Showing posts with label Club: Baked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Club: Baked. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Club: Baked - Malted Waffles

So I'm slowly getting the hang of my new kitchen.  I was so used to my old kitchen.....I knew where everything was and totally had my routine down.  Now my kitchen layout is completely different, so I constantly have to stop and think about where things are.  I'll get there.....just have to keep baking!!

For this round of Club: Baked we're talking breakfast.  And one of my favorite kinds of breakfast.......waffles!  These are Malted Waffles, and their secret ingredient is malt powder.  They definitely give them a bit more flavor than your ordinary waffles....and the crunchy parts seemed a bit crunchier to me.  I let my second batch cook even longer, and I think they were even better......lots of crunch on the outside and tender on the inside.  They were a hit!  Even our 3 year old ate two of them!

For the recipe, check out Teri at The Freshman Cook, and to see the other baker's results check out Club: Baked.......Enjoy!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Club: Baked - Coffee Ice Cream

Summer is here in full force, which means that turning on the oven doesn't always sound like the best idea.  That was why I was so happy for this round's selection over at Club: Baked........Coffee Ice Cream.  First of all, I looooooove ice cream........almost any flavor is ok with me.....except bubblegum.....that's just gross.!!  It's the fuel that keeps me going!  Put those two together, and you have one very happy lady! Oh wait......did I mention there's also a little bit of Kahlua in there?  Yep.....totally awesome!~

As with most home ice cream recipes, you do have to plan a bit ahead of time for this one.  You will need to do a little bit of cooking stovetop, then let that mixture cool in the fridge for a while before throwing it all in the ice cream maker.  Then it's up to you how firm you want this ice cream.........I put mine in the freezer for a couple of hours after the ice cream cream maker so that I could have nice scoops.

The result?  Wow oh wow!  The hubby and I were in ice cream heaven!  This has to be the best tasting coffee ice cream I've ever tried (no offense Haagen-Dazs).  For the recipe, head on over to our host for this round, Karen at Karen's Cookies Cakes & More.  To see the other baker's results, check out Club: Baked.....and Enjoy!!

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Sweet Tooth FridayFeature Friday Free-for-AllAnything Goes Linky - Friday Favorites - Kitchen Fun and Crafty Friday - Seasonal Inspiration - Sweets for a Saturday - Scrumptious SundayShow Me What You Got Linky - Mix It Up Monday - Mrs. Fox's Sweet Party - Crazy Sweet Tuesday - Cast Party Wednesday

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Club: Baked - Baked Grits

Sorry for the horrible picture.  Late dinner!
For this round of Club: Baked we are tackling the only savory recipe in the book, Baked Grits.  During our vacation in Charleston, SC and Asheville, NC this past summer, the hubby and I tried our fair share of grits, and loved almost all of them!  So when the hubby realized that I would be making grits, you better believe he was a happy camper!

Living in California, I wasn't sure stone ground grits would be super easy to I was happily surprised when I found that Trader Joe's had started carrying stone ground grits about a month or two ago!  These are very simple to put just need to give it time to cook.  Cooked in milk and finished with a ton of could these not be great?

The hubby absolutely adored these!  They are absolutely worth the time it takes to make them.  And the next day?  After the grits had cooled off and firmed up I sliced them and fried the slices.....little grit cakes....yum!

Check out the other baker's results here......and check out Lisa at Gourmified for the recipe......and Enjoy!

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Tuesday Talent Show - T' Time - Tasty Tuesday - Link It Up Wednesday - Cast Party Wednesday - Full Plate Thursday - Bake with Bizzy - Kitchen Fun and Crafty Friday - Friday Favorites - Feed Your Soul - Friday Free-For-All - Anything Goes Linky - Friday Food - Fun Stuff FridaysSweets for a Saturday - Seasonal Inspiration - Scrumptious SundayWhat Makes You Say Mmmmm Monday? - Mix It Up Monday - Show Me What You Got

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Club: Baked - Grasshopper Bars

I'm so excited for this round of Club: Baked for two reasons......I'm hosting, and I got to pick one of my favorite desserts in the book (Baked Explorations)......Grasshopper Bars!  When I was in Charleston last summer and went to Baked, the Grasshopper Bars were my favorite thing that I tried......delicious!  

