Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts

February 27, 2013

WIP Wednesday

PROGRESS 1: California Cherry Blossom

The top is finally completed and so is the backing. I started cutting for these blocks last July, so it was about time! I am splurging on getting this quilted by someone else, so really it's not "in progress" by me right now.
Forstykke og bakside er endelig ferdig (begynte på denne forrige juli) og jeg har sendt dette bort for å få det quiltet. Så det er ikke akkurat jeg som jobber med denne nå.

PROGRESS 2: Starburst

Quilting is almost complete, binding is cut and I have a panel ready that I can use to make a label. Finishing this is my main goal for February - we'll see what I get done by tomorrow!
Quilting er nesten ferdig, lukkekanten er klar og jeg har et panel jeg kan bruke til å lage en etikett. Å bli ferdig med denne var hovedmålet mitt for februar, så vi får se hva jeg klarer innen morgendagen er omme!


Linking up with WiP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

February 06, 2013

WIP Wednesday

NEW WIP! The Starburst quilt (tutorial and quilt-along by Happy Quilting).

All 4 blocks - 24" square - are done and ready to be made into a quilt top. Print fabric is Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket for Moda (if you haven't read that in one of my previous posts!), background is Kona Snow.






OLD WIP: California Cherry Blossom

After finally making some progress on this (I think I made the first block last summer), I was quite annoyed to see that one of my rows did a switch-a-roo on me and now my yellows are in a V and not on the diagonal. A necessary evening with the seam ripper hasn't appealed to me yet...


Linking up with the oh-so-inspiring party going on over at Freshly Pieced.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

January 25, 2013

Mod Squad baby quilt

TGIFF and a Lovely Finish for January. Thank you Nat and Melissa and Shanna for the motivation to get this done!

My first completed project of 2013 - and a little ashamed to say it is a delayed Christmas gift - only 1 month late:) Born on December 18th, I don't think the little recipient noticed he was missing a present from his auntie, so I am not too worried about him holding a grudge!
Første fullføre prosjekt for 2013 - litt flaut at det er en forsinket julegave - bare en måned for sent... Født den 18. desember tror jeg ikke mottakeren merket at han manglet en gave på julaften fra tanta si!


Fabric - Mod Squad by Dan Stiles for Birch Fabrics (organic cotton) and Kona in Ash, Sage and Caribbean. Cut into 5" squares and layed out in a pleasing (to me) manner - 10x10 squares.
Stoffet er Mod Squad fra Birch Fabrics (økologisk bomull) og Kona i Ash, Sage og Caribbean. Skjært i 5" ruter og dandert etter personlig preferanse.



Love the designs on these prints - scooters, Minis, tube signs, guitars and mikes - but what is the green tower with the flat teal roof? I am sure it is an iconic London landmark... And the grey tower is Big Ben, right?
Syns trykkene er kule - scootere, Mini'er, tube skilt, gitarer og mikrofoner - men hva er det grønne tårnet med det flate turkise taket? Sikker på at det er noe i London...


Quilted along the seams with a serpentine stitch found on my machine. Was slow to stitch, but very kind by easing out my wrinkles for me before crossing the perpendicular lines.
Quiltet langs sømmene med et bølgende sting på maskinen - var tregt å sy, men var fint fordi det ikke gav meg rynker i kryssene.


Backed with a soft flannel from my grandma's stash with a strip of prints in the middle to reach the needed width. Bound in Kona Caribbean. I like how the quilting looks on the solid back!
Baksiden er et mykt flanellstykke fra mormor sin stash med en stripe mønstret stoff i midten for å oppnå nødvendig bredde. Lukkekant i Kona Caribbean. Jeg liker hvordan quiltestingene ser ut på flanellen!


Now - just need to wash this and get it wrapped and delivered to the sweetest little baby boy I know (besides Nat's baby MiH, who is adorable, but I don't know him...).
Da må jeg bare få vasket dette, pakket det inn og levert til den søteste lille gutten jeg kjenner.

Linking up today to:

TGIFF hosted by the sweet, funny and stylish (kind of a given because she is French) Nat of Made in Home.

January Finishes Party - which you can link up to here or here.

October 18, 2012

Vintage Holiday Quilt - DONE!


It's the last day of the Vintage Holiday Quilt-Along and I am finished just in time! I only wish the weather were nicer, so I could have gotten better photos...
Siste dag av Vintage Holiday Quilt-Along og jeg ble akkurat ferdig! Skulle bare ønske været var litt mer medgjørlig for fotografering utendørs...


