Showing posts with label Public pools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public pools. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Blessed - The Breakout Year of Rampaging Roy Slaven by John Doyle.


A wonderful piece of writing, this is a novel and memoir, narrated by a fictional creation of the author, who is the long-standing comedic alter ego of the author.

Most Australians will be familiar with the comedy genius of John Doyle as 'Rampaging' Roy Slaven and Grieg Pickhaver as HG Nelson. 

Doyle as Slaven takes us to Lithgow, their home town west of Sydney, in 1967. Roy and Doyle are classmates at the town's Catholic boys school, de la Salle College. (Lithgow is the finest locale in the world - you wouldn't want to be anywhere else - all other places within the boys' ken are "shit"). 

It is both a coming-of-age novel and a memoir - a year in which Roy's astounding (fictional) sporting career is emerging, and Doyle's writing, comedic and sports commentating skills, as well as his atheism, are taking shape.

It is by turns very very funny (I made my partner suffer through readings aloud several times), and very poignant. I developed a tear in my eyes a couple of times. More than anything else, it prefectly evokes an era when Catholics versus Publics was a standard part of small town (and suburban) life , when a woman was blamed for her husband absconding & divorce was a sin, when kids tore around with almost unfettered freedom, and priests and brothers were capricious, sometimes cruel, and sometimes great teachers (often by accident) by turn. It also has great affection for small town community life. It does not discount the darker sides of life such as domestic violence, deserted wives and outrageous pressure brought to bear by the church. 

There's also coal dust, and the local picture theatre and swimming pool. 

Doyle has inhabited Roy Slaven for so long that as he says in a short sentence towards the end, they need each other. Roy, who, of course, has been a champion at every sport to which he has turned, is nonetheless a modest chap, even rather surprised at his own prowess. More than anything else, he loves his Mum, who is starting to emerge as an independent woman, mainly due to an economic and social situation which makes her possible to improve circumstances for herself and her son through work opportunities. His observations of life in the Doyle household show us glimpses of John's autobiography, in particular his relationship with his sister who had autism - in the days before there was a ready diagnosis, or educational assistance (this aspect of Doyle's story he has told elsewhere - see the link in Comments). 

Doyle, via Roy, tells us two things about himself - he is compassionate and kind, and he is well aware that it is often hard to tell when he is being serious or satirical. 

Can't recommend it highly enough. 


The evocation of the scene at the local public pool : 

" The summer Dad left was dry and hot. Not much to do until the cricket restarted. I spent a lot of time at the pool. It was fairly new. There was a toddlers' pool with a fountain and an Olympic pool. It was set on a slope. Wide concrete paths bordered a luch lawn bordered by a few trees and a ten-feet high wire mesh fence. The cncrete was tesselated - light and dark. We'd lay on the light when it was hot and the dark when it was cool." (p 37)

"Dean and Doyle were interested in lifesaving. Weird. They would time themselves doing laps of freestyle, breaststroke, sidestroke and water sculling. They were planning to do the Bronze Medallion. Most of the time we filled our days by diving in and bobbing about, doing exotic dives and bombing people. Any girl was fair gameAnd we'd swim underwater. Dean and Doyle could do a lap and a half underwater in one breath....

"We'd lie on the concrete in our togs and chat. We all wore Speedos. The pool manager, Mr Mulcahey, put speakers in the pool shop by the entrance and the radio would be broadcast aross the whole area. " (p 38)

"Dean and Doyle were congratulated at assembly for being the first boys at the school to be qualified lifesavers. They'd successfully completed the Bronze medallion, which meant they had swum the distances in the required time and learnt the techniques of rescue and recovery. They bored us all with talk of the Silvester-Brosch method of resuscitation. And they wore a small black-and-white official lifesaving patch on their swimmers. They must have thught it looked 'cool'. It didn't. It made them look like crawlers and dicks.They were already planning to upgrade to the Bronze Cross, which would mean another patch on the Speedos. 
    I never saw them actually rescue anyone." (p 47)

