
Showing posts with the label clueless wingnuts

And they wonder why nobody reads them

Newsday's op-ed section sucks, and a look at their regular op-ed columnists shows why. Mondays, there's faux libertarian Raymond J. Keating. Tuesdays and Thursdays, there's wingnut welfare recipient James Pinkerton, spouting all kinds of tired talking points and wrongheaded silliness. What kind of silliness, you ask? Well, Pinkerton's gone all New Agey on his readership and tried channeling Carl Von Clausewitz , with predictably hilarious results. Ironically, my biggest single point about war was actually a point about peace: winning the peace. As I wrote, "war is a continuation of politics by other means." That is, if Country A can't get Country B to do what it wants through diplomacy, well, then, Country A might have to attack. War may or may not be just or glorious; that's not my concern. I am practical-minded, albeit maybe a little cold-blooded. Unfortunately, Bush has not pursued this policy of "war is a continuation of politics by othe...

Back to Situation FUBAR

Via Badtux , we find the US government honoring its selfless troops... by standing by while soldiers' parents ransack their retirement funds to care for their badly wounded children. Say, wingnuts, in all your whining about mean moonbats, did it ever occur to you that America's soldiers are being treated like shit? You're obviously too cowardly to enlist to fight, but the least you could do is show some outrage over soldiers lying in rat-infested VA hospitals and military families going bankrupt to support them. And don't say that it's "socialism." "Socialism" is your excuse whenever you don't want to contribute to America's basic infrastructure by paying the taxes everyone else pays. You don't even know that it means, and you sound like spoiled children when you whine about the money coming out of your paycheck. The cops keeping you safe have to eat. So do the military families--what, do you think they ate magnetic yellow rib...