Showing posts with label Kanisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kanisa. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mchungaji Daniel Kulola Ziarani Mkoa wa Dodoma

Huduma ya injili iliyofanywa na mchungaji kiongozi wa Kanisa la "EAGT Lumala Mpya Internationa Church " lililopo Sabsaba Ilemela Jijini Mwanza, Dkt.Daniel Moses Kulola (pichani), mkoani Dodoma imekuwa ya kufaana na watu wengi wameokoka na kubarikiwa.

Ni katika mkutano wa injili ulioandaliwa na kanisa la Siloam EAGT Ipagala mkoani Dodoma kwa juma zima ambapo unatariwa kufikia tamati kesho Oktoba 23, 2016.
Picha na Jorum Samwel
Mchungaji Dkt.Daniel Kulola, akiendelea na huduma ya maombezi mkoani Dodoma
Wengi waliponywa na wanaendelea kuponywa kwa jina la Yesu, vifungo vilivyowatesa kwa muda mrefu.
Mchungaji Dkt.Daniel Kulola, akifanya maombezi mkoani Dodoma.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Kanisa la EAGT Lumala Mpya jijini Mwanza Kufanya Harambee ya Kanisa Jipya la Kisasa

Kanisa la EAGT Lumala Mpya lililopo Sabasaba Ilemela Jijini Mwanza, chini ya Mchungaji kiongozi, Dkt.Daniel Moses Kulola, linapenda kuwakaribisha watu wote kwenye Harambee ya Ujenzi wa Kanisa jipya na la kisasa linalotarajiwa kujengwa katika viwanja vya kanisa hilo.

Harambee hiyo inatarajiwa kufanyika kesho jumapili Agosti 28,2016 kanisani hapo ambapo watu wote wakiwemo waumini na viongozi wa Madhehebu mbalimbali, Viongozi wa Serikali na Taasisi binafsi, wanakaribishwa ili kuungana na viongozi na waumini wa Kanisa hilo katika kushiriki kwenye harambee hiyo.

Kumbuka "Bwana Hufurahi  Anapojengewa Hekalu Lenye Kufana" hivyo utabarikiwa ikiwa utashiriki katika harambee hiyo. Kwa mawasiliano zaidi, tumia nambari za simu; 076774 90 40 AU 0787 74 90 40.

Friday, December 04, 2015

Wanyonya Ume wa Mchungaji Wao Ili Wapone Maradhi Yao!
Pastor Sobrino Valdeci Picanto wa Brazil
Mchungaji huko Brazil  Rev. Sobrino Valdeci Picanto, wa kanisa la pentecostal (walokole) aliwadanganya waumini wa kike kuwa wakinyonya ume wake (mboo) watafaidi maziwa maalum ambayo yatapona maradhi yao. Wengine aliwaambia watatajrika. Alisema kuwa ume wake unatoa maziwa enye nguvu na baraka kutoka kwa mwenyezi Mungu!  Alisema ni lazima dawa imwagwe mdomoni ndo iwe na nguvu.

Jamani, tangu lini maziwa ya baraka yanatoka kwenye ume? Sana sana utapata ugonjwa wa zinaa au mimba! Huyo jamaa alipenda anyonywe tu! Mchungaji Picanto yuko gerezani kwa kosa la ubakaji sasa.

Acheni kundangayika!

Kusoma habari kamili BOFYA HAPA!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kanisa za WaKenya Boston Zimeguezwa Miradi ya Kutafuta Pesa

Pastor Elizabeth Wanyoike of the newly launched International Restoration Reformed Church (IRRC) in Tewksbury, near Lowell during dedication ceremoney on Sunday November 15, 2015. AJABU MEDIA PIC/H.MAINA
Kenyan Churches in Boston turned into financially motivated Social Clubs, says new Pastor
LOWELL, Mass.,( Ajabu African News) Nov 19__Most Kenyan community churches in Boston have abdicated their primary role of spreading the true gospel of Jesus Christ and instead have been turned around into "help those who help you" social clubs emphasizing too much on financially motivated manipulations. 
The charge was made by pastor Elizabeth Wanyoike last Sunday during the dedication ceremony of the newly launched International Restoration Reformed Church (IRRC) in Tewksbury, near Lowell.

