
Showing posts with label Side Dishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Side Dishes. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sambal goreng kentang (Spicy fried potatoes)

I had half package of chicken gizzard left over in the freezer. so I tried to make this sambal goreng kentang instead of wasted. so here is the result, spicy fried potatoes with chicken gizzard, enjoy!


* 500 gr Potatoes, cut into small cubes
* Oil for frying
* 10 chicken gizzard, cut into small pieces
* 1 cm galanggal
* 1 bay leave
* 1 lemongrass

Grind ingredients:
* 5 coves onion
* 2 cloves garlic
* 8 red chillies
* 1/2 teaspoon salt and sugar
* 1 tomato


1. Grind together onion, garlic, chilies, sugar, salt and tomato.
2. Meanwhile, fried the potatoes with oil until brown or until cook through , set aside.
3. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large saucepan, add grind ingredients and cook for 1 minute.
4. Add galangal, bay leave, lemongrass and chicken gizzard, cook for another 1 minutes, add potatoes and cook for further 5 minutes or untill the chicken gizzard cook through.
5. Serve with white rice.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Spicy Stir Fried Green Beans (Sambal Goreng Buncis)


200 gr young green beans, finely sliced
50 gr of chicken gizzard, cut into pieces
2 bay leaves
1 cm galangal, smashed
100 ml thick coconut milk
8 cloves shallots (make it paste)
4 cloves garlic (make it paste)
5 pieces of green chili, finely sliced
2 tblsp cooking oil
salt and sugar to taste
pepper to taste


-Heat oil in a wok. Stir fry shallots and garlic paste and chili over medium heat for approximately 2 minutes. Add galanggal and bay leaves, and then add chicken gizzard, cook for 2 minutes, add the string beans, and stir well for about a minute.
- Then add all the other ingredients and stir well for another 5 minutes, or until the green beans are soft but still crunchy.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cheesy Baked Potato


Potato Medium size
olive oil
cheddar cheese

1.Scrub the potato, and prick several time with the tines of a fork. Place on a plate.
2. Cook on full power in the microwave for 5 minutes. Turn over, and continue to cook for 5 more minutes. When the potato is soft, remove from the microwave, and cut in half lengthwise. Season with salt and pepper, and mash up the inside a little using a fork. Top the open sides with butter and 2 tablespoons of cheese. Return to the microwave, and cook for about 1 minute to melt the cheese.
3. Top with remaining cheese and ready to serve.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Too Lazy to cook, and no idea what to cook. and finally ended up with this simple dish :D yet yummy at least for me *LOL*

What u need: Anchovy and soy bean (fried).
Finely cut Green chille, shallot, garlic, tomato. salt and sugar to tasted, and a lil bit cookin' oil.
hot the oil in the frying pan, add shallot, garlic then green chille. then add tomato. and lastly add anchovy and soy bean. ready to serve.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

minced beef with green pepper curry

500 grams of Minced Lamb or Minced Ground Beef (Keema)
1 Onion (finely chopped)
1 Green Pepper (cut into thin strips)
2 Green Chillies (finely chopped)
1 tsp. of Ginger Root (freshly grated)
2 cloves of Garlic (finely chopped)
1 tin of Tomatoes
1 tsp. of Turmeric Powder
1 ½ tsp. of Ground Cumin
4 tbsp. of curry paste
500 ml of Beef Stock
2 tbsp. of Cooking Oil

In a frying pan, heat some oil. Add onion and fry until they are well soft.

Add in minced lamb or minced beef and fry gently for at least 10 minutes or until brown.

Add in the garlic, chilli and green pepper, and fry for a further 5 minutes. Stir in the ginger, tumeric and cumin and continue frying for another 2 minutes.

Add the curry paste and fry for yet another 2 minutes. Mix in the tinned tomatoes and add the beef stock. Bring to the boil and then simmer without the lid for at least 20 minutes.

