Monday, June 22, 2020

Father's Day!

Father's Day can get complex - with your own dad, your husband's dad, your children as dads - lots of great dads in our lives!

These two photos of me with my dad were found just a few years ago - until that time, I thought there were no baby pics of me with my dad. As it is, I have never found a baby pic of me with my mom!
 For a few years, we thought this was a photo of my dad with Lyn or Joan as a baby - then noticed the pics of Joan in background - at the age she would have been when I was born!

Can't be a dad without a family of kids - a great crew we feel very blessed to have!

A pandemic selfie of us - the years march on, don't they.

And of course, Harry's great dad - who left too soon, but left wonderful memories for us to treasure.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A century of a life!

Today would be my mom's 100th birthday. She used to say that she didn't want to live to 100. In fact, after she turned 90, things started to go awry with her health - and she said maybe she should have stopped at 90!

She lived a good long life. She was happy. She was able to live in her own home. Her children visited. So did her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She did a little traveling. She took a long-dreamed of trip across the Canadian Rockies. 

But it got harder. And her health did take a turn - the Big C reared it's ugly head. She said she didn't want treatment. And so she was home - and asking Donna, "When will I get better?" And Donna said, "You aren't going to get better, Mother. Remember we said we didn't want treatment." 

And from that point on, she ate less and less. She seemed to be shutting down. It did not go on long. She was kept comfortable. 6 of her 12 children were with her when she died. She was able to die at home, in her room, although we'd gotten a hospital bed.

And so today we celebrate the good, long life of Mary Clayton. And we are so grateful we got to be her children! And we are grateful too that she lived past 90!

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Over 15 years ago, we started - or maybe re-started - a Clayton Family reunion. Somehow it kept going - it really never got everyone on board. Paul's family showed up once or twice but only stayed a few minutes. But before his death, Paul came and stayed and visited. Never got Byron's family there - I called and talked to Byron about it every time - he put me off. I talked to his daughter who said she'd get him there, but it didn't happen. Ted's youngest boy Jim came a couple of times. Jane and Peter Gilbert's families were well-represented. Anne and her family were usually on board.

And everyone of Bob's kids showed up more than once! I think? Not sure about David. Will have to check.

Mom was the center of it all - she didn't intend to be or want to be but everyone gravitated to her - and she's not a Clayton by blood, but she knows everyone in the family. And I think everyone wanted someone to represent the essence of what the Clayton family is - and she did that job well

We are still having them every other year. Not sure who is the Mother Figure - just glad everyone comes! And that we've streamlined it so it isn't a whole lot of work and money!

Families grow exponentially - thus family reunions can get unwieldy - but many have moved away and don't make the trek, so it's still pretty manageable.

Glad we're not scheduled for this year - with the pandemic and all - and sure hope it's gone by 2021!!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

"And the beat goes on . . . "

These women are not only former colleagues of mine, they are "The Girls of '45!"

I worked at Clifton for 20 years - and before that I was at Wildrose and was also a sub for 5 years.

I was delighted to work with so many lovely people - people who made my life richer and more enjoyable.

The worst part about retiring is not being able to hang out with the great people you have come to enjoy hanging out with!!

And now that we are hunkering down in stay at home mode, not seeing friends is even harder to bear sometimes. Usually the weeks go by and you see people or something is planned or you have a good reason to go visit. And what you miss is the human contact. You text and you Facetime and you Zoom and you send cards and notes and even briefly visit at 6 feet. But it's just not the same.

That's what I miss. Life goes on - we are going to make it - but it's kinda tough sometimes!

And I do need to get my photos organized better!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hmm - not much to report I guess!

Have not posted on this blog in quite a while - in fact, the last posting was pre-pandemic! In the ensuing weeks, much has happened - the Bolanders had a wedding - and another one is coming right up!

The Terrills have hunkered down and mastered the art of homeschooling! And gotten in a lot of bike rides.

The Fillmores keep making lemonade out of lemons - and amazing us with their creativity!!

The Selanders have had to change a lot of travel plans - we miss "seeing" them but love "seeing" virtually!

The Hamills are really far away - but their daily updates do bring us joy - they too and making the best of it.

The Noah Terrills are smiling and celebrating birthdays it seems like!!