A brownie base, topped with a mint flavored buttercream, all topped with a chocolate ganache.  Each bite has an amazing mint chocolate taste......if you're a fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream, you will freak out over these bars!  I think that my bars came out tasting exactly like what I remembered....but I had a tricky time getting a nice clean looking bar.  The only change I had to make when I was baking was that I added a few drops of green gel food coloring to the mint buttercream.  The hubby bought a clear creme de menthe for me (he said there was a green one as well, but he went with the clear), and I wanted to get that mint green coloring in the buttercream.

Grasshopper Bars


For the Brownie Base
3/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon dark unsweetened cocoa powder (like Valrhona)
5 ounces good quality dark chocolate (60 to 72%), coarsely chopped
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, cut into 1 inch cubes
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
3 large eggs, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the Buttercream
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons flour
3/4 cup milk
2 tablespoons heavy cream
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened but still cool, cut into small cubes
3 tablespoons creme de menthe
1 teaspoon peppermint extract

For the Chocolate Glaze
6 ounces good-quality dark chocolate (60 to 72%), coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon light corn syrup
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened, cut into cubes

Make the Brownie Base
1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

2.  Butter the sides and bottom of a glass or light colored metal 9-by-13-inch pan.  Line the bottom with a sheet of parchment paper, and butter the parchment.  In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, the salt, and cocoa powder.

3.  Configure a large size double boiler.  Place the chocolate and the butter in the bowl of the double boiler and stir occasionally until the chocolate and butter are completely melted and combined.  Turn off the heat, but keep bowl over the water of the double boiler and add both sugars.  Whisk the sugars until completely combined.  Remove the bowl from the pan.  The mixture should be at room temperature.

4.  Add three eggs to the chocolate/butter mixture and whisk until just combined.  Add the vanilla and stir until combined.  Do not overbeat the batter at this stage or your brownies will be cakey.

5.  Sprinkle the flour/cocoa/salt mix over the chocolate.  Using a spatula (do not use a whisk) fold the dry ingredients into the wet until there is just a trace amount of the flour/cocoa mix visible.

6.  Pour the batter into the prepared pan, smooth with an offset spatula, and bake for approximately 12 to 15 minutes, rotating halfway through the baking time.  The brownies should be just a tad underdone (not too gooey, but ideally, just 1 minutes from being cooked through completely).  A toothpick inserted into the brownies at an angle should contain a few loose crumbs.  Remove the brownies from the oven and let cool completely white you make the creme de menthe filling.

Make the Buttercream
7.  In a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan, whisk the sugar and flour together.  Add the milk and cream and cook over medium heat, whisking occasionally until mixture comes to a boil and has thickened, 5 to 7 minutes.

8.  Transfer the mixture to the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.  Beat on high speed until cool.  Reduce the speed to low and add the butter and mix until thoroughly incorporated.  Increase the speed to medium-high and beat until filling is light and fluffy.

9.  Add the creme de menthe and peppermint extract and mix until combined.  If the filling is too soft, chill slightly in the refrigerator and then mix again until it is the proper consistency.

10.  If the filling is too firm, place the bowl over a pot of simmering water and re-mix to proper consistency.  Spread the filling evenly across the top of the brownie later and place the pan in the refrigerator, for a minimum of 45 minutes, while you make the chocolate glaze.

Make the Chocolate Glaze
11. In a large non-reactive metal bowl, combine the chocolate, corn syrup, and butter.  Set the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and cook, stirring with a rubber spatula, until the mixture is completely smooth.  Remove the bowl from the pan and stir vigorously for 1 minute to release excess heat.

