Saturday, May 31, 2008

"My Nest is Best"

This is how we found Drew sleeping when we went to check him in the other night. You can see the corner of his bed in the upper right side of the photo.

The sitter put him to bed, and he obviously conned her into letting him collect pillows from all over the house. Ever since Drew was little his bedtime ritual always ends with a very labor intesive aranging of all his "gear" before he can sleep peacfully. He calls it his "nest" Here are a few more classic shots.

He slipped out of his nest! I think it got a little hot, it was in the middle of summer.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Jills House! FINALLY!!"

Memorial day weekend was cold and rainy - but that didn't stop us! We went up to our friends lake house, or as Drew calls it "Jill's House" I have never been up there when it was so cold. And to make it worse we only brought beach clothing so we were FREEZING the whole weekend. As you can see from the photos it didn't bother the kids much!

The kids and dad had a nice smooth warm up ride. Nobody wanted to get wet, because it was so cold.

Then the college kids took Cole for a ride. Nikky & cousin Breanna

Which was a lot of fun

until. . .

Cole fell out!

He still loved every minute of it and got back in for more.

The Staceys and Suttons also came up for some frosty fun! The kids played for hours outside and in the water, while the adults all sat on the dock bundled up, under the umbrellas so the rain wouldn't get us!

Cole's scary jumping face!

SL2 goes down!

We had a few short tube rides for those who were brave enough.

Tube surfing.

Warming up on the boat after! Trying to find a place away from the wind. Drew and Haily quickly became inseparable.

We took a break from the cold outdoors and went to the cold caves at moaning caverns. It was amazing. They had it all lit up inside so we could see the crazy rock formations.

At moaning caverns there was a HUGE zip line that a few of us did. - very fun. It was a little more regulated then the ones in Mexico - they even made us wear helmets. Not sure they would help protect anything if you actually fell from several hundred feet up!

Back on the boat and freezing again.

I saw a patch of sun and decided it was now or never for wakeboarding. Unfortunately, by time I got out there it was cold and rainy again. It took me all day to get warm again!

Fishing? More like dropping nets in the water so they could watch daddy run and to get it out before it sinks!

Cute kids!

All in all it was a great weekend. We missed all of you at Big Sur - we're going there next year!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is it summer yet?

I'm beginning to realize (I know I'm slow) that I would not have a blog or reason to post with out my very talented friends. Not only is Britt amazing enough to take great photos of my kids she made me my OWN scrap book page, and sent me some other pictures. That's great talent and and incredible friend. I love you! Thank you AGAIN.

Cole's wet curls.

This is how Sammie Lou keeps the water out of her mouth.

We swam so much this weekend that my kids were very suprized that they had school on Tues. "but mom, I thought it WAS summer!" I can't wait for summer either!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kelli Saunders Photos

O.K. - I know this is obnioxios, but I LOVED every one and couldn't leave ANY out. Also our new photo at the header is from Kelli.

Kelli (the photographer) was asking him what he does when mommy and daddy kiss!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Our Little Demon

We were in the car with the boys listening to "My little demon" by Fleetwood Mac (the kids favorite song of the moment). Drew asks "mom, what's a demon?" I tried to explain it in the context the song uses it, so I was rambling on about something that is bad and still haunts you. It makes you nervous. It's something that always comes back to you. Brad broke in and simply said "Like a ghost." Drew replies "so it's scary" Us: "yea, kind of."

After we listened to the song one more time (really loud - with lots of air guitar action) Cole says. "We all have the same demon." Us: "really? What's that?"

"Sammie Lou!"

Oh, poor baby! To have such a label so young! Good thing she's cute.