Showing posts with label Choosing to Rejoice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choosing to Rejoice. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today, I Choose...

Today, I want to be an encourager
and not need to be encouraged.

Today, I am not going to be a sponge.
Soaking up every negative thought that passes my mind.

Today, I am going to try so very hard not to be critical of my boys and instead soak in their sweetness.

Today, I'd like to take a few minutes to write a
note to a sweet friend.

Today, I'd love to have an endless amount of patience
instead of running out of it before breakfast begins.

Today, I am going to be 'present' in everything I do.

Today, I am going to get into the Word 
instead of saying, "I will do it' and then never doing it.

Today, I am going to be less critical of myself.

Today, I am going to rejoice in others accomplishments
instead of letting jealousy creep in.

Tuesday, I hope your ready, I'm coming for you,
because today I'm choosing to rejoice.  

This post is linked up to Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda

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