As we pack up for swim camp this morning I load the boys in the car. The music is on the boys are talking back and forth. I am thinking of a million different things I need to get done today. Until, my sweet Brady says,"Mom, what does this spell G*R*A*C*E*?" I look in the rear view mirror and see him with a silly grin on his face {He knew what is spelled. He just wanted me to say it.} and of course I said, "Grace." He lifts up one hand and said,"Jesus shows you grace" and then slowly brings his hand to his chest and says, "and you show me grace." He went on to give an example of this past weekend where grace was shown to him. {he really understood} Truthfully, I didn't know what to say. At that very moment as I was driving I was so humbled and yet so thankfully that my little six year old is learning something that had taken me 30+ years to learn and I still feel like I have such a long way to go.
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
So on this Monday and throughout this week I am clinging to this verse. Because lately I feel like I am been doing 'life' with my own strength and failing miserable. I am so thankful that His GRACE is sufficient. His grace enables us to make it, no matter what. No matter how big or how small the obstacles we face, no matter how many times we fail. God's incredible grace is there to pick us up and to strengthen us. His grace...
It is never inadequate.
It is never depleted.
It has no expiration date.
This week I challenge you along with myself to makes God's grace a true reality in your life. If your like me it's easy to amen it, read it, agree with it but it's another animal to live it. So, I challenge you to do just that... LIVE it! xoxoxo