Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mountain Bike Riding

Daddy, brought Cole home a new (used) mountain bike. They were both so excited, Brad couldn't even wait until Cole's birthday to give it to him. As soon as he showed Cole the bike they headed up to Mt. Diablo. Cole was instantly a pro. Drew hung right there with him on his BMX bike, Sl2 and Wes followed behind with Papa at a pace good for them. It looks like it will soon be a regular family affair:)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trunk or Treat

The Annual Halloween Trunk or Treat party was a success (as usual). It was complete chaos trying to get there, 3 soccer games, meeting with architect, make a pot of chili (Stag brand in a crock pot), decorate the trunk (grandma and the boys ended up doing it). Cole not bringing hsi costume - so he was still wearing MY costume when I got there. Had to rip it off him so I could dress up:) Brad being no where to be found when we were trying to take pictures - well you get the gist. Insane but fun:) Photos will say it all.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Boat Day

The weather was great and the swim meet ended early so off we went to pick up the boat for the first outing of the season! The kids all tubed, Cole got crazy and stood up. Wes loved driving the boat - we couldn't get a smile out of him all afternoon but I'm sure he loved it:) Check out the photo of just him sitting on the boat - see that thing he does with his toe? He inherited it from the Roarks (Martha's family) he's done it since he was an infant, Brad and Martha constantly do it to. It's so cute, I didn't even mean to capture it on film - it just happened. AWESOME!!

yes, he is wearing a pink swim diaper! He's tough enough - don't mess with Wes:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Trash Day

It's a love- hate relationship surrounding Garbage day at our house. The kids groan and complain because they have to empty all the inside garbage and then haul the big trash cans out to the street. BUT early the next morning - the TRUCKS come!! All of them have been obsessed with the garbage trucks. When Drew was two I used to wake up at 6:30 am. to the front door being thrown open and him running full sped towards them. Today, I was walking down the hall and spotted these two - thankfully watching from inside. I don't know where Wes picked up the helmet? I ran to get my camera because it was so cute - then - the truck waved to them!!

Can you see, the garbage man backed up so he was right in front of the kids window and then made the big handle open and shut several time, like it was waving - it was so cute!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

In the Street

Monday morning, no school, dad is at home and it's FINALLY stopped raining:) Wes starts pounding on the front door yelling "Bike! Bike! Bike!" This kid was meant for the outdoors!

He can't pedal yet, put he sure can push it around, down the drive way, over the bridge, up the ramp - you name it - he can do it. Check out his 4 wheel drive skills, around and even up the tree!

Next Wes moves onto the "car ride". Now this is a lot less work for the little guy but also much FASTER and a little frightening - but he LOVES it. His ride is powered by big brother Cole and starts at the top of the hill. Notice all 4 wheels are off the ground.

Brad - not having witnessed this before had to grab a video of it.

SL on her bike is a mad women too!

Next Cole on his scooter catches some air.

Drewbie flying down the hill in a seated position:)

Cole & Sammie Lou bust out on the skate board.

Sl2 loves it, but she still gets a little nervous too. See her cute facial expression.

hang on tight!

Taking a moment to practice some Yoga. Sl2 adjusts Wes's downward dog into the correct position!

Thank goodness for helmets, sunny days, crazy kids, and film to capture it all!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Stair Steps, Minus the Mohawks

Lets just say this photo was a lot harder to capture than it looks!

Sunday, November 28, 2010