12. Pour the mixture over the chilled creme de menthe layer and use an offset spatula to spread it in an even layer.  Place the pan back in the refrigerator or 1 hour, or until the glaze hardens.

13. Remove the pan from the refrigerator; wait about 15 minutes for the glaze to soften slightly, and cut the bars with a warm knife.  Cut into squares and serve immediately.

14.  These bars can be stored in the refrigerator, tightly covered, for up to 4 days.

Click here to see the other baker's results.....and Enjoy!

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Club: Baked - Nutella Scones

Welcome to the latest round of baking with Club: Baked!  This round is being hosted by Lorraine over at PhD Cupcaker, and she has chosen Nutella Scones.

Now, I don't usually do a whole lot of morning baking....sure I'll make some muffins here, or quickbreads there.......but when I get up all I'm looking for is my morning caffeine.  My kids know that Mommy needs some coffee in her in the morning before I can be any fun!  Anyways, my point being, I have never tried making scones before......they just seemed like they would be kind of a hassle.

Well, I have to admit that I was totally wrong!  This dough was not all all hard to throw together.....although it definitely was messy with all that Nutella in and on top of it!!  If you're not a nut person, you could definitely leave out the nuts.......but I thought that they were fantastic in there....I loved that extra crunch you got!  These do have an intense chocolate/Nutella taste.....I kind of think they would be better suited for your afternoon coffee bread rather than first thing in the morning.....but hey, that's just me!

For the recipe, go to Phd Cupcaker, and go to Club: Baked to see the other baker's results.......and Enjoy!!
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Club: Baked - Soft Candy Caramels

The latest round of Club: Baked is being hosted by Teri at The Freshman Cook, and she has selected Soft Candy Caramels.  I have to admit, I was a little worried about trying to make these.....I was convinced that I would overcook the caramel, and instead of a lovely soft and chewy candy, I would end up with something of a tooth breaker!

Well.....I needn't have worried.....the directions were perfect, and the caramels came out so wonderfully soft and chewy!  Even the hubby, who is not a caramel-y kind of guy, thought these were fantastic.  Another win for the boys at Baked!

There aren't any fancy just need to have a candy thermometer, and make sure that it is working (so you don't over or under cook the caramel).  You'll be rewarded with something sooooo much better than any store-bought caramels.  And the recipe makes a big you can pass them out to friends and family.  They were perfect bagged up and tied with ribbon.....I handed them out to friends at out son's Valentine's Day show.

Check out The Freshman Cook for the recipe.....and go to Club: Baked to see how the other bakers did........Enjoy!!

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Club: Baked - Speculaas

This round of baking over at Club: Baked is being co-hosted with the other online group baking their way through Baked Explorations, Baked Sunday Mornings.  How fun!  This time around we're making Speculaas....the little cookie with a funny name and lots of flavor!  Speculaas have been all the rage lately.....due to the blogosphere's obsession with all things Biscoff.  I am also totally guilty of loving Biscoff cookies, so I was very curious how theses would come out.

These cookies definitely had a similar flavor profile to Biscoff cookies, although there was a little more flavor from all the spices coming through.  And my cookies seemed to have a crunchier texture than Biscoffs.  But man oh man.......these bad boys were absolutely perfect to pair with a cup a tea or coffee.......delicious!

To check out the other baker's links, go to Club: Baked.......and for the recipe, check out Baked Sunday Mornings.......and Enjoy!

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Club: Baked - Devil's Food Cupcakes

Happy 2012!  Hope you had a Happy New Year's!  We were very low key last night......but I did manage to sneak in some baking yesterday!  After missing the last two Club: Baked assignments, I was determined not to miss another!  This time around, Natalie, over at Just About Food, has selected Devil's Food Cake with Angel Frosting.  As I do with most of the cake recipes selected, I opted to make cupcakes.  And let me tell you......these were perfect, if not ideal, as cupcakes!!

