We got up at 3 a.m. on Saturday, Harry picked us up at 4. We got to LAX at 5. We landed in SLC at 9 a.m., Utah time. It was overcast and chilly to us - the natives were in shorts and flip flops - they thought the 48 degree temps were warm!! We were bundled up!!
Frances and Dee met us, and we drove to Orem for Virginia's funeral service. It was a lovely service. All four kids spoke. Jack and Thailia sang, Stacy, Susan's daughter, played a Chopin Nocturne on the piano. All the grandchildren and great grandchildren sang "A Child's Prayer," and it was very touching, as most singing by children is. I think Virginia would have been pleased.
Frances and Dee met us, and we drove to Orem for Virginia's funeral service. It was a lovely service. All four kids spoke. Jack and Thailia sang, Stacy, Susan's daughter, played a Chopin Nocturne on the piano. All the grandchildren and great grandchildren sang "A Child's Prayer," and it was very touching, as most singing by children is. I think Virginia would have been pleased.
Steve and Susan at the luncheon after the service. In true Mormon style, we had ham, funeral potatoes, green jello with fruit, rolls and cake!! (And we were glad to have it, since we'd only had juice and peanuts on the flight up!)
Frances with Julie and Stacy, Susan's daughters. Julie is a marathoner too - and one year we ran into her with her parents at Boston.
Bill Taylor came, as did Mary and Genieve. We were able to go over to Mary's for a brief visit also.
It was great to see Jack and Thailia again.
Chuck with his kids Ethan, who is standing, Jean Ann and James.
Dad was pretty tired, but I don't think that's why his eyes are shut!! This shot includes Virginia's 4 kids.
I remembered to have someone take a shot of us - so you'd know we were there. Karen had planned to drive down, but the time got away from all of us. As it turned out though, our 6:06 p.m. flight got delayed and didn't leave until after 8 p.m. We could have met them at Temple Square, taken a tour, and still made our flight!! (There's a shuttle service at the airport that can do just that for you!!)
We did run into our good friends Larry and Ginger - who were on our flight - and knew it was delayed so they didn't arrive until after 7!! But we didn't have a way home, so they graciously took us and Grandma Terrill home. Truly a tender mercy!
It was indeed a "quick trip," but really worth the effort and resultant fatigue. It's too bad we only seem to gather for funerals!