"Back at the pool. The grassy area on the slope by the deep end was considered the Catholic area. The flat grass on the other side of the deep end was the Publics'. " (p 65)

"Our girls wore modest one-piece swimming costumes, Not so the Publics. We'd often stare across the pool at the bikini-clad girls with names like Vicki and Sharon and Julie." (p 66)

"Flynn had a real girlfriend. He said many of the Public girls were just like Vicki Westwood and he began to sit opposite us at the pool, with the Publics, and Dean thought he was probably in a state of mortal sin. Doyle thought it was possible. I wasn't sure. I couldn't see a real problem with it. 

" At one point Flynn and Vicki Westwood kissed. 

'Brazen' said Carmel.

Brewer and Brennan applauded. " (p 68)

"Ten minutes later, Doyle stands and asks if anyone is interested in wandering over to have a chat to Flynn. I stand. There are no other takers. 

Carmel is incensed. 'You are going to look ridiculous.'

Deirdre and Barbara wish us luck. 

We both leave our towels on the slope and head off around the deep end of the pool and enter Public territory. We are not heckled. We are ignored. Self-consciously, we stand over Flynn and Vicki Westwood. Vicki Westwood is talking to a friend called Janet. Flynn is sunbaking with his eyes closed. Vicki Westwood introduces us to Janet. They are friends of Jeff's. Roy and John. This is Janet.'

Flynn opens his eyes. 'What's going on?' he says. 

Doyle says, 'We felt like a walk.'

Janet asks Doyle about the patch on his costume. 

'It's a lifesaver's patch.'

'Are you a lifesaver?'

Doyle nods, sheepishly. 

'So, if I'm drowning, what are you going to do?'

'Umm...Swim to you, grab your arm and twist you around and take hold of you and sidestroke yu to the wall.' 

I say, 'That's just for starters. Don't get him onto Silvester-Brosch.' " (p 68-70)


"We stayed with Flynn and the Publics for about ten minutes before ambling back to our towels and our group. Janet was very chatty and funny. Just like Vicki Westwood. 

Doyle says, 'What an interesting experience. Janet and Vicki Westwood enjoy smut as much as we do. But to them it's not sinful. Not sinful at all.'

I nodded. He was right. 

Our group look at us closely  when we resettle. 

Carmel says, 'Well? What did you talk about?'

Doyle says, 'Sin, Carmel. We talked about sin.'

'Well you were in the right place.' " (p 70)

Friday, 3 February 2017

We won! The new Bexley Pool reopened. 26 January 2017

As Foundation members (first 500 to sign up), we got entry 2 ours before the general public, and managed a good look around. 

The 25 m indoor pool

Back "home"

My favourite tree - a Cape Chestnut

Even the BBQ equipment is brand new

Water polo nets - the outdoor pool is water polo compliant

Gym membership included. 

Later in the day: mayhem.

Kids' splash pad

Friday, 2 December 2016

Sally and Darelle's Swimming Adventures: Giles Baths, Coogee 1 December 2016

Coogee Beach in the background. 

The baths open to the sea at the southern side, and the western (facing the beach)

History (from Randwick City Council)

This is a natural rock pool, known as the "Bogey hole" which was used by male bathers in the nineteenth century.

The baths can be rough during strong surf conditions and Lifeguards are often kept busy with first aid for bumps, cuts and bruises. [nb and not so rough as you will see!]

The Giles Gym and baths was built in 1928 and under the management of Mr Oscar Giles, the health centre and hot baths became the progressive fitness venue of the time. They offered

electricity treatments, hydrotherapy and hot sea baths as medical treatments. One of the more bizarre treatments available was the sweat boxes. The boxes were heated by light bulbs on the inside and only had enough room for someone's head to stick out. The heat generated would aid in weight loss, allegedly [more like dehydration!]. 

Separate facilities were provided for both genders but the ocean pool and nude bathing was for men only.

