Thursday, May 15, 2008

Our Little Demon

We were in the car with the boys listening to "My little demon" by Fleetwood Mac (the kids favorite song of the moment). Drew asks "mom, what's a demon?" I tried to explain it in the context the song uses it, so I was rambling on about something that is bad and still haunts you. It makes you nervous. It's something that always comes back to you. Brad broke in and simply said "Like a ghost." Drew replies "so it's scary" Us: "yea, kind of."

After we listened to the song one more time (really loud - with lots of air guitar action) Cole says. "We all have the same demon." Us: "really? What's that?"

"Sammie Lou!"

Oh, poor baby! To have such a label so young! Good thing she's cute.


Anna said...

She is the cutest demon around.

The Damron Doc said...

Oh poor Lou, Lou! She gets such a bad rap! We love you though....Yeah the taoughest ones are the cutest!

Mandy said...

Hi Rach - it's Mandy from the ward! I linked you through Melissa F. You are such a cute family - such a cute blog. And Sammie is no little demon:)

Karen S said...

That is hilarious- such a funny connection that he would make. Love the new picture on your header. Kelli did a great job.

Kristin said...

Oh my gosh, that is the funniest story!

Britt said...

you couldn't write a funnier scenario. I love it. Kiera says...sammie pull my hair.