She said that many Kenyans attending Kenyan community churches today have no clue of where they are headed yet they are being lead down the drain by church leaders many of whom are only concerned with parishioner contributions to cater for their weekly paychecks and social problems among members. 

"There is a lot of ungodliness in the church today.The church has been turned around to help those who help you. It is the spirit of Jezebel and somebody must wake up to breaks the yokes of this spirit," she said during the sermon top about a dozen Kenyans present"

It is time to destroy the ungodliness in our church just like Elijah destroyed the idols that citizens were worshipping during King Ahab's rule," she added while quoting from the book of1st Kings Chapter 16 &17.

.Wanyoike said that there is a spirit of fear, oppression and intimidation going around the body of Christ today in the Kenyan community similar to what took place during King Ahab's reign.

"You can be in the church but the people in authority are taking you nowhere. People are covered in the spirit of oppression and intimidation."
She called on Kenyans of faith to take a proactive effort to change things so that the church "can operate on what God wants us to do."

"Things have to change and the church return to order. We don't have to gather for the sake of gathering. Even Obadiah was so afraid to tell the King that Prophet Elijah had arrived with a message to the people but Elijah forced him to bring up King Ahab to listen to the message and destroy the alters of worshiping idols instead of the read God," she added.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vazi la Nusu Uchi Lazuia Ndoa Kufungwa Kanisani St. Peter Dar!

Binafsi sioni shida ya kuvaa nguo ya harusi ya mabega wazi, ndo fesheni sehemu nyingi. Mbona, tunavaa khanga na vitenge na tunakuwa mabega wazi? Lakini kama umeambiwa mapema kuwa nguo hiyo haifai kanisani basi msikilize Padri au tafuta Kanisa lingine!



KIVAZI cha ndugu wa maharusi, kimesababisha patashika katika Kanisa  Katoliki, Parokia ya Mtakatifu Peter, baada ya Paroko Msaidizi wa Kanisa hilo, Padri Paulo Haule, kusitisha ibada mpaka mhusika atoke akavae vizuri.

*“Ninatoa dakika 10 kwa aliyeingia na mavazi ambayo hayatakiwi kanisani humu kutoka mara moja akavae vizuri, la sivyo ndoa yao haitafungwa,”* alisema Padri Haule wa Kanisa hilo lililoko Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam.

Awali vurugu hizo zilizotokea Jumamosi iliyopita, zilianzia nje, wakati Katekista wa Parokia hiyo, Yohane Maboko, alipotangazia wanandoa na ndugu zao waliokuwa mabega wazi au kuvaa nguo fupi, kutafuta nguo za kujifunika au wasiingie kabisa kanisani.

Maharusi walikubali kutekeleza ombi hilo, wakavishwa vitambaa mabegani vya rangi tofauti na gauni jeupe la harusi, wakaruhusiwa kuingia kanisani, tayari kufunga pingu zao za maisha.

Aliyegoma kutoka na nguo yake ya nusu uchi

Hata hivyo, mmoja wa ndugu wa maharusi hao ambaye jina lake halikupatikana mara moja, alipotaka kulazimisha kuingia na kivazi chake cha mabega wazi, alizuiwa na Katekista Maboko. Katekista huyo alimfuata mwanamke huyo ili kumrudisha akavae vizuri, lakini aliibua zogo na kulazimisha kuingia na
vazi hilo.

Zogo hilo lilipoendelea, wanandugu waliingilia kati, wakitetea vazi hilo ambapo mmoja wa wanandugu, alimvua miwani Katekista Maboko na kuipiga chini ikavunjika huku yeye na wenzake wakimtolea maneno makali ya kumtaka asimzuie ndugu yao kuingia kanisani.

Wakati ndugu hao wakimdhibiti Katekista Maboko, mwanamke huyo alitumia mwanya huo na kupenya hadi ndani ya Kanisa, ambamo Padri Haule, alikuwa akijiandaa kuanza ibada.