Tip: To increase the hot taste, add extra chillies.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Chicken Twister

Perfect for breakfast, lunch or even dinner >_<

500 g skinless chicken breasts
vegetable oil (for deep frying)

4 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon msg

1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups plain flour
3 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons paprika
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon msg (optional)

1 cup lettuce, shredded
1 tomato, diced
cucumbur, diced
salt, pepper
6 tortillas

Slice the chicken breasts into nice size strips (approximately 1/2 inch x 3-4 inches).
Combine the water, salt and MSG for the marinade in a large bowl and place chicken in to set for 20 minutes.
Turn the strips once while they are marinating.
Combine the beaten egg and milk and a bit of pepper in a medium size bowl.
In a small plastic bag combine the remaining ingredients (flour, salt, pepper, paprika, chille and MSG) and shake.
At this time you can start to preheat the oil in a deep-fryer to 220 deg.
When the chicken has been marinating for 20 minutes, transfer each piece to paper towels so that excess liquid can drain off.
Using about ten strips at once, place the chicken in the bag with the flouer and shake the bag until the strips of chicken are coated.
Place them on a plate.
Once they have been coated with the flour mixture dip them in the egg and milk mixture individualy and them back into the bag for another shake.
Be sure to try and get as much coating on each strip.
If you wish you can coat them again if you want a thicker coating.
Drop the strips, 5-6 at a time into the hot oil.
They should only take a couple of minutes depending on how you like your chicken.
Be sure to stir when frying so the strips don't stick together.
Remove the chicken from the oil and allow them to drain on paper towels for a couple of minutes.
Heat the tortilla bread in a frying pan on each side until it is nice and warm but not crispy, then remove from the pan.
Place about 3-4 (depending on size) krispy strips on the tortilla bread.
Then add the tomato and mayonnaise.
Put plenty of pepper and salt on the mayonnaise.
Then add the lettuce.
Roll up and serve.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cap Cay

One of my favorite dish, yummy ^__^

1 dada ayam dipotong tipis
5 butir bakso dibelah 2
1 buah bawang bombay dibelah 4
1/2 can baby carrot
3 siung bawang putih
4 sendok makan saus tomat
4 sendok makan tepung sagu/maizena
tauge dan kacang pie sesuai selera
Garam secukupnya
Lada halus secukupnya
Bumbu penyedap sesuai selera

1. Tumis bawang putih hingga menguning dan berbau harum.
2. Masukkan ayam, aduk rata hingga setengah matang.
3. Tambahkan air segelas.
4. Sesudah mendidih masukkan wortel, bakso dan sayuran lainnya.
5. Aduk terus sambil menambahkan, garam, lada dan bumbu penyedap.
6. Setelah rasanya sesuai selera, masukkan cairan tepung sagu/maizena.
7. Segera angkat dari api.
8. Hidangkan selagi hangat.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Mie/ Kwetiaw Goreng Ebi

Lagi ngefans ama ebi nih hehehe...abis enak sih, jadi semua masakan ditambahi ebi :D
resepnya nyontek dr dapurnya mbak esther, cuma di modif dikit dgn bahan yg ada didapur hehehe...rasanya? muantaffff

1 bungkus kweetiaw kering direbus sebentar lalu setelah lemes langsung ditiriskan dan bilas dengan air dingin hingga kweetiauw dingin. Sisihkan.
2 sdm ebi bubuk (boleh lebih atau kurang tergantung selera)
1 sdm bawang putih
1 buah cabe merah
haluskan semua bahan.
1 dada ayam, potong kotak2 kecil
3 buah telur
200 gr taoge
1 buah bawang bombay
2 batang daun bawang
1 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm saus tirem
1/2 sdm kecap manis
1/2 sdt merica
1 sdm minyak wijen

Buat orak arik dari telurnya, angkat dan tiriskan.
Pakai minyaknya buat menumis ebi yang dihaluskan beserta bumbu, sampai harum lalu masukkan ayamnya, masak hingga matang, masukkan kecap2nya semuanya.
Masukkan kweetiawnya aduk rata, masukkan toge dan telurnya, aduk hingga toge agak layu, kemudian beri daun bawang dan minyak wijen, aduk rata angkat dan sajikan dengan ditaburi bawang goreng jika suka.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Soto Medan

Kepengen makan soto medan, soalnya dah lama bgd gag makan, makanan yg satu ini :D

1 ekor ayam, belah 4
1 lbr daun salam
1 btg serai, geprek
5 lbr daun jeruk
1 cm lengkuas, geprek
250 ml santan kental

Bumbu halus:
8 bawang merah
3 bawang putih
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1/2 sdm ketumbar bubuk
1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk
1 cm jahe
3 btr kemiri, disangrai
Gula pasir, sebagai penyedap

Rendam ayam dgn air jeruk selama bbrp saat, kemudian cuci, tiriskan.
Didihkan 1 ltr air.
Masukkan ayam, 1 sdt garam, daun salam, serai, daun jeruk dan lengkuas.
Masak sampai ayam cukup empuk, kemudian angkat.
Tumis bumbu halus hingga benar2 harum, kemudian masukkan ke dlm kaldu.
Sementara itu goreng ayam, kemudian suwir2.
Masukkan kembali tulang2 ayam kedlm kaldu berbumbu, masak dgn api kecil hingga bumbu menyerap.
Tuang santan kental, masak kembali sampai mendidih dan bumbu benar2 menyerap.
Sajikan dlm keadaan hangat bersama pelengkap.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sambel Goreng Tahu N Labu Siam

