MOSCOW – Gas produced from the deepwater Zohr field in the Egyptian sector of the Mediterranean Sea totaled 12.2 bcm last year, according to partner Rosneft.
During the second half of the year, output increased almost fourfold compared with H1, when production amounted to 3.1 bcm.
Over the course of 2018, the treatment capacity was increased in stages from 11.3 MMcm/d (400 MMcf/d) to the current 56.6 MMcm/d (2 bcf/d), in line with the development plan and the gas sales agreement.
Rosneft expects gas output to reach the design capacity of 76 MMcm/d (2.7 bcf/d) by the end of 2019.
Zohr holds estimated in-place volumes of 850 bcm. Other partners are Eni, BP, and Mubadala Petroleum.