Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Last Day of School

Party, party, PAR-TAY!!! School is out, time for the pool, friends, cousins and FUN! After the parties at Greenbrook were done, we took a quick photo at the kids tile wall (they all painted one), crossed one last time with the help of awesome Ms. Georgia and then summer begins! Wahoo!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Preshool Starts Today!

It was his LAST first day of preschool. He'd rather stay home.

It was her FIRST, first day of preschool. She couldn't wait.

Either way they were both very cute!

I didn't know weather to jump for joy or cry! I can't believe how fast they are growing. Sammie Lou had to bring her princess bag with her epi-pen in it. I was terrified of the whole nut thing, she was very excited. She promised me she wouldn't eat anything with nuts in it. Nothing like a promise from a 2 year old :)

These are their AMAZING teachers, who I love. It's not the best shot but it was the only one I had.

So when the kids got home I asked all the usual questions. Sammie Lou said she didn't want to go back tomorrow but Tuesday would be ok. (whew!). Drew said it was fine but he'd still rather stay home. Although when I said he could stay home he started back peddling and saying he need to go to see whats happening there. I personally think he's full of it when he says he doesn't like it.

I asked Sammie what they had for snack. "Hot dogs!" she said. I'm sure they didn't, I think she just knows that she can eat those and they don't have nuts in them - stinker.

Me: Drew, how was Sammie? Did she get a reward at the end of class?
Drew: Yes, but she was still bad. Shazi said she only got it because she was littler than all of us." The class does consist of almost all Pre-K boys and then little Sammie Lou (just how she likes it:)
Me: Did she fight with anyone?
Drew: No

Kelly picked up the kids to take them home. She said she walked into school and all the boys were sitting in a circle listing quietly to the teacher while Sammie was wandering around still playing with all the toys! Hopefully she'll get it a little better in a few weeks!

Monday, August 25, 2008

2nd Grade!

Cole finished his first day of 2nd grade and he says he's ready for more.

Photo if front of tree (bad lighting). The first time stepping on school grounds as a 2nd Grader!

His new teacher.  Cole said she was his "favorite sub EVER!"

Sammie Lou really hoping that she will get dropped off at school too. Or at least get to ride her motorcycle and not be strapped in the stroller (sorry baby, no such luck).