Gag tau kenapa kok bisa dibilang sambel goreng, mungkin karna bumbu2nya digoreng/tumis dulu yak, makanya disebut Sambel goreng hehehe...dunno exactly y :D

Tahu/tofu 4 buah dipotong dadu kemudian goreng
1 buah labu siam potong julian
8 buah cabe hijau iris serong
3 buah bawang putih iris2
1 buah onion iris2
1 cm jahe iris tipis
santan secukupnya
salt n sugar for taste
cooking oil secukupnya

Panaskan minyak dlm wajan, masukkan garlic, onion n jahe masak hingga berubah warna, masukkan cabe hijau masak hingga agak layu. kemudian tambahkan labu siam aduk jika perlu tambahkan sedikit air. setelah labu agak sedikit matang masukkan santan gula n garam. masak sehingga mendidih kemudian masukkan tahu, dan masak lagi for another 5 minutes. served with boil rice. hmm...yummy :D

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

- Bihun/Mie Goreng (Fried Vermicelli)-

the easy way to fill up your empty stomach :D

150 gr bihun
3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
2 siung bawang putih, haluskan
2 siung bawang merah, haluskan
1 sdt garam/sesuai selera
1/4 sdt merica bubuk
2 buah telur
2 sdm kecap manis
125 cc air
50 gr cabbage
1 buah wortel potong julian
1 sdm irisan tipis daun bawang
Bumbu penyedap, jika suka

Rendam bihun selama 20 menit. Tiriskan
Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih, bawang merah sampai harum aromanya. Masukkan telur, potongan kol dan wortel, aduk-aduk sampai berubah warna
Masukkan bihun, garam, merica bubuk, kecap manis, dan air, aduk-aduk selama 1 menit. Masukkan bumbu penyedap dan daun bawang. Angkat dan sajikan.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

-White Chicken Kurma-

2 kg. Chicken (cut in pieces)
1 kg. Onion (thinly sliced)
50 grams Green Chillies (Hari Mirch)
A bunch of Fresh Cilantro/Coriander Leaves (Hara Dhania) (chopped)
A bunch of Fresh Mint Leaves (Podina) (chopped)
100 grams Shredded Coconut
½ tsp. Red Chilli Powder (Pisi Lal Mirch)
2 tsp. Garam Masala
1 tsp. Turmeric Powder (Pisi Haldi)
2 tsp. Coriander Powder (Pisa Dhania)
Salt (to taste)
1 tsp. Ginger Paste (Pisi Adrak)
1 tsp. Garlic Paste (Pisa Lehsan)
500 grams Plain Yogurt
1 cup Water
300 grams Cooking Oil


1) Fry the onions in oil until they are golden brown. Marinate the chicken pieces for 10 minutes in 2 tsp. of salt, turmeric powder, garam masala , coriander powder, ginger paste and garlic paste. Add the marinated chicken pieces when the onion is fried.

2) After 10 minutes add the plain yogurt and a cup of water and stir well. Cook for 5 minutes. Then add shredded coconut, red chilli powder, coriander/cilantro leaves and mint leaves. Cover and let it to cook for another 15 minutes or until done.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

MFM # 2 Ayam Suwir Pedas

Ini sebenarnya sih gag ada rencana buat ikutan MFM #2 (Monthly Foodie Multipliers # 2) soalnya lagi sebok hihihi...*sok sebok sih sebenarnya* cuma kemaren kemaren :D kebetulan pas lagi masak ayam suwir pedas ini buat si Tuan Besar, soalnya udah lama juga gag masak ayam suwir pedas ini :D trus keingat deh ama MFM, langsung aja pm ama Mak Nasha yg nge-host MFM #2 buat daptar ikutan ngeramein MFM # 2 :D. bagi yg belum ato gag tau apa itu MFM silahkan deh baca disini
Resepnya dari Tabloid Nova cuma di modif dikit, disesuaikan ama selera si Tuan Besar :D. seharusnya sih penampakannya mesti agak kering, cuma karna si Tuan Besar suka ama yg berkuah yah disesuaikan ama seleranya.
tapi tetep wenak loh :P

