Showing posts with label flags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flags. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Patriotic Folded Flags

This is a simple folded paper flag which always entertained my Elementary art students every time! Cassie has enjoyed making these flags too. We decided to make some for the upcoming Patriotic Holidays over the summer! You will be amazed how simple these flags are to make! 
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First begin with a rectangular paper like 12x18 or 9x12 size.

Fold the paper in half short side to short side.

Fold the folded piece again, short side to short side.

Then open up the paper so you have four sections.  I marked one section with a black pen.

Cut that marked section out.

Next, roll up the end of the paper that is pictured below. (this will become the flag pole)

Roll it all the way to the cut out piece and use tape or glue to hold the flag pole in place.  Once it is taped it is ready to be painted or colored with markers or crayons.

Cassie used red and blue paint to design her flag.

She even designed the flag pole too.  C wanted to paint the other side but needed to let it dry. 

Lastly, we added metallic stickers.  I think they turned out GREAT!

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Patriotic Paint Chip Flags

If you've been following me a while you know how much I love paint chip (paint sample) projects. (other paint chip ideas listed at the end of this post) Here is my latest paint chip project.... just in time for all the summer holidays.  All you need are some paint chips in red and blue shades, scissors, and glue.

Here are all 4 versions of my Interpretations of the USA flag.  I think I was inspired by artist Jasper Johns.




I did these as part of Tinkerlab's DPS Challenge.  You check out the challenge here if you want to join.

I'm sure these had to be some of my inspiration:

Three Flags by Jasper Johns

Two Flags by Jasper Johns
Have fun creating with paint chips!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Patriotic Folded Flag

This is a simple folded paper flag which always entertained my Elementary art students every time! Cassie has enjoyed making these flags too. We decided to make some for the upcoming Patriotic Holidays over the summer! You will be amazed how simple these flags are to make! 

First begin with a rectangular paper like 12x18 or 9x12 size.

Fold the paper in half short side to short side.

Fold the folded piece again, short side to short side.

Then open up the paper so you have four sections.  I marked one section with a black pen.

Cut that marked section out.

Next, roll up the end of the paper that is pictured below. (this will become the flag pole)

Roll it all the way to the cut out piece and use tape or glue to hold the flag pole in place.  Once it is taped it is ready to be painted or colored with markers or crayons.

Cassie used red and blue paint to design her flag.

She even designed the flag pole too.  C wanted to paint the other side but needed to let it dry. 

Lastly, we added metallic stickers.  I think they turned out GREAT!

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