The chocolate cupcakes are super chocolate-y, thanks to not only dark cocoa powder and dark chocolate, but the addition of strong coffee or espresso to boost the chocolate flavor.  These cupcakes are tender and moist.....they just might end up being my go-to chocolate cupcake!

Now let's talk about this frosting.  It might not be everyone's favorite, but for someone like me, that absolutely loves marshmallow....this Angel Frosting is absolutely fabulous!  It truly just tastes like marshmallow fluff, with a little vanilla bean loveliness.  And the best part?  There's no butter in this frosting!  Yep!  Just sugar.  Makes me happy!

Give these a'll love them!

Check out Club: Baked for the other baker's results.....and got to Just About Food for the recipe......Enjoy!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Club: Baked - Buckeyes

This round of Club: Baked was selected by Karen over at Karen's Cookies Cakes and More, and she selected Buckeyes.  Buckeyes are a peanut butter ball, that when dipped in chocolate, is said to resemble a horse chestnut (a Buckeye tree).

I had to admit that my Buckeyes are not true Buckeyes.  You see, the hubby is just not a lover of peanut butter and chocolate together (yeah, he's one of those people).  He loves peanut butter, and he loves chocolate, but together, he's just not a fan.  I actually considered not making these for a minute, since I didn't want to end up eating all of these myself....and then I remembered.....

I had a jar of Biscoff spread in the pantry!!  You know what Biscoffs taste like right?  Kind of a combination of gingersnaps and a cinnamon graham cracker......super delicious!  It pretty much has the same consistency as peanut butter....why not give it a try?

You know what?  They're pretty darn yummy!  You definitely get that delicious Biscoff taste coming through....and it tastes delicious with the chocolate coating.

I think the trickiest part of these is dipping them in the chocolate and leaving a part of the inside exposed.  I'm so used to making cakeballs and truffles, that I wouldn't even be thinking and start coating the whole thing.  Oops!

Give these a try for a holiday party....the recipe will make a ton of them!  I did a 1/2 recipe, and still ended up with about 30 of them!

Go to Club: Baked to check out the other baker's results.....and check out Karen's Cookies Cakes and More for the recipe......and Enjoy!

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Club: Baked - Caramel Apple Cupcakes

The latest round at Club: Baked was selected by Melissa at Lulu the Baker, and she chose the Caramel Apple Cake that I've had my eye on since I got this cookbook.

The cake pictured in the cookbook is a thing a beauty......a lovely three layer cake with a nice smooth frosting coat, and a perfect spiderweb of caramel sauce on top.  Well.....I once again decided to make cupcakes....I think it's just my thing......a cake is just too big of a commitment!

I decided to halve the cake recipe, and I ended up with about 15 cupcakes.  Instead of making homemade applesauce to the cupcakes, I used the Chunky Spiced Applesauce from Trader Joe's, and it was perfect for this.  Every few bites you'd get a bit of apple.....delish!

I didn't halve the caramel sauce or the frosting recipes.....because really, there's never too much caramel sauce, and I actually used almost all of the frosting decorating the cupcakes.  This frosting is a amazingly smooth and creamy........the trick is to beat it for a long time.......much longer than you would think of mixing it for.....but trust will have a hard time stopping yourself from eating it from the bowl (not that I would do something like that!).

The caramel sauce was the only thing I had a problem on in this recipe.  It called for you to bring it up to a rich amber color or to 300 degrees on your candy thermometer.  Well, I went with the thermometer, and when I took it off the heat, it wasn't as deeply colored as I would have liked.  It still tasted great, but it would have been a richer flavor if it had gotten a little more color.

All in all, this is another keeper from those boys at them!!  And I think this will be my new go-to frosting......I truly loved it.

Go to Lulu the Baker for the recipe, and go to Club: Baked to check out the other bakers' results........Enjoy!

