Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

A little Of This....

Earlier in January I needed to finish off a birthday present...
Two huge Swoon cushions... with pebble quilting...
 I've signed up for this... 100 blocks!!!!! 
they are only 6.5 x 6.5 and 2 a week...
 fingers crossed I keep up heehee
these are some of the fabrics I have chosen 
I will be mixing them up with my stash... of course!
 at the moment I am working on this pattern for my my grandie Judd
he is about to go into a bigger bed
I was hiding inside today... the temp got to 44!!!
I checked the veggie patch out this evening and it is struggling big time,
tomorrow is meant to be 43 so it will be hotter probably!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Little Of This...

A Little Of That...
On our block we have quite a few different trees and bushes, 
mostly native, we didn't plant them the previous owner did.
Some of the flowers are just so pretty,...
When I walk the dogs around the boundary I generally take my phone (just in case these silly leg decide not to play... don't want to be stuck down the back in the dark) I like to take photos of the bushes and trees if the are flowering...
 not quite focused but you can see their loveliness
 the wind doesn't help either
 the school down the road has a market day once a month, its with in walking distance so we mostly go and have a wonder around if we are home... they have all sorts of things there, we like to check the books out and buy local produce...
this time there was a a stall with ''old stuff'' and I came across these little treasures!
 not sure what I will do with them yet...
 plenty of ideas and I see some girls around blogland use them in various projects...
here is my runner as promised all pressed and on the dining table
 Thank you once again Peg...
look at these beauties
aren't they just glorious?
They are from my daughter for looking after her and helping out these past few weeks...
she is a sweetheart and really didn't have to....... but I do like getting flowers!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Craft Fair....

Yep I did I finally made it to a Perth Bloggers Meet...
I even put my "big girls blouse on" and drove in the city... then a deep release of breathe once outta there and home hahaha...
It was soooo nice to put names to faces and meet some new people... thank you to Anthea for organising the meet... 
this is the time I got up
the ladies from this end
 the ladies from this end... and there was a fella there to and he took the photo...
Leonie's hubby it was and he does patchwork..
 be prepared to be ''quilt bombed''!!!
Anzac's was a big part of this years show
 loved these mini's

 there was another display of ANZAC'S but you weren't allowed to take photos of that display...
 that was eerie walking through there but a good eerie...
these next quilt are a few that I liked
 I loved this one for the free motion haunted houses
 this one was huge
 loved the work in this
 admired the needle turn and some piece were so weeny

 this was awesome
 this one was made with embroidered doilies and quite big
must of taken years of collecting them
 loved the work in this one... plus I know the lady

 loved the free motion and use of bling
 this was the winner of the "something blue" challenge... 
I think it was Aussie themed too
 there were so many little pieces of fabric in this 
and all free motioned
just awesome
 hahaha I know this lady Jan-Maree very good likeness has been captured here
 I liked the mix of this one...
there were many more I could have taken...
I was on the look out for a cot quilt pattern
this one I found at Kids Quilts stand... my daughter liked it to
 so it was purchased... plus a couple of others...
and a new cutter... I am finding my fingers are aching a little so I need one that doesn't need holding in... a bit of arthritis I think boo hoo..
A good day...
so good to meet the ladies and wander...

Thursday, January 08, 2015

What Has Been Happening...

Firstly Happy New Year
 Doesn't time fly when you are having fun (busy with family)
What a laugh Christmas morning started out as.....
WHO forgot to get the turkey out of the freezer the night before and remembered about 10am????
yeah that would be the ''chief cook and bottle washer"......
yep it got to be soaking for a few hours in the sink hahaha
 BUT look no dramas... 
everyone was finally fed and full of turkey and pudding
 the veggie patch has been quite prolific this past few weeks
 even grew this beauty
 this was the pick Tuesday morning
 YEP even the human watermelon came out of the "cabbage patch"
That is DD1 who is staying with us at the moment and she is due any time now...
This is my wonderful parcel that was the "something under the tree"
 Love love love this little bag that was in there as well
 truly spoilt I was... thank you Marcia...
 this is my spending spree at Spotlight last week while they has a bit of a sale...
some work ahead for me now...

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Purchases and My First FNWF....

A trip to Spotlight for some backing fabric
yes I did slip some other stuff in my basket...
 backing fabric, blue fabric for binding and cotton for quilting my swoon quilt...
patterns to make some ''lazy pants''
with the fabric D1 got me in Bali a few years ago...
flannel for the ''Little Man''
 but look..... boohoo
 so back to Spotty to show them and get another piece...
and this is my
Pj's for my Little Man