500 gr dada ayam, rebus, suwir2, goreng setengah kering
6 bh bawang merah, iris tipis *aku pake bwg bombay*
3 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
5 bh cabe merah, iris serong *gag pakek soalnya gag punya*
5 bh cabe rawit hijau, memarkan *aku pake cabe hijau yg kecil*
2 btg seari, memarkan
2 lbr daun salam
4 lbr daun jeruk
2 sdm air asam jawa
2 sdm kecap manis
150 ml air kaldu / air rebusan ayam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam
minyak utk menumis

1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bwg merah, bwg putih, serai, daun salam dan daun jeruk, masak hingga harum.
2. Tambahkan cabai merah dan cabe rawit hijau, aduk rata, masak hingga cabai layu.
3. Masukkan ayam suwir, aduk rata lalu tuang air asam, kecap manis, air kaldu, merica bubuk dan garam, ratakan. Masaka hingga kuahnya agak mengering, angkat.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

-Koftay (Meatballs With Gravy)-

1 ¼ pounds of Lean Ground Beef (Keema)
½ cup of Dry Lentils (Dal)
2 large Onions (thinly sliced)
1 tsp. of Red Chilli Powder (or to taste)
½ tsp. of Black Peppers (freshly ground)
½ tsp. of Cloves
1 tsp. of Ground Cumin
1 tsp. of Cardamoms Pods
1 ½ tsp. Crushed Red Pepper Flakes (or to taste)
1 tsp. of Coriander Seeds (crushed)
Salt (to taste)
1 tsp. of Ginger Paste
1 tsp. of Garlic Paste
1 cup of Plain Yogurt
2 ½ cups of Water
1 tbsp. of Cooking Oil

In a medium bowl, mix together lean ground beef, onions, red chili powder, black pepper powder, cloves, cumin, and cardamoms. Shape the mixture into approximately six (2") meatballs.

In a heavy saucepan or pot over medium heat, cook and stir the remaining onion in the cooking oil until they are tender.

Mix in the plain yogurt, lentils, ginger paste, garlic paste, coriander seeds, water, red peppers, and salt.

Place the meatballs into the mixture. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 30 minutes, or until meatballs are evenly browned and lentils are tender

Monday, May 21, 2007

-Pesmol Telur-

Kemaren bingung mau masak apa, akhirnya keinget pesmol telurnya si Lia. akhirnya ubek2 dapur jadilah Pesmol telur. lumayanlah buat mengganjal perutku yg lagi kelaperan hihihi...
thanks ya Li resepnya, ini aku kopi pas resepmu, cuma timun aku ganti ama kembang kol, hihihi...

-telur rebus 3 buah, buang kulitnya
-bunga kol
-wortel 1 buah, kupas dan rajang juliane

-bawang putih 4 buah, haluskan
-cabe merah 5 buah, haluskan
-cabe hijau 2 buah, iris tipis
-bawang merah besar 1buah, rajang kasar ukuran besar
-daun salam 1 buah
-daun jeruk 2-3 buah
-sereh 1buah, keprek kepalanya
-garam dan gula sedikit
-kunyit bubuk 1/2 tsp
-cuka 1 sendok makan
-air sedikit

1. Panaskan minyak dan massukkan rajangan bawang merah, tumis sebentar, dan masukkan cabe hijau kemudian masukkan bawang putih dan cabe yg telah dihaluskan
2. Masuukan daun salam, daun jeruk dan sereh kemudian tambahkan sedikit air
3. Masuukan telur rebus dan semua sayuran, kemudian bubuhi kunyit bubuk, garam, penyedap, garam dan gula
4. Masak sampe semua sayuran matang dan bumbu meresap

Friday, May 18, 2007

-Karahi Chicken-

Kayaknya ini postingan ku yg pertama ditahun 2007 ini, hmm...dah agak lama juga yah aku gag posting2, kyknya aku gag posting2 di blog ini hampir 5 bulan.
inilah postingan perdanaku tahun ini, selamat menikmati ya! >_<

750 grams ayam
5 daun bawang
5 Tomat (chopped)
5 cabe hijau (chopped)
2 tbsp. jahe (chopped)
4 siung bawang putih (chopped)
daun ketumbar (chopped)
garam (to taste)
1/4 tsp. cabe merah bubuk
A pinch of kunyit bubuk
1/2 cup minyak

1) Panaskan minyak, masukkan bawang putih, jahe, garam, cabe merah bubuk dan kunyit bubuk. masak utk beberapa menit dgn api sedang.

2) tambahkan ayam dan masak hingga ayam berubah warna kecoklatan, tambahkan sedikit air kemudian masak hingga ayam matang.