*Baada ya Padri Haule kupata taarifa, alitangaza kuwa ndoa ya maharusi wa msichana huyo, haitafungwa hadi awe ametoka. *

Licha ya Paroko kutangaza hivyo, bado ukaidi uliendelea jambo lililomfanya Katekista Maboko kumfuata tena dada huyo na kumwamuru atoke nje, ambapo aliendelea kupinga na baadaye akatekeleza amri hiyo ya Paroko.

Baada ya hapo shughuli za kufungisha ndoa ziliendelea kwa amani na utulivu hadi mwisho maharusi wakatoka kwenda kuendelea na mambo mengine.

Akizungumza na mwandishi wetu, Katekista Maboko alisema waumini hao walikiuka maadili ambayo Kanisa lina wajibu wa kulinda na kuyasimamia ili  waumini wake wayafuate.

Alisema miwani yake iliyovunjwa ilikuwa na thamani ya Sh 90,000 na baada ya  ibada hiyo, aliyetenda kosa hilo alimwendea na kumwomba radhi na kulipa Sh 50,000 na kuahidi kumalizia kiasi kilichobaki wakati wowote.

Maboko alisema uvaaji wa mavazi yasiyotakiwa kanisani hapo, umekuwa ukipigiwa kelele mara kwa mara, na hata katika mafundisho ya ndoa huambiwa lakini ukaidi unaendelea.

*“Maharusi wakati wa mafundisho ya ndoa tunawaambia kuhusu mavazi yao na hata ya ndugu zao watakaowasindikiza kanisani, kuwa wavae kistaarabu lakini  hawasikii,”* alisema Katekista Maboko.

Makanisa mengi siku hizi yamekuwa yakipiga marufuku uvaaji wa nguo fupi na  zinazoacha mabega wazi kwa wasichana na wanawake, wakati wa ibada za kawaida na za ndoa.

Habari Leo

Hii fesheni inapendwa na vijana wengi

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

East Africans in USA gear up for Massive Toronto Conference

Pastor Jared Mlongecha of the International Gospel Church in Chelsea, MA, USA

By Harrison Maina,,

BOSTON, MA_Dozens of Tanzanians, Kenyans Ugandans, Rwandese and other nationals from the east African countries in Boston and Kansas are planning to attend a major Christian revival conference to be held in Toronto Canada next month presided by renowned Tanzanian evangelist, Bishop Zachary Kakobe of Zachary Kakobe International Ministries.

Dubbed the “The Toronto Miracle Healing Crusade & Restoration Retreat”, the 5 day conference has also attracted the attendance by top world gospel musicians including Don Moen, Donnie Mcclurkin Martha Munizzi and the Krystal Brothers.

It is scheduled to start on Thursday June 20th to Sunday June 23rd at the Canada Tennis Rexall Center, a popular stadium that hosts major world Tennis tournaments.

According to Rev. Jared Mlongecha pastor of the International Gospel church in Chelsea, MA, who is the main coordinator of the conference, about 50 east Africans in Boston and about 60 from Kansas Missouri are planning to attend the unique event.

Pastor Mlongecha said that the believers will travel to Toronto in busloads as a group to minimize expenses and maximize the unique experience at the 5 day conference.The trip also includes a one day relaxation trip to the famous Niagra Falls a short distance from the crusade venue.

“This is a major conference. Bishop Kakombe has done tremendous work in the spiritual world leading many to experience healing, deliverance, signs and wonders. Barren women have conceived, cancers and tumors have been healed, real problems have been solved,” said Rev. Mlongecha during an interview with on the upcoming conference.

He added that there will also be a Restoration Retreat where singles, couples and the youth will be ministered to Bishop Kakobe.( View more details here >> )

“We expect massive restoring broken marriages and relationships, breaking the spirit of celibacy, bad habits, addictions and many more debilitating issues of life.”

At the end of the conference, the group plans to take a time off to visit the legendary Niagara Fall for sightseeing and general entertainment, Mlongecha leads the International Gospel Church in Chelsea that is frequented by worshippers from practically all the east African nations.

“However, we are welcoming other east Africans in the region who would like to attend the unique Toronto conference to join us so they can also be ministered to by Bishop Kakobe,” he added.

