And then individual nomnomnoming pictures. These aren't very good for 3 reasons: 1) it really hurt my neck to hold the camera with one hand and the cake in the other and 2) my hands were covered in cake icing and I couldn't change the camera settings and 3) I was giggling like an idiot, and that causes camera shake. Whatever. I am easily amused!


ha ha! And then the leftover Big Piece also went to Tweed. He reports that it was somewhat difficult to eat.

That still does not explain what he's doing with his tongue though.

So yeah ... me and this crazy dog ...

... have been together for almost 8 years now. He's a PITA, is definitely autistic, he bites Mr. Woo, like, every single day ... but he's also a funny little character who tries real hard to be the dog he thinks I want him to be.

Happy Birthday, Tweird.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Meet Joelene

Joelene is the newest member of my family.

Ha ha! You thought Joelene was going to be a dog. Sucker.

That wasn't very nice was it? Sorry. Here are some random shots from dog walks and dog parks over the last couple of days. But first, I vow to

a) NOT become one of "those" bike people
b) NOT join Critical Mass (shut up Cookie Uncle. YOU join Critical Mass!)
c) NOT put a "Bikesexual" or similar sticker on Joelene, ever.

I am going to get a sticker that says "One Less Car" though ... and I'm going to put in on my van. That was Robyn's idea, and is just one of the many reasons I Heart Robyn.

Although I love Joelene more (*sorry Robyn)

Tweed and Piper waiting to start our hike on The North Shore
Tweed is bored

Dusty is also bored ....with his head, and tries a Woo on for size:

Poor Woo is always Dusty's target. Woo has borrowed Piper's Mad Teeth (tm) for these situations.

Can you believe no one has adopted Dusty yet? I can't :(

He's cute! He's sweet! He's even talented and can spot UFOs!

It was gorgeous weather for February in Vancouver.

Swimming at Kits Beach

Tweed in the North Shore Mountains

Cookie Uncle's new dog TDCKAB babysits a ball on the hike

Mr. Woo