Showing posts with label place mat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label place mat. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Placemats for Meals on Wheels

At the October meeting of the London Friendship Quilters' Guild, we were each asked to make two placemats for folks who receive meals on wheels each day. They will be given out in Christmas goodie bags with the meals that are delivered on December 25th. We have done this for the last few years and the staff at Meals on Wheels tells us that the recipients are delighted to receive them. Tonight, I made two placemats with the leftover HST's from the Christmas gift quilt I showed in my last post. (I am still not done hand sewing the binding on that quilt!)

The colours in this photo are not true to what the placemats really look like... 

Christine will be here tomorrow night for our weekly sewing night. I will be back to finishing off some Christmas projects...

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Season of Giving

Last night was the December meeting of the London Friendship Quilters' Guild. At a previous meeting, we were all asked to make two placemats for the Meals on Wheels program in London. Meals on Wheels delivers meals to shut-ins. On Christmas Day, they deliver Christmas dinner as well as gift bags to each of their clients. For the last couple of years, the members of the guild have made placemats for the gift bags. A representative from Meals on Wheels was at our meeting last night to receive the placemats. She told us how appreciative the clients are to receive the gift bags with our placemats and other goodies in them. Here are the two placemats that I made:
I also did the binding on these candle mats and delivered them yesterday to their recipients. 

I worked on another gift yet but can't show you a picture yet...

Today, I am wrapping gifts and cleaning up the house. We are having special guests this weekend! My twin nieces are coming for a bit of aunt and uncle time. We have lots of fun activities planned. It should be a very busy weekend!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An Evening of Sewing

I spent the whole evening at the sewing machine last night. I made progress on a number of projects but only completed a few smaller items. Our quilt guild has challenged each member (there are over 100 of us!) to make two placemats to be given to clients of "Meals on Wheels"--a service that provides hot meals to mostly seniors who may not be able to get out to shop or cook for themselves. I finished my placemats and also made a post card for our post card exchange at the guild meeting on Thursday night. You might notice a theme going on with some of my projects... (Just look back a couple of posts...) I have more gifts underway but no pictures to show yet. Keep checking back... there may be more pictures tomorrow night if I get something done and I'm not too tired to do a post!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fiddlesticks is done...

I started piecing this quilt in the Fall of 2007 with the goal of finishing the top before Thanksgiving weekend. I did not have it done by Thanksgiving and it got put away for several months, almost a year actually. I took it out a couple of weeks ago and decided to finish it in time for the Quilt show in October. This is a jelly roll quilt. Now, I just have to get it machine quilted and put the binding and hanging sleeve on before the quilt show. I still have one more quilt to complete before the quilt show. I will be very busy for the next little while...

Here is a picture of my second placemat for the Elgin Piecemakers donation to Meals on Wheels.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fabric Postcards, etc.

Our Guild had its first meeting of the new season this past Thursday night. We have a postcard exchange at each meeting. I made two postcards on Wednesday night for the September exchange. I should be getting two postcards in the mail later this coming week. Here are the ones I made.

I also put the binding on the two Fall table runners that I made last week. My SIL saw them last week and loved hers!
I put mine on a table in my family room.

Tonight, I made a second placemat to donate to the Meals On Wheels program through the Elgin Piecemakers' Guild. Our first meeting is in a couple of weeks. I still have to bind the first placemat I made. I will do that tomorrow afternoon. Here is my homespun placemat, made without a pattern. I just like birdhouses!:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fall Table Runners

Back in July, I gave my SIL a gift certificate for a Fall table runner for her birthday. I was on a short family vacation in Ohio this past weekend and went to a fabric store in Olmstead Falls where I purchased a Moda jelly roll of Fall fabrics called "Pumpkins Gone Wild" among other things. I used this jelly roll to piece two table runners (one for my SIL and one for me) and a place mat (to be donated to Meals on Wheels through the Elgin Piecemakers Guild) . Tonight, I machine quilted all three items. I have a plan on what to use for binding for all three, but this will have to wait until later to be completed. For now, here are pictures of the table runners and placemat to this stage.