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Tuesday Talent Show - Tea Party Tuesday - Crazy Sweet Tuesday - T' Time - These Chicks Cooked - Cast Party Wednesday - Bake with Bizzy - Sweet Treats Thursday - Turning the Table Thursday - It's a Keeper Thursday - Full Plate Thursday - Show Off Your Stuff - Friday Favorites - Sweet Tooth Friday - Fusion Friday - Anything Goes Linky - I'm Lovin' It - Friday Food - Seasonal Inspiration - Sweets for a Saturday - Sweet Indulgences Sunday - Monday, Mmmmm....Dessert

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Club Baked: Sawdust Pie

This round of Club: Baked was selected by Tessa over at The Cookin' Chemist, and she picked Sawdust Pie.  I had never heard of Sawdust Pie before, but it's basically a Pecan Pie with the addition of coconut and white chocolate.

I decided to throw this together for a last minute BBQ we had last weekend.  I had everything on hand, and to make it even easier for me, I used a refrigerated pie crust so that all I had to do was fill it and bake it......easy peasy!!  This is a one bowl dessert.....once you get all the main ingredients in, just add in the egg whites and mix till it's all combined.  It looked a little strange to me....but those Baked guys haven't let me down yet, so I went with it.  I'm glad I did, because it came out beautiful!  It smelled wonderful...definitely like a pecan pie, but with that extra little something from the coconut and white chocolate.

The pieces held up beautifully when the pie was oozing apart like pecan pies sometimes do.  The recipe says to top with either whipped cream or banana slices.  We did whipped cream, since that is one of my favorite things on the planet.  This pie was a hit with everyone!

For the recipe, go to The Cookin' Chemist, and check out Club: Baked for the other bakers' results......Enjoy!!

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Club: Baked - Pumpkin Cheddar Muffins

The latest round of baking for Club: Baked was chosen by Billie over at Chocolate and Chakra.  For her selection, she chose Pumpkin Cheddar Muffins.  I don't usually think of using pumpkin in savory things.....since it's just so dang delicious in sweet ones (the hubby could eat an entire meal consisting only of Pumpkin Pie)!  Although, come to think of it.....when I was working in Thailand (before my job as Mommy I was a software consultant), there was an Irish restaurant that served the most amazing Pumpkin Soup!  Mmmm......I gotta say, I'm so happy that pumpkin season is back!

These muffins have a little bit a sweet and a lot of savory in them.......there is brown sugar in there.....but then you've also got sharp cheddar cheese, black pepper, and cayenne pepper.  I eased back a little bit on the pepper.....didn't want it to be too spicy.  Try one when they're still warm.....oh my!  The cheese inside is melty and the top is just a bit would be the perfect side dish to a delicious bowl of soup!

The only oops I made in this recipe is that it calls for you to spray the muffin pan with vegetable spray, and place the muffin batter right into the muffin pan, instead of using liners.  I decided to stick with liners, but I probably should have sprayed the liners as well.......the melty cheese has a tendency to stick to the paper when you try to get them out of the liners.  Oh well....they still taste fantastic!

Check out Chocolate and Chakra for the recipe.....and check out the other bakers' results over at Club: Baked.....and Enjoy!

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Club: Baked - Bananas Foster Fritters

The latest round of baking for Club: Baked is being hosted by Stephanie over at Ice Cream Before Dinner, and she has selected Bananas Foster Fritters.  I wasn't sure I was really feeling like doing another fried dessert already (I'm not the biggest fan of frying), but I do love the taste of Bananas Foster, so I guess I didn't have a choice.

I am glad I tried these......they were pretty easy to throw together.  Since they didn't have to be all neat and pretty like the doughnuts we did a while back, it was easy to throw them into the hot oil by the spoonful.  They ended up with a nice crunch on the outside and kind of banana cakey on the inside.  And can we talk about the caramel rum sauce that you serve these bad boys with?  Not just caramel sauce.......caramel RUM sauce!  Yum!!  I can think of a million things that I'd love to drown in that sauce!