Mr O.E. Giles proved remarkably successful with his weight-reducing massage course. Sportsmen, racing identities, criminals, the constabulary and well known politicians all mixed amiably at Giles baths. Sam Inglis was a well-known patron who regularly taught young boys to swim and box. In honour of his service a memorial sun dial was erected. 

In 1975 Messer's O'Neill, Motta and Stevens leased the premises until 1998. They redeveloped the building and added squash courts but retained the name Giles Baths. 

After 1998 the building was left in disrepair and in the interest of public safety the building was demolished in 2000. All that remains is the original portico entry and sections of the wall.

The steps down the cliff face remind me of North Curl Curl. Handrails and fences have recently been refurbished. There's not a lot of sitting or resting space. Fortunately it wasn't very busy during our visit. 

From the bottom of the steps looking northeast - magnificent Sydney sandstone. 

Getting in. The bottom step was very slippery, and being a bit balance-challenged can be a hazard. Beyond the step is a fairly wide rock platform, which makes it quite shallow from the cliffside out. 

and she's off! 

Of course, groups of boys always like jumping off rocks into water. 

While the sea wasn't particularly rough today, there were quite a few waves come into the pool, and you did have to watch out - easy to be buffetted towards the cliff. 

Randwick Council said lifeguards at the beach are kept busy treating cuts and bruises in high seas. Darelle didn't seek attention for her injury. NB The pool itself doesn't have a lifeguard - the nearest were at the beach.  

Entrance to the baths is through Dunningham Parkat the northern end of Coogee Beach. You can see the baths outlet where the rocks are just under the cliff.The entrance to the baths is the archway on the cliff above.

Coogee Beach from Dunningham Park

Dunningham Park seemed popular with mothers and babies' groups. We had coffee at an unpretentious cafe in the background (that's Darelle in pink headed there.)

Coogee Beach

Coogee Beach with the Pavilion in the background.
Wikipedia: The Coogee Aquarium and Swimming Baths were officially opened on 23 December 1887. The Palace included an indoor Swimming pool (25 x 10 meters), an aquarium featuring the tiger shark from the famous shark arm murder case, a Great Hall that could be used as a roller skating rink, Canadian toboggan ran down the hillside for over 70 meters, a herd of 14 donkeys to ride as well as swings, whirligig's rocking horses, toy boats, aviaries, flower beds, bandstand and an open-air bar.
In June 1945, a strong storm caused the large dome to collapse. In 1987 the Coogee Palace and Dome was re-built and converted to restaurants and bars, known both as The Beach Palace Hotel and The Aquarium. In August 2014 the building re-opened as the Coogee Pavilion, owned by prominent Sydney hospitality company, Merivale (director Justin Hemmes). 

Peaceful scene through the trees of Dunningham Park

The toilets are clean, smell fresh, have no soap, and are an eyesore plonked in the park. 


The entrance is what is left of the Giles Baths and Gym

In January 2003, a local claimed to have seen an apparition of the Virgin Mary at the fence overlooking Coogee Beach. Thousands lined up to witness it (see link below) There have been numerous claims of sightings since. The local parish priest said that while he felt it was good some people were finding peace there, he didn't believe it was anything other than an optical illusion. Some locals call it "Our Lady of the Fence Post" or "Rail Mary". A local man tends the shrine. 
The Catholic News, wherein local priest has his say.

The fathers, the sun and the holy post - Sydney Morning Herald report.

The water was so perfect

Marine life which may be seen in the baths

Looking north along that wonderful Sydney sandstone coastline, towards Clovelly.

Memorial to the victims of the 2002 Bali bombing. Several were residents in the local area, and six were members of a local Rugby football club, the Coogee Dolphins.  There's another memorial plaque inside the baths entrance gateway. 

A great spot for reading

Get your heads out of your devices and look up at the beauty before you, kids! 

These trees were in flower. I don't know what they are. Anyone? 

More links:

Removal of 30 tonne rock from pool November 2016

Dictionary of Sydney - Coogee

Dictionary of Sydney - Coogee Aquarium and Swimming Baths

Wikipedia on Coogee