The front is made of a layer cake of Alpine Wonderland from Riley Blake, pluss some other fabrics from my stash; sashing is Vintage Baby from Riley Blake; border is a pointsettia print from the Alpine Wonderland collection.
Forsiden er sydd sammen av en "layer cake" av Alpine Wonderland fra Riley Blake, samt noen andre stoffer fra stashen min. Rammene er Vintage Baby fra Riley Blake, borden er fra Alpine Wonderland.


I quilted straigh(ish) lines in the sashing and border. The blocks are quilted with a free motion swirl. My free motion skills are mediocre at best - uneven stitch lengths and some jagged curves, but that is hard to see without close inspection.
Jeg quilted (nesten) rette linjer i rammene og borden. Blokkene quiltet jeg "free motion" - ikke det jeg er flinkest på, men det ser man ikke uten nær inspeksjon.


I pieced the back with the left overs from the front and some green solid (also from Riley Blake). The batting is Warm & White.
Jeg brukte opp noen av restene fra forsiden på bakstykket sammen med et grønt ensfarget stoff. Vatten er Warm & White.


The binding is scrappy, as I felt all red would be too harsh, but I still wanted some of the warm colors in the binding. I machine sewed the binding - no time to sew by hand!
Lukkekanten ble variert, da jeg syns bare rødt ble litt voldsomt, men ville allikevel ha de varme tonene i lukkekanten. Jeg maskinsydde lukkekanten (ikke tid til håndsøm).

Now I just have to wait until December so I can snuggle under my new quilt on the couch!
Da er det bare å vente til desember så jeg kan bruke dette teppet!

Thanks, Heidi, for hosting this quilt along! It was my first ever and it was fun to be a part of it and see all the variations everyone came up with.

October 08, 2012

Windy City Days - finally a finish!

It feels like forever since I've had a proper finish to share, but today I am so happy to have a completed project to write about. Enough with all the WIPs already!
Det føles som en evighet siden at jeg hadde et fullført prosjekt å dele, men endelig er dagen her!

Lo and behold - the Windy City Days baby quilt:
La meg presentere - Windy City Days babyteppe:

The quilt was made using the Windy Days Quilt tutorial from Moda Bake Shop. I've renamed my quilt Windy City Days, because it may go live in the windy city (Chicago). I just need to make sure the new mom approves of these colors for her baby girl.
Mønsteret fant jeg her. Mulig teppet skal sendes til Chicago (med kallenavn windy city) - må bare sjekke om den nybakte moren godkjenner fargene.

The fabrics used were a charm pack of Oh Deer! by MoMo for Moda and two charm packs of Moda Bella Solids in Snow (which is not the same as Kona Snow - it's darker). Yes, I was a lazy girl and went all pre-cuts on this one.
Teppet ble sydd av en charm pack (42 5"x5" ferdig oppkuttede biter) Oh Deer! og to charm packs med Moda Bella i farge "Snow". Ja, jeg var lat og kjøpte ferdig oppkuttede firkanter!

For the back I used up the rest of the charms - not a square to spare (yes, that is a Seinfeld quote). The colored "border" on the back are various prints from my stash. And the binding was the remaining orange fabric from the back with a little aqua added to make it all the way around.
På baksiden brukte jeg opp resten av 5"-lappene og lagde en bord av diverse stoff jeg hadde liggende. Lukkekanten ble lagd av de samme stoffene (måtte skjøte med litt turkis i det ene hjørnet).

For quilting I did wavy lines every 2" - very quick and easy. I had intended to do some free motion quilting but chickened out/got lazy. Free motion quilting makes my shoulders so tense - I need to practice a bit more before I get comfortable with it.
Jeg quiltet teppe med bølgende linjer med ca. 5 cm mellomrom - veldig enkelt og raskt.

So that was one item crossed off my 100 Day Huste to-do list. Many more to go...

Oh - on Thursday the Let's Get Acquainted Blog Hop is stopping by here. Eeeek! I hope to have a fun tutorial for you by then. Here are the stops on the blog hop for this week:

Plum and June
Oct 9
Amy from Sew Incredibly Crazy         
Foster from Foster Reviews It
Oct 11        
Chrissie from madebyChrissieD        
Marit from Sew, love, live

Linking up today with:
Plum and June

Sew Happy Geek