I have a few projects in process at the moment and work on whatever strikes my fancy when I have a bit of sewing time. I took a scrappy appliqué class with Shannon Brinkley a couple of weeks ago and am in the process of quilting my wallhanging. Here is a sneak peak. I will do a more detailed post about the class and the quilt when it is done. I'm using orange thread for the quilting.
I'm also working on an I Spy baby quilt...the top is pieced and it is waiting to be quilted. I will do the quilting on my DSM. My main machine is in getting serviced at the moment. I hope to have it back next week. It has a bigger throat and is easier to use for quilting than my older portable Janome. I used Bonnie Hunter's Bricks and Stepping Stones pattern for this quilt.
I have managed to get some more stitches into my Fountain Glass Window (Frank Lloyd Wright) counted cross stitch project as well. One night this week, my daughter and I stitched together over FaceTime. I will try to get an up to date picture of her London Cityscape to add to this post later.
Here's my picture...
I will be linking up with Kathy and her gang of Slow Sunday Stitchers on Sunday.