One more finish to report - I am really getting stuff done this month!
Nok et fullført prosjekt - jeg er virkelig produktiv denne måneden!
This is the tote bag I made for the Mouthy Stitches swap - I can't say where I've sent it as it is a secret.
Dette er vesken jeg lagde for Mouthy Stitches byttegruppe - men jeg kan ikke si hvor den ble sendt for det er hemmelig.
The exterior has "cascading" rainbow squares which I quilted with regular DMC embroidery floss - mostly squares but a few wonky stars are hiding in there too! The back was quilted with organic waves in rainbow colors. The main fabric is Essex yarn dyed linen in black.
Utsiden har regnbueruter som jeg quiltet med broderigarn - mesteparten er ruter, men det er noen stjerner inni der også! Baksiden quiltet jeg med bølgende linjer. Hovedstoffet er Essex yarn dyed linblend i svart.
I was hoping for a more vibrant exterior and was surprised how the linen fabric really changed the appearance of the bright squares! But all in all, I am pleased with the result.
Vesken skulle være litt sprekere i fargen og jeg ble overrasket over hvordan linstoffet endret utseende på de fargesterke rutene! Men jeg er fornøyd med sluttresultatet allikevel.
The interior fabric is an organic canvas from Cloud 9 - a fabric I think I will have to stock up on in more colors/designs. A) because it is very nice and B) because I think organic cotton is the way to go. The pocket is from Birch fabrics and is also organic.
Fôrstoffet er et økologisk canvasstoff - et stoff jeg liker godt og tror jeg skal kjøpe mer av i flere farger. Lommen er også i et økologisk stoff.
And then I made this little hand sewn EPP key fob - which took more hours than it possibly deserved as it was supposed to be a little add-on gift... But it turned out cute. And I did put new hardware on after seeing this photo, because I did really mangle the metal during construction.
Og så lagde jeg en liten håndsydd nøkkelring (som tok alt for mange timer). Jeg måtte bytte metalldelen etter jeg tok dette bildet, for man kan se ganske godt at det ble klemt stygt sammen.
So there, my first proper swap item completed and sent on its way! I hope my partner likes it and I think more swaps will be in my future because this was fun!
Now, I wonder when I will receive my tote bag in the mail (and where it is coming from)...
PS: Interesting fact - the light blue solid on the top right of the tote front and on the key fob is shirting material used for the Norwegian Police - the company I work for used to make their shirts and this a cutting from one of the productions. There "may" be some polyester in this fabric...
PS: Interessant fakta - det lyseblå stoffet øverst til høyre på fremsiden av vesken og på nøkkelringen er skjortestoff brukt til norske politiet - selskapet jeg jobber for lagde disse skjortene før og dette er et klipp fra en av produksjonene. Det er "muligens" noe polyester i dette stoffet...