I miss all the gatherings that didn't and won't happen - virtual visits are better than nothing - but really not as good as the real thing. How did people fare when not only were they separated by miles galore - but they only had an occasional letter if they were lucky?

This too shall pass - but probably not soon!

Monday, March 09, 2020

March Madness!

March has indeed been "mad!"

Everything seems to be rushing along, converging in what might be a pandemic - but it's tough to get a straight story. 

Interestingly enough, social media hasn't had as much as I have been expecting. And all the news seems to be various versions of the same story.

But novel coronavirus - called Covid 19 - has struck - first in China, then South Korea, and Japan, and now the entire country of Italy is on lockdown!! The US has many fewer cases, but it does have cases.

I have tickets to fly to Utah at the end of the month for Ara and Ellen's bridal shower - and the CDC is saying that "elderly" people - defined by them as persons over 60 - should not be flying on crowded planes - especially for long flights.

We also are scheduled to fly to Paris on April 10th - and then to fly back on April 24th with Hannah and her children to be there for Ara's wedding - which is May 2nd.

But what if someone on your flight turns out to get sick - and then your entire planeload of passengers is quarantined?

Maybe it will be a pandemic by then and no one can go out and do anything like get married!

It is madness!!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Back to Back Birthdays!

Baby Harry made his appearance on the 28th of November - and his parents and family were living with us at the time while their house was being remodeled.

It was fun to have a baby in the house again!

And I was delighted to find a little outfit that his dad had worn - so we could do the photo thing - but alas, I did not have a photo of his dad in the outfit.

And then Isla was due - and her mom was hoping that the birthdays would not be on the same day.

It's tough enough to have all the birthdays in a 3 months time span - on the same day might be tough!

So Isla arrived on the day after - perfect timing!!

Love both these kiddos - and it's fun to have so much celebrating going on!!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Happy Birthday Donna!

Donna cringes when I post this photo - but I don't think anyone reads this blog anyway!

It captures the era, don't you think?

Happy day to a wonderful sister!

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Happy 103rd to my dad!!

My dad was a good dad - not perfect, but perfect for me!
When Phoebe was born, he said, when told what we were naming her, "I'll call her Betty!" (Which he never did - in fact, you would have thought he'd named her!)

He was great with the babies - had a golden touch! Could calm a fussy, colicky baby in no time!

 His mother died when he was 17 - and he never got over missing her. He was good to his two younger brothers, doing things for them he thought his mom would have done.


He was a machinist - had a machine shop - always just called "TheShop." He supported a family - gave us a pretty good life - and lots of opportunities.

Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad!

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Haapy day to Rhoda!!

I have been privileged to spend stretches of time with Rhoda and it's been great! She is a delightful child - creative and eager to learn. She is also loving and compassionate - it is going to be a blessing to watch her grow and mature!!

She is across the ocean - enjoying a European life for a year - and we are all excited to see her and her family at the holidays.

Have a great year Rhoda!!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Happy day to Calvin!

Oh, I do remember this little guy - who is no longer so little - or so young - in fact, he's 15!

Have a great day - and a wonderful year ahead!!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Playing Catch up!

I am pretty behind! September 28th and 29th found us celebrating Taylor and Ella - among the lovlies in the Terrill family.

Bonny is ending a decade - and looking forward to a new one! Should be exciting. Here comes Bontober!

Deacon was so excited for his birthday - looks like he's always been excited about birthdays!

Once again we paused and remembered out sweet baby Jonah.

Phoebe and Porter - birthday buddies!  Sharing the spotlight with Calvin, whose birthday ends up the month of October for us.

Hopefully I will be a little more on the ball with November!

Saturday, September 07, 2019

Happy Birthday Harry!

 I think this is a middle school photo - Harry was always a happy kid - and seemed to enjoy school most of the time.

And he graduated - from college too - and got a master's degree also.

Lots of good memories of the Centerville years with Bonny and Harry!

Hope it's a happy day Harry - and a great year ahead!!

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Eve and Helen - and Andrew and Dana and Wanda!

Lots of September birthdays - and lots on the same day.

The one thing I truly miss about living in Utah is the fact that when September got going, it did get colder. The leaves changed colors, the days were much shorter, and you could start wearing sweaters!