Friday, August 29, 2008

Last Days of Summer

Antioch Water Slides

Sammie Lou kept FREAKING out all the other parents and lifeguards, because she didn't have her life jacket on. She loves to "swim like a turtle" face down and arms flailing! She also didn't appreciate any help from other adults in getting out of the pool. If someone succeeded in helping her out she would give them a dirty look and then jump back in. Only to get out by herself immediately after - DRAMA!

At the ED's

Slide of DEATH! Guess who LOVES it?

We had some great times swimming at the Blatters. Only a few photos to show it, but plenty of memories.

Jumping boys.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


We had a GREAT weekend trip to celebrate our 10 year mark. And who better to spend it with then our friends from FOREVER - John and Annie. We got married 7 days apart back in 98!

John talked us all into going to a GIANT game (he had free seats!). Hey, anythings fun when spent together - right?

Cute couples

After our dinner in the city, the Blatters and us split ways and we headed to Napa.

Our first date was to a concert in Clear Lake, so we decided to do it again.

In 97 it was Styx's, this year it was Keith Urban and we got GREAT seats.

Yes it was awesome!!

Princess Blocks

So both my boys have LOVED blocks. They spend hours building forts, car race tracks, train cities etc. . . The masterpieces don't usual last long they end in an "earthquake" or a dinosaur attack or some other sort of major catastrophe causing them all to tumble (very loudly) to rubble.

NOT SO with girls! Sammie Lou has found that when the boys are gone she is able to play in their rooms untroubled by their ever watchful eyes. She also loves the blocks, plays totally differently. She love to build "princess castles." I helped her with one the other day and couldn't stop taking photos it was so cute. Girls are SOOOO different.

It took a lot of concentration, but she was so proud of herself when she got them all on their turrets.

After much work she got them all turned the right way.

Ariel, her favorite princess, needed some extra attention.

And then a kiss for each one and her princess castle was complete.

Monday, August 25, 2008

2nd Grade!

Cole finished his first day of 2nd grade and he says he's ready for more.

Photo if front of tree (bad lighting). The first time stepping on school grounds as a 2nd Grader!

His new teacher.  Cole said she was his "favorite sub EVER!"

Sammie Lou really hoping that she will get dropped off at school too. Or at least get to ride her motorcycle and not be strapped in the stroller (sorry baby, no such luck).

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sl2's first playdate

One of Sammie Lou's favorite people is Kelly Hales (Kewee). Kelly was brave enough to invite her over to play! She wasn't watching her for me she actually just wanted her to come over and hang out. They played at the park,

had lunch, jumped on the tramp with Ryan and played with Rocky. Sl2 never wanted to come home.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Drew's 5th Birthday

So being the loser parents that we are, we took 1 photo on Drew's birthday. This is it, his breakfast waffle! Although, we did have a great day. We went to Raging Waters (Drew & Brad's request) and then had dinner at Liz & Scott's house. Which I also did not get any photos of. It was beautiful and Liz and Scott have done a great job decorating it. Luckily, Liz did take a few photos of the day. Here he is with his cake. I forgot to bring all the cake stuff, so in my haste to buy it all again before we went to dinner I grabbed a #6 candle instead of a 5. Drew thought it was pretty cool and was happy to be 2 years older. Brad on the other hand was dumbfounded by how I could make that mistake. I don't know how I did it either.

We opened presents with Grandma and Grandpa on Monday night. Drew was thrilled to extend his "birthday weekend"

Now I'm going to over compensate with some photos from the past. Are you ready? I have a lot, I had a ton more I wanted to use.

His 1st birthday.

Destin, FL. We called him our little snicker doodle with his white doughy skin all covered in that powder fine sand.

He started walking down there because crawling in the sand bothered him.
(Yes, that's me in the back :) - I wish.

My little pirate

Getting a drink after a long bike ride.

First time on ski's

My Drewbie is 5! He is such a fun person to have in our family, we love him so much. He is a spirited, sweet, smart boy, life wouldn't be the same with out him. You are the cutest 5 yr old Drew I've ever known. Here's to another GREAT year buddy.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oakland Temple

"I love to see the temple. . . to feel the Holy Spirit to listen and to pray. For the Temple is a Holy place, a place of love and beauty. . ."

We recently had a great primary trip to the temple. We took a tour of the Visitor Center, watched a pioneer movie and had delicious cookies Shannon made. Fun and learning were enjoyed by all.

The primary children that were in attendance. If you look closely you will see their presidency in the upper right (Carrie, Stacey, Mandy & Shelley). Those ladies are AMAZING. I love you so much and thank you for all you do for our children. It really means a lot to them and us.

The Cruiser (Crew Carver) enjoying the cookies.

Venea, Addi, Avery, Lindsay & Steven (steve - O)

My buddy Ben stepping in front of my camera.

With Ben in the background.

Cole telling Drew something very important?

Kelly and her boys.

Cole took this photo of us. Good job buddy.

Drew was very intrigued with the front doors to the Temple.