Showing posts with label snowman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowman. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2011

An Easter Snow Bunny

Yesterday it snowed here, which isn't really that unusual for the end of March.  The minute it began snowing Cassie started singing, "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells", and that really put a smile on my face.  I'm so thankful for my daughter's positive attitude, when most people are grumbling because of this Spring snow. Today we decided to continue being positive and play out in the snow and create this wonderful Easter Snow Bunny! Cassie helped to build the Snow Bunny and we brought out our leftover "snow paint" from when we last did Snow Painting in February. Cassie was so proud of this  Snow Bunny!

Adding some color to the bunny's face that Cassie
made with snow.
Adding color all over!
Using the "pouring" method to add color!
Finished Easter Snow Bunny!

I'm so happy to have this positive girl!
I think we brought a lot of smiles to our neighborhood today!
Hoping to bring a smile to you too!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bringing Color To The Snow!

Do you want to bring some color to this Winter?  My daughter and I did this activity yesterday and last year and enjoyed it a lot!  I look back at last years pictures and she is so Big! You'll need some spray bottles, water, food color, and water!

Bringing some Love to Winter!

You need about 5-6 drops of food color per 1 1/2 
cups of water!

Spray, Spray, Spray away!!!
Here is Cassie at age 3!
Have Fun!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Too Cold For A Snowman!

The temperatures have been way too cold for building snowmen so my daughter and I created this snow face on a tree trunk.   You kind of have to pack the snow into the tree trunk and it stays!! As long as the temperatures stay frigid this face will not disappear! We look forward to warmer temperatures when we can build a snowman in a few days!
Smiling face and Cassie