3) Setelah air agak sedikit mengering tambahkan daun bawang, daun ketumbar, cabe hijau dan tomat.

4) Tutup wajan n masak selama 5menit.

Ready to serve

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

UdaNg SaUs PadaNg

i used prawn istead of mussels. so nyummy bunny hehehe...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Chicken Jalfrezi

1 ½ pounds Chicken Thighs (boneless & skinless) (cut in half)
1 Onion (grated)
1 (14.5 ounce) can of Tomatoes (peeled & diced)
2 cloves of Garlic (Lehsan) (chopped)
2 tbsp. Fresh Ginger Root (Adrak) (grated)
½ cup Fresh Cilantro/Coriander Leaves (Hara Dhania) (chopped)
3 tsp. Turmeric Powder (Pisi Haldi)
1 tsp. Red Chilli Powder (Pisi Lal Mirch)
3 tsp. Ground Cumin (Pisa Zeera)
3 tsp. Ground Coriander (Pisa Dhania)
Salt (to taste)
2 tbsp. Clarified Butter (Ghee)
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil


1) Heat the oil in a large deep skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and garlic, and cook for about 2 minutes. Add the chicken, and season with turmeric, chili powder and salt. Fry gently, scraping the bottom of the pan frequently and turning the chicken.

2) Pour in the tomatoes with their juice, cover the pan, and simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes. Uncover, and simmer for another 10 minutes to let the excess liquid evaporate.

3) Add the ghee, cumin, ground coriander, ginger and cilantro, and simmer for another 5 to 7 minutes. Serve the chicken pieces with sauce spooned over the top.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Murgh Cholay

This was our dinner menu last night. Murgh Cholay, Spicy chicken and chickpea curry. A favourite dish from Punjab. Its Easy to Cook, Hard to Resist;))

1/2 kilo of Chicken
2 cups of Chick Peas/Garbanzo Beans (Chana) (boiled) (or ready cooked)
1 medium Onion (chopped)
2 medium Tomatoes (chopped)
2 Green Chillies
1 bunch of Fresh Coriander Leaves (Hara Dhania) (chopped)
Salt (to taste)
1 tsp. of Red Chilli Powder
1/4 tsp. of Turmeric Powder (Haldi)
1/4 tsp. of Garam Masala
1 tsp. of Ginger Paste (Pisi Adrak)
1 tsp. of Garlic Paste (Pisa Lasan)
3 tbsp. of Cooking Oil

1) In a pot fry half of the total onion amount in oil until golden brown. Add garlic, ginger, salt, red chili powder and haldi. Fry for a minute or so. Then add chicken and chopped tomatoes. Add a little amount of water. And cover on medium heat and let cook.

2) When the meat is tender add the chick peas. Cook for 3-4 more minutes. Mash the chick peas slightly to create a gravy. Add garam masala , green chillies, coriander leaves on top. Fry the remainder of the onions in a little oil until crispy and brown and add the onions and oil to the chicken and chick peas.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Karahi ( fry meat)

Karahi is a traditional dish of Pakistan,and i think its started from peshawar, as Peshawari karahi is famous all over the world ,but now there are differant style of making karahi,The traditinal ways of making Karahi is to cook meat or chicken in karahi(pot).everyone makes karahi in their own style,i also make karahi in different ways and it truns very well, for Peshawari karahi they dont use onions and ginger n garlic ,they cook it in fats and tomatoes and use green chillies,red chillies and salt,and in karachi style they cook with onions ,so different people make it in their style, so here is my karahi style:

1/2 kilo of beef
3 medium size Tomatoes
3-4 Whole Green Chillies
2 tsp. of Ginger Paste
2 tsp. of Garlic Paste
1/2 tsp. of Red Chilli Powder
Salt (to taste)
1 tsp. of Black Pepper (freshly crushed)
2 tbsp. of Oil

1) Put the meat in a pot or karahi (preferrably a karahi.) Add the Garlic and Ginger paste. And fry on medium heat until any water dries up.

2) Then add 3 glasses of water to meat. Mix and cover and let cook on medium heat. Until meat is tenderized.

3) Once the meat is tender and looks cooked, add the following ingredients: Oil, Salt, Black Peppers, and Red Chilli Powder. If there is still some water remaining in the pot, increase stove heat and constantly stir and let the water dry. Then add green chillies & tomato.

4) Lower heat and cover pot and let cook on low heat for 5-10 minutes.

5) Once tomatoes are softened, Keep stirring until water dries up.
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