Showing posts with label Mason Jars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mason Jars. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

10 Fun Ways to Use Mason Jars

If you haven't already you must get the invite to join Pinterest. Yes, I know it's another way to waste spend endless amounts of time on the computer but it is really a great tool you can use to get fresh new ideas. For example, I have had a few mason jars sitting in my garage. I knew I wanted to use them around the house but wasn't sure where or how. I had a few ideas but once I was on Pinterest.... oh sweet mercy. I knew there was a reason that these little glass jars were never thrown away. They are timeless, versatile, and an inexpensive way to easily create a fun, classic atmosphere. With summer in full swing I thought I would show you via Pinterest some great creative ways to put those mason jars to use! 

Source: via Moriah on Pinterest

Source: via Sarah on

Source: via Bella on Pinterest

Source: via AJB on Pinterest

How fun are these ideas? If you have these adorable jars laying around you must put

them to use. They are way to fabulous not too. So tell me, have you ever used a mason jar 

for decorating?

This post is linked up to Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda.
 Go check out some other fabulous Top Ten lists!

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