Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sunday Talks

Drew gave a talk and Cole gave the scripture and prayer in Church a few weeks ago. The primary theme for the month was I will follow the prophet. Cole's scripture was.

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets”(Amos 3:7).

Drew's talk (almost all his ideas):

I will follow the prophet. Our prophet is Thomas S. Monson (show picture). Jesus tells the prophet things we need to know, so we should always follow the prophet. We can follow President Monson by
-Being nice
-Helping people
-Saying our prayers
-Reading our scriptures
-Having family night
-Loving our Families - play nice with our brother and sister
My family and I follow the Prophet. Amen.

They both did a great job.


will said...

Nice work little dudes.

Britt said...

I love primary. Wish us luck for tomorrow. We are writing a talk as we speak.