Pastor Mlongecha has been closely involved at organizing international conferences for Bishop Kakobe in many different countries including motherland Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC and many others.

He said that the bishop has traveled in many other parts of the world including a sermon at the Yoido Full Gospel Church, an Assemblies of God church led by Dr. David Yonggi Cho in South Korea.

The church is considered to host the world's largest congregation with a membership of 1,000,000. (Wikipedia)

As the main coordinator for Bishop Kakobe’s international conferences, Rev. Mlongecha has been working together with a committee of pastors from different evangelical churches across Canada to organize the Toronto crusade.

According to Mlongecha, the trip to Toronto from Boston is a 9 hour drive and all the logistics have been worked out for all those who would like to accompany them for the conference.

The pastor said that conference attendees from the Boston region will take buses to Toronto at a cost of $120 per person for the roundtrip.

Plans have been worked out with the Toronto Airport Marriot Hotel, a 5 Star Hotel in Toronto where where four people can l share a room at a discounted rate of $35 a night per person.

After attending difference sessions and retreats at the conference, we will take a trip to the Niagara falls which is about 1 hour drive from the Rexall Center. There is no extra cost of this leisure trip to before we go back to our hotel for the final evening dinner.”
The trip has been generating a lot of excitement among many east African faithful from Boston, Kansas City, Kansas, Ohio, Michigan, and elsewhere in USA have contacted organizers with plans to attend the crusade.

This is a special kind of crusade that I will be attending together with my wife. We are looking forward to a great time with other believers,” said Rev. John Baker Katende, pastor of the global Evangelical church, a predominantly Ugandan church based in Burlington, MA.

Other east Africans reached by about the trip said that the trip is worth every penny as it provided a great opportunity to experience spiritual revival and taking a road trip to Toronto provides a break from the busy working schedules of most people who cherish a summer vacation.

“I will go for the trip because it provides me an opportunity to attend the crusade and take a little vacation with my family. I would also like to experience the Niagra falls in the company of people that I am familiar with. This is a great opportunity,” said Alex Kamau a Kenyan living in Boston.

For more information or to sign up for the trip, interested readers are requested to contact: Pastor Daniel Kungu (913) 850-4698 E-mail: pastor Kungu @

Alex Kamau (618) 509-1386. International Gospel Church (617)884-1951.

On the Net:

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Rais Kikwete Atembelea Kanisa Lililopigwa Bomu Arusha

Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiongea wakati alipotembelea Mei 7, 2013 katika kanisa la Mtakatifu Joseph kitongoji cha Olasiti jijini Arusha lililoshabuliwa na magaidi Jumapili iliyopta Video kwa hisani ya Kaka Michuzi

Rais Kikwete Akutana na Askofu Mkuu wa Arusha

Rais Kikwete alipoongea na Maaskofu wa madhehebu mbalimbali wa Arusha nyumbani kwa Askofu Mkuu Jimbo la Arusha Muadhama Josephat Lebulu jijini Arusha 
Mei 7, 2013

Video kwa hisani ya Kaka Michuzi

Monday, May 06, 2013

Waarabu Kutoka Saudia Wakamatwa Kuhusiana na Mlipuko wa Bomu Kanisani Arusha!

Waarabu wanne kutoka Saudi Arabia na WaTanzania wanne wamekamatwa na kushikiliwa na polisi kwa tuhuma za kuhusika na mlipuko wa bomu katika kanisa katoliki mjini Arusha jumapili. Watu wawili wamepoteza maisha yao na watu 60 kuumia.  Balozi wa Vatican nchini Tanzania, alikuwepo katika hapo kanisani, lakini hakuumia.


Kutoka Reuters:

.DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania has arrested four men from Saudi Arabia and four Tanzanians in connection with the bombing of church on Sunday that killed two people, an attack that has heightened sectarian tensions in the east African nation.

Investigators said they were still determining the type of device used in the attack on the Catholic church in Arusha, a town in the north of the nation of about 45 million people that is roughly evenly split between Muslims and Christians.

A statement from President Jakaya Kikwete's office on Monday said two people had now died from the blast after the death toll had previously been put at one. Sixty people were injured.

