
Showing posts with the label Joe Bruno

Gee, nice going, governor

Governor Elliot Spitzer's been in office only seven months and he already has a stupid scandal that could've been avoided. This stems from his feud with Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno. At one point, Bruno accused Spitzer of spying on him. Now, it turns out there may be some truth to his claims. Turns out two of Spitzer's aides, Darren Dopp and Richard Baum, were collaborating with the superintendent of state police to investigate Bruno's possible misuse of state aircraft to attend GOP fundraisers. And they were planning to leak this information to the media. Can you say "blatant political partisanship that you'd normally expect of the GOP"? I knew you could! Anyway, the good guy in this mess is a Democrat: specifically state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Dopp and Baum, however, refuse to testify under oath. Newsday has excellent coverage (as always). The Albany Project also has been following the Elliot Mess, as the NYC tabloids call it. Alr...