Showing posts with label Magna-Tiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magna-Tiles. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

Magna-Tiles and Glow Sticks

I've raved about Magna-tile building toys before and here I go again.  We've done so many things with them I cannot recommend them enough. This time we built with Magna-Tiles and glow sticks.  The clear building set make the combination with glow sticks perfect. The clear set are much cooler as compared to the opaque kind.

Here are some of our Magna-Tile and Glow Stick structures. 

Tall House

Triangle House

Pin It

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Legos and Magna Tiles: Small World Play

Magna Tiles continue to be the #1 Building toy in our household.  If you've been following me you would know how much we enjoy these fabulous toys!  Check out my previous posts about Magna Tiles: Magnificent Magna-Tiles  and Marbles and Magna Tiles.  Again,  they are quite pricey, but worth every penny! You will not regret buying these.  The coolest thing is that they are magnetic blocks and they create awesome geometric structures.  They encourage loads of creativity too!  My daughter received these Tiles when she was a 3 year old and she is 6 now and has been playing with them the past week almost every day.  One way she loves playing with them is in combination with her Legos.  She builds structures with Magna Tiles and uses her Legos for the small world play.  Check out some of the pictures.

Lego people relaxing in the Magna-Tile structures.

Vehicles and towers.

A lot going on in each successive room. Flowers, beds, and a horse. 

Such serious play going on.....I LOVE this!

Here is my daughter at age 3 and her Magna Tile tower!

Do your children combine toys like this?
 Please share.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Magnificent Magna-Tiles

This post is inspired by the blog Tinkerlab and their post about doing a creative experiment with Legos. Tinkerlab has a great blog if you haven't checked it out!  One of our favorite building toys in our house are Magna -Tiles by Valtech! and they have been our favorite toy since last Christmas.  We discovered Magna-Tiles at my daughter's preschool and it was her absolute favorite toy that she always told us about each day so it became the number one toy for a  Christmas gift.  Magna-Tiles are great because they are an educational toy that encourages Creativity,  Math (Geometry), and Science.  Plus they are just SO COOL and FUN!  They are expensive, but worth every penny since we have played with them so much! Take a look at some of our creations:

Tall, Tall Tower!

Vehicle by Dad!

Flower by me!

My daughter loves to create buildings all by herself!