The Vatican's ambassador to Tanzania, Archbishop Francisco Montecillo Padilla, was attending the official opening of the church when the explosion occurred. He escaped unharmed.

"So far eight people have been arrested, including four nationals from Saudi Arabia and four Tanzanians," Arusha Regional Commissioner Magesa Mulongo told Reuters by telephone.

He said the Saudis, aged between 30 and 45, had arrived at an airport near Arusha on Saturday and were detained late on Sunday trying to cross the border to neighboring Kenya. Mulongo said they were being questioned regarding the incident.

Arusha lies near the snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in a part of Tanzania that is predominantly Christian.

Highlighting tensions between the religious communities, two Christian leaders were killed in Tanzania's semi-autonomous, predominantly Muslim islands of Zanzibar earlier this year and there have been attacks on Muslim leaders and mosques.

"We are trying to establish if it was a home-made explosive device or a specialized bomb," Tanzania's director of criminal investigation, Robert Manumba, told Reuters.

The president's office said Kikwete had cut short his state visit to Kuwait following the bomb attack on the church.

(Reporting by Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala; Writing by Edmund Blair; Editing by Alison Williams)

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Mlipuko wa Bomu Katika Kanisa Katoliki Arusha

 HABARI KWA KIFUPI:Mkuu wa Mkoa Mulongo nae yumo kwenye hili sakata. RPC Anatoa hotuba.
Anasema ni tukio la kighaidi.

Anasema alihusika alijitokeza nyuma ya jengo kwa kujificha na kurusha bomu.

Anasema wanawasaka waliohusika. Anomba mwenye taarifa yo yote aisaide polisi.

Waliojeruhiwa ni 30 majeraha ya kawaida, na 3 wamejeruhiwa sana.

Mtu mmoja anashikiliwa kwa mahojiano

Eneo lenye utepe ndipo kitu hicho kinachodhaniwa kuwa bomu kilipoangukia. Pichani unaweza kuona wigi za kichwani na viatu vya waumini vikiwa vimesambaa baada ya wenyewe kuviacha, miongoni mwao wakiwa ni majeruhi.
Viongozi wa Kanisa wakitoa taarifa ya kilichotokea kwa waandishi wa habari kabla ya Balozi wa Papa kuondolewa Kanisani hapo chini ya ulinzi mkali wa Polisi.
Tanzania Field Force Unit (FFU) on site of Catholic church bombing
Kaimu Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Arusha Kamishna Msaidizi wa Polisi (ACP) Ibrahim Kilongo.

JESHI la Polisi Mkoani Arusha linamshikilia mtu mmoja ambaye anahusishwa na kutokea kwa mlipuko uliotokea katika kanisa la Katoliki la St Joseph Olasiti Arusha leo asubuhi.

Tukio hilo lilitokea wakati Balozi wa Papa kutoka Vatican akizindua Parokia hiyo mpya ya St Joseph Olasiti ya Jijini Arusha.
Kanisa lililolipuliwa likiwa linaonekana kwa mbali huku wananch wakilitazama kwa mbali kutokana na tishio la kutokea kwa milipuko mingine ...Mtu mmoja amekamatwa kuhusiana na tukio hilio wakati wengine wanasadikika kukimbia.
Majeruhi wa tukio hilo wakiwa katika hali mbaya..
Waumini pamoja na baadhi ya wanacchi wakiwa katika hali ya taharuki wasiamini nini kilichotokea kutokana na mlipuko mkubwa uliotokea asubuhi ya leo.

Kanisa Katoliki Lalipuliwa na Bomu Arusha Wakati wa Ibada!

 Hivi Tanzania kuna nini siku hizi? Mapadri wanauawa, kanisa zinachomwa moto na sasa kulipuliwa na mabomu!  Tunalilia nchi yetu!  Shaidi anasema kuwa wakati wa Misa maalum ya kubariki kanisa jipya mwanaume fulani alitokea na kurusha bomu ya petroli.  Baada ya kuirusha alikimbia nje ya kanisa na kuingia ndani ya gari na kuondoka. Misa ilikuwa inafanyika mbele ya kanisa.


