Sunday, May 4, 2008

Boys, Bikes, Baja. . .

Before the big job change, Brad, Dixon, John and some other friends took a motorcycle trip to Baja, Mexico. They rode about half of the Baja 1000 race course on their bikes and reported to love every minute of it. The photos say it all! Brad will have to add more captions. He told me what everything was - but somehow my photographic memory is failing me right now!

Getting ready with lots of help from the boys.

Brad and John somewhere in the desert

Brad taking in the scenery on the first day of riding near the west coast of Baja...

Taking a quick break...
Top: John Blatter, Kevin Nord, Dixon Taylor
Bottom: Greg Call, Brad Edgren, Barry Neal

Dixon cruising around San Felipe after a shorter day's ride from Mike's Sky Ranch (130 miles). The longer days were 165 and 205 miles.

This is at Mike's Sky Ranch (famous stop along The Baja 1000 race course). It's out in the middle of nowhere and operates on power from a generator. Lights out at 10:00pm. This is a picture of the bikes lined up by the pool inside the courtyard of the hotel...

Brad playing in a dried lake bed - it's actually below sea level.

This guy's hut/home was in the middle of the lake bed. Can't see anything but desert for miles. He could have charged $20 per Gatorade, but I think it was only $3. Great deal for the location...

The boys did so much riding that they had to invent some blister protection. Yes, that is duct tape.

Barry, Brad and John at lunch in a little Mexican town...

I heard Barry was a "mad-man" out there!

John and the WR450

Rest time in the desert.

Coast to Coast of Baja on motorcycles. . . does it get better for these guys? I'm thinking this may be just the first of many of these trips.

P.S. Can you tell the writers guild is off strike? I'm a little late on all of my posts!


Mandi said...

Okay, that must have been a dream trip! I don't want ben to see or else he and seth will start getting ideas!! I love the dude in the desert! Classic. Also, I wonder how one takes a picture while riding a motorcycle. Can that possibly make it even more dangerous...hmmmmmm?

Britt said...

I was thinking the same thing as did Brad get that sweet shot of John in motion. Impressive. Looks like a lot of fun for the boys. Me? I'll pass. I need a girls trip.

Rach said...

Umm. . . I'm sure it's illegal (not in Mexico) but he actually got a lot of video as well as photos while he was riding. I know I already told him he was an idiot for it and it's not worth it. Although to him I think it sounded more like blah, blah, blah. Thanks to both of you for your concern.

love ya

AnnieB said...

Okay, you're pictures are so much better! I just stole a bunch and put them in our baja file. One of these days I'll update John's Baja post since him and the scantily clad poster lady should probably go anyway!!
I'm glad John and Brad have eachother! Two peas in a pod!
Girl's trip??

AnnieB said...
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