Check out Club: Baked for the other baker's results and go to Ice Cream Before Dinner to get the recipe......Enjoy!

This post is linked to:
Sweet Treats Thursday - Turning the Table Thursday - Full Plate Thursday - Bake with Bizzy - Show Off Your Stuff - Sweet Tooth Friday - Friday Favorites - Fusion Friday - Friday Food - I'm Lovin' It - Fat Camp Friday - Sweets for a Saturday - Sweet Indulgences Sunday - Mingle Monday - Monday, Mmmm......Dessert - Tuesday Talent Show - Tasty Tuesday - Crazy Sweet Tuesday - These Chicks Cooked - Cast Party Wednesday

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Club: Baked - Boston Cream Pie (Cup)cakes

It's time for our next installment of Club: Baked!  This time Brooke from Brooke's Bountiful Kitchen has selected Baked's Boston Cream Pie Cake.  And like the last Club: Baked round, I decided to turn the cake into cupcakes.

My previous experience with Boston Cream Pies was only of the frozen variety.  Did anyone else ever have the frozen (I believe Sara Lee) Boston Cream Pies that your Mom would set out at dinnertime so that it was thawed out in time for dessert?  Since that's the only time I've ever tried this, I wasn't sure what to expect.....well the Baked boys definitely kicked this dessert up a notch (or two).

Take a vanilla sponge cake, throw in a layer of vanilla pastry cream, and one of chocolate pastry cream.....then top off with a rich chocolate ganache......oh man!  You've got trouble!

When I first thought about doing this recipe as cupcakes, I thought "no biggie!  I'll just fill the cupcakes with pastry cream and cover with the ganache."  Well, on reading the recipe again, I realized that there was both vanilla and chocolate pastry creams alternating between the 4 layers of the cake.  Alrighty.....slight change of plan.......I still did a cupcake.....but after baking, I removed the cupcakes from their liners, sliced the cupcakes into 3 layers, and did a layer of vanilla pastry cream, and then a layer of chocolate pastry cream.  The cupcake stacks then found a home in a new cupcake liner, and then the chocolate ganache was then poured over the top of the cupcake.  This was a little more involved than just filling and frosting a cupcake, but I was bound and determined to make these turning back!

These cupcakes were a hit both at our house with my dear friend (as official taste tester) Lisa's family.  One of these days I'll actually try making the cake version (and try not to eat it all myself).

Check out Brooke's Bountiful Kitchen for the recipe....and check out Club: Baked to see the other baker's results!  Enjoy!!

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Club: Baked - Sunday Night (Cup)Cake

This round of baking for Club: Baked was selected by Julie at A Little Bit of Everything.  She's chosen the Sunday Night Cake, which is a recipe from Eric Wolitzky (their awesome pastry chef that was on Top Chef: Just Desserts). Please tell me that you watched Top Chef: Just Desserts.......Eric was absolutely lovable, and made some truly yummy looking desserts!  Season 2 will be starting soon.....if you're into reality TV at all, and you love'll love it!!

This time around I decided to make cupcakes instead of the 9-inch cake that the recipe will make.  For me it's just easier to hand the dessert out (if we're not having a get together that day) when it's in cupcake form as opposed to slices of cake.  Since this is a simple one layer cake with frosting, it was a perfect choice to bake in cupcake form.  This recipe made 18 cupcakes.

The cake itself is really lovely.......tangy from the sour cream, with just a hint of spice from the cinnamon.  Top that with a frosting that is essentially a dark chocolate pudding.  Yum!  I threw on some sprinkles, because honestly, who doesn't like sprinkles?  And my two little guys are like moths to a flame when it comes to sprinkles.....they've been known to just ask for a bowl of sprinkles (have I already brought that up?).

Give this recipe a try when you want to have some delicious, but not fancy schmancy.

Check out A Little Bit of Everything for the recipe, and check out Club: Baked for the other bakers' results.....Enjoy!!