Mkuu wa Mkoa Mulongo nae yumo kwenye hili sakata. RPC Anatoa hotuba.

Anasema ni tukio la kighaidi.

Anasema alihusika alijitokeza nyuma ya jengo kwa kujificha na kurusha bomu.

Anasema wanawasaka waliohusika. Anomba mwenye taarifa yo yote aisaide polisi.

Waliojeruhiwa ni 30 majeraha ya kawaida, na 3 wamejeruhiwa sana.

Mtu mmoja anashikiliwa kwa mahojiano

Hali ya eneo mlipuko ulipotokea
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - A suspected bomb blast struck a Catholic church in the northern Tanzanian town of Arusha on Sunday, police said, wounding a number of people.
Sectarian tensions have been simmering in east Africa's second biggest economy after two Christian leaders were killed in the predominantly Muslim islands of Zanzibar earlier this year and there have been attacks on Muslim leaders and mosques.
"Some kind of explosion went off at the church. It is believed to have been a bomb but we don't know what type of bomb it was," Tanzania police spokesperson Advera Senso said.
Senso could not confirm if anyone had been killed in the attack or how many had been wounded.
Tanzania's foreign affairs minister Bernard Membe said in a message on Twitter he was "deeply shocked" by the explosion.
President Jakaya Kikwete has warned about rising religious tensions in several televised addresses.
(Reporting by Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala; Editing by Richard Lough and Mike Collett-White)


ARUSHA, Tanzania, May 5 (Xinhua) -- A bomb blast hit a Catholic church on Sunday in Arusha in northern Tanzania, killing one child and injuring more than 30 people, witnesses reported.
The dead was among the church followers who were gathering for Sunday prayers.
The church located in Arusha's Olasiti suburb was bombed just before a mass in the presence of Bishop Josaphat Louis Lebulu of Arusha Diocese, who was accompanied by a representative of Pope of Vatican.
Police in Arusha said one man was arrested in connection with the incident, which caused a lot of panic in the tourist capital of the East African country.
Casualties are yet to be updated. "We are still working on the matter. We'll give more detail after investigating the matter," said Arusha Regional Police Commander Liberatus Sabas.
He said the man was arrested following a tip-off from people at the scene when the explosion occurred.
"We are still interrogating the suspect," he said.
Regional Commissioner Magesa Mulongo described the blast as horrific and unique in Tanzanian history, calling on the public to remain calm.
"So, people should continue with their daily activities, as police and other security organs have normalized the situation," Mulongo said.
A witness said, "I saw more than 30 people, taken by a police vehicle, which took them to the Mount Meru Regional Hospital."
Another witness said the bomb hit the church at around 10:00 a. m. local time when church followers were gathering for the historic Sunday prayer at the new church.
"We were trying to organize ourselves for the mass, when we heard loud sound, the situation that made more people to start rushing out of the church," a witness told Xinhua.
This is the first bomb explosion at the church in the northern safari capital of Arusha. 

One of those injured in Bombing receiving First Aid

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mtuhumiwa wa Mauaji ya Father Evaristus Mushi Akamatwa Zanzibar!


Jeshi la polisi linamshikilia Omari Musa Mkame Mkazi wa Mwanakwerekwe Zanziba anaye sadikiwa kuwa ni muuaji wa padre Evalist Mushi. Amekamatwa alasiri hii maeneo ya Kariakoo, Zanzibar.

Ni kwa msaada wa mchoro wa mfano wa muhusika ulioachorwa na FBI.

Suspect in Father Mushi Killing

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Taarfif ya Jumuiya ya Maimamu Zanzibar (JUMAZA) - Kuwawa kwa Father Mushi


Shukurani njema zote anastahiki Allah Ambaye ametuwezesha kuwa hai tukiwa na afya njema. Tunamuomba Allah atuwafikishe kufanya mema na aujaalie uhai wetu wote uwe kwa ajili ya kumtumikia Yeye katika Dini hii ya Kiislamu. Rehema na amani ya Allah zimwendee kipenzi chetu, mtukufu wa viumbe Mtume Muhammad (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam), masahaba zake, jamaa zake na wale wote waliomfuata kwa wema mpaka Siku ya Malipo.

