Showing posts with label New South Wales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New South Wales. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Beaches of Batemans Bay and the Eurobodalla Coast Beaches of Batemans Bay and the Eurobodalla Coast eBook :  Henry, Peter, Henry, Manuela: Kindle Store

A very useful guide to every beach from Durras, in Murramarang National Park in the north, to Wallaga Beach in the south of the shire.It includes street maps of each village and town. Fabulous colour photos and information about flora, fauna, geology of beaches, and much more. 

Published and distributed by Hyams Publishing, Huskisson, 2007.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Sally and Darelle's Swimming Adventures - Guerilla Bay

An overcast and humid day for a final swimming adventure. The northern end of Guerilla Bay where there is a shallow cove.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Darelle and Sally's Wild Swimming Adventure. 7 Jan 2018, Part 2. Happiness restored!

Between fish and chips at Bermagui, and scone and coffee at Bodalla, we had a refreshing "wild swim" immersion in the Tuross River at Eurobodalla. The river passes under the bridge at the turn off to Nerrigundah.

The older wooden bridge is still in operation while the new, higher concrete model is being constructed.

 Trolls under the bridge waiting for billy-goats wanting to cross

We reckon under the new concrete bridge are the remains of a first, lower wooden bridge. Possibly swept away in a long ago flood?

Planking in the river!

Sandy bank

Sally and Darelle's (non) Swimming Adventure - Blue Pool, Bermagui. 7 Jan 2018 Part One

We set off with such high hopes, fuelled by fond memories Sally had of the two previous times she had swum at Bermagui's Blue Pool. Its setting down the clifftop, with a backdrop of the sapphire-blue sea is quite stunning.

The first view from the clifftop was non-too promising. For a start it wasn't looking blue, and second, noone was in it. Also, though the car park was busy, people seemed to be coming and going in quick succession.

Disappointment was our name:

The reason had been posted: CAUTION Algae Bloom. Due to insufficient swell the Blue Pool hasn't been able to flush itself out which has allowed Algae to grow. 

After admiring the view, and spotting some seals in the ocean, we retreated into town for fish and chips for lunch.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Rosedale "pool"

23 Feb 2015

On the southeast facing point of the small, rocky and pebbly beach, at the tip of the South Rosedale headland, is one of my favourite spots. It's a natural tiny "plunge pool", which under the right conditions, when the tide is "just right" also offers a natural spa experience, as the incoming tide ripples and fizzes.

Here are some pics of the pool as I have captured it over the years. At the moment it is very pebbly, not sandy.

11 Jan 2015

11 Jan 2015

11 Jan 2015 

23 Feb 2015

13 July 2016

11 Feb 2017

11 Feb 2017

1 Jan 2018 - low tide

1 Jan 2018 - low tide

4 Jan 2018 - high tide

4 Jan 2018 - high tide

The "spa" at the edge of the pool. 11 Feb 2017

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Pack the Pool at Batemans Bay

Batemans Bay public pool is ageing and needs to be replaced. Council is proposing a 25 metre indoor pool, which would be open year round, to replace the current 50m outdoor pool.

There is a campaign to retain a 50m outdoor pool in the mix. This is not in opposition to a 25 m indoor pool as well.

On Saturday 24 Nov, there was a gathering at the pool called by the 50m pool supporters. I happened to be swimming laps and joined in. I do not like swimming indoors, and a 50m stretch out is preferable to 25m. You can also swim more comfortably with several people in the lane.

One woman near me said it was the first protest she had ever attended. There's no stopping people when they find a cause which touches them!

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Sally and Darelle's swimming adventures - Sandringham 15 Feb 2017

After our swimless trip to Bronte on Monday, we headed to the calmer waters of Botany Bay, at Sandringham for a quick dip, and a coffee at a favourite haunt, Kiss The Barista.

Apparently stingrays are amused by the old soft shoe shuffle, but only between April and October.......

...which meant tapper extraordinaire, Darelle's, dancing feet were not on display today

The owner of this pushbike told me what to do if stung by a stingray - pour on water as hot as you can stand it.

Obligatory selfie
The grey building at the end has toilet amenities; big enough to change in. Ample free parking (weekday), benches to sit on, and some shady trees. 

Some very well-behaved dogs came to watch and wait

Time to repair to Kiss the Barista for coffee