Oh, and P.S......I know I've mentioned my serious love of all things Baked.....but I thought I'd share this seriously dorky picture of myself from our recent trip to Charleston.  The Baked guys have a bakery in Charleston, their only bakery outside of the original in Brooklyn.  As soon as we made plans to go to Charleston, that was one of my top must-do's on our agenda when we got to the city.  It was delicious (cannot wait to try making the Grasshopper Bars)!!  I know I looked so silly being so excited for being there, but my awesome hubby totally indulged me and took a pic of me with all my yummies!  Can't wait to make it to NYC and hit up the original!

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Club Baked: Minty Goodness!

This round of baking from Club Baked features a recipe I was really looking forward to trying, Chocolate Mint Thumbprint Cookies.  These little beauties are chocolate mint cookies filled with a white chocolate mint ganache......yum!!

The deep dark chocolate-y cookies actually have some melted Andes chocolates in the batter to give them a delicious (and not over-powering) minty taste!  These cookies actually have a minty flavor that reminds me of Girl Scout Thin Mints....which is a great thing!

After you get the dough together, you're going to need to refrigerate it so that it firms up a bit.  When you get the dough out of the refrigerator to get ready to bake, the dough has the consistency of chocolate truffles......I was very curious how it would bake up, because it was very unlike any cookie dough I had used before.  After rolling it in some sanding sugar and baking (watching very closely and taking them out at the first sign of cracking), I had my answer.....they are fantastic!  Even before adding the white chocolate mint ganache filling they were delicious.......amazingly tender and a lovely chocolate-mint combination.

Because I was so fond of the cookies before I even put together the filling......I cut back a little on the peppermint extract that gets added to the white chocolate ganache.  The recipe calls for 1/2 teaspoon......I think I ended up using about 1/4 teaspoon, so that you could taste the mint, but it was not crazy overpowering.  I loved how it came out!

Check out Random Acts of Food for the recipe.....and check out Club Baked for all of the other bakers' results....and Enjoy!!

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Monday, Mmmmm......Dessert
These Chicks Cooked
Cast Party Wednesday
Full Plate Thursday
Turning the Table Thursday
Sweet Treats Thursday
Show Off Your Stuff
Fresh Food Friday
Fat Camp Friday
Friday Food
Sweet Tooth Friday
Sweets for a Saturday
Sweet Indulgences Sunday

Friday, July 15, 2011

Club: Baked - It's Donut Time!!

I've already professed my loved for the boys of Baked (and all of the goodies that they make) it only made sense to join up with other bakers who share my love of all things Baked, and bake their way through the latest cookbook, Baked Explorations.  So, I am now a member of Club: Baked.

I missed the very first round of baking, but I got my act together in time to whip up a batch of Farm Stand Buttermilk Donuts.  For the recipe, please go to The Ginger Snap Girl, who was hosting this challenge for us.

I could only get myself to make 1/2 a batch of them, so that the hubby and I didn't eat them all.....and that was plenty for us!  Had I made the whole recipe, I would have ended up with about a dozen donuts and donut holes......and would have had to eat them all!!  The dough was pretty easy to throw together, although as stated in the recipe, the dough is sticky!  You'll definitely want a little dusting of flour everywhere, or you, the board, and your cutters will be completely stuck to this dough!  

I don't really ever do any frying at home, so that was kind of a new experience for me.  It actually wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, apart of a small spatter burn I got on my hand (my bad!!).  Looking at the comments some other bakers had posted, I tried to keep the oil temperature closer to 350 so that the outsides didn't brown so fast as to not give the inside a chance to cook completely.

I decided to make only two of the three toppings listed......the cinnamon sugar, and the vanilla glaze, with sprinkles.  Both of the toppings were quite easy to throw together, and how cute are the donuts with them!

Check out The Ginger Snap Girl for the recipe, and go to Club: Baked to check out the others bakers' results!

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