Ama baada ya hayo,Jumuiya ya Maimamu Zanzibar (JUMAZA) inachukua fursa hii kutoa taarifa rasmi kwa vyombo vya habari kufuatia tukio la kupigwa risasi na kuuwawa kwa Padri Mushi wa Kanisa Katoliki Parokia ya Mjini jana tarehe 17/2/2012 Beit – El – Ras.

JUMAZA kwa mshtuko mkubwa imepokea kwa masikitiko taarifa ya kuuwawa kwa Padre Mushin na inalaani kwa nguvu zote kitendo hicho cha kiharamia ambacho kinaashiria kuitia doa Zanzibar kisiwa cha amani na ukarimu tokea enzi na enzi. Kufuatia kadhia hii JUMAZA inawataka Wanzanzibari wote wa dini na madhehebu zote kuwa watulivu katika kipindi hiki kigumu na kuendelea kutunza amani na mshikamano tulionao chini ya Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa na kutotoa mwanya kwa watu au vikundi ambavyo vina nia mbaya ya kutaka kuleta kutokuelewana kwa wananchi kwa malengo yao binafsi.

Aidha JUMAZA inaungana na kauli iliyotolewa na Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mheshimiwa Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete kwa kuliagiza Jeshi la Polisi nchini kufanya uchunguzi wa kina na waharaka ili kubaini nani waliohusika na tukio hili na hatimaye sheria ichukue mkondo wake.

Aidha JUMAZA inaliomba Jeshi la Polisi kufanya uchunguzi wa kiuadilifu na usioambatana na shindikizo la mtu au kikundi chochote ili hatimae ukweli halisi ujulikane na bila ya kuwadhuru wasiohusika.

JUMAZA inakemea vikali kauli za baadhi ya vyombo vya habari vinavyonasibisha waislamu na tukio hili na kuvitahadharisha vyombo vya habari ikwemo magazeti na redio hizo kutoanza kutoa taarifa ambazo kwa makusudi zinaweza kupandikiza chuki na uhasama katika jamii na hatimae kuotesha mizizi ya fitna na kupelekea Taifa kuingia kwenye machafuko bali viachiwe vyombo vinavyohusika kufanya uchunguzi wake na kutoa taarifa sahihi. Aidha JUMAZA inaziomba Serikali zote mbili kuwa waamgalifu sana katika kipindi hiki kwa kujizuia kutoa maneno yanayoashiria kuhusisha tukio hili na upande fulani wakati bado uchunguzi unaendelea.

Imesaniwa na:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Padri Auwawa Zanzibar Akielekea Kanisani Leo!


Default Update: Watatu wahojiwa Zanzibar kuhusiana na mauaji ya Padre na Taarifa ya Polisi


Padre Evaristus Mushi

UPDATE/TARIFA MPYA (saa nane u nusu mchana) Taarifa ya Polisi:

Watu watatu wanashikiliwa na Polisi kwa tuhuma za mauaji ya Padre Mushi. Tafadhali bofya vipande vya picha zilizopachikwa hapo ili kuvikuza na kusoma taarifa ya Polisi inayoonekana hapo (shukurani kwa Francis Dande).

UPDATE/TAARIFA MPYA (saa saba mchana) Taarifa ya habari Radio One Stereo:

Taarifa ya habari ya Radio One Stereo iliyosomwa saa 7 mchana imeripoti kuwa Padre Mushi aliuawa na watu walipolisimamisha gari la Padre huyo alipokuwa akielekea katika kanisa la Mtakatifu Theresia lililoko eneo la Mtoni, na alipopunguza mwendo ili awasikilize, ndipo alipopigwa risasi kichwani na kusababisha gari alilokuwamo kukosa uelekeo na kuigonga nyumba iliyokuwa jirani. Watu walioshuhudia tukio hilo walimchukua Padre Mushi ili kumwahisha hospitalini katika jitihada za kuokoa uhai wake, lakini alifariki dunia. Waliomwua Padre Mushi bado hawajakamatwa.

Akina mama wakilia kwa uchungu kuomboleza kifo cha ghafla cha kupigwa risasi Padre Evaristus Mushi kilichotokea leo asubuhi muda mfupi kabla ya kuanza Misa ya Jumapili kwenye kanisa la Kigango cha Mtoni, Zanzibar. (Picha na Martin Kabemba via Lukwangule blog)
Taarifa kutoka Zanzibar zikiripotiwa na mwanahabari Donisia Thomas wakati kipindi cha Patapata cha WAPO radio FM kinaendelea, zinasema kuwa Padre Evaristus Mushi wa Kanisa la Parokia ya Minara Miwili huko Zanzibar amepigwa risasi majira ya saa moja asubuhi -na watu wasiofahamika- na kufariki dunia.

Taarifa za kufariki kwake zimethibitishwa na madaktari kutoka hospitalini alikopelekewa katika harakati za kuuokoa uhai wake.

Padre Mushi aliuawa akiwa anashuka kwenye gari lake tayari kuingia Kanisani kwa ajili ya kuendesha misa ya kawaida ya Jumapili katika kanida la Mtoni, mjini St. Joseph. Inaelezwa kuwa gari lisilofahamika lilifika na kufyatua risasi zilizomlenga Padre Mushi sehemu ya kichwani na hivyo kumsababisha majeraha yaliyokuwa yakivuja damu nyingi.

Mwanahabari anasema tukio hilo limezua taharuki kubwa miongoni mwa waumini ambao wamekataa kuahirisha ibada iliyokuwa iendeshwe na Padre huyo na kusema ikiwa kusudio ni kuwaangamiza Wakristo wote, basi na waangamizi wafike Kanisani wawaangamize wakiwa pamoja.

Jeshi la Polisi limeshafika katika eneo la tukio na kuanza uchunguzi.

Wakizungumza kuhusu hilo, raia wamesema hawana imani na Polisi wala Madaktari na hawatarajii jipya zaidi ya ripoti kuwa suala hili ni la uhalifu kwa kuwa tukio kama hili liliwahi kutokea mwishoni mwa mwaka jana kwa Padre Ambrose kupigwa risasi na taarifa zilisema lilikuwa ni tukio la kihalifu na kwamba risasi hazikutumika jambo ambalo halikuwa kweli kwani Padre Ambrose alikutikana na risasi alipohamishiwa katika hospitali ya Taifa, Muhimbili.

Kwa taarifa zaidi, tafadhali fuatilia vyombo mbalimbali vya habari.

Father Mushi Alipokuta mauti yake

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Ubaguzi Bado Upo Marekani! Eti Mwiko Kusal Kwenye Kanisa la Wazungu Kentucky!

Nikiwaambia kuwa ubaguzi bado upo Marekani mnabisha! Haya waone hao wabaguzi huko Kentucky, hata haya hawana. Eti mwiko kwa mzungu kufunga ndoa na mweusi, au mweusi kuhudumia kanisa hata kwa kuimba! Doh! Mnaweza kuamini unasikia kitu kama hicho mwaka 2011?

Stella Harville and her fiancé, Ticha Chikuni

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — When Stella Harville brought her black boyfriend to her family's all-white church in rural Kentucky, she thought nothing of it. She and Ticha Chikuni worshipped there whenever they were in town, and he even sang before the congregation during one service.

Then in August, a member of Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church told Harville's father that Chikuni couldn't sing there anymore. And last Sunday, in a moment that seems from another time, church members voted 9-6 to bar mixed-race couples from joining the congregation.

The policy has drawn a firestorm of criticism in just a few days and sent church leaders scrambling to overturn it, perhaps as early as Sunday. The executive secretary of the church's national organization said he has been inundated with angry phone calls, and had an inch-high stack of emails printed out on his desk.

"We are not a group of racist people," said Keith Burden of the National Association of Free Will Baptists. "We have been labeled that obviously because of the actions of nine people."

The resolution approved by the Gulnare church says it does not condone interracial marriage and "parties of such marriages will not be received as members, nor will they be used in worship services and other church functions, with the exception being funerals."

Ballots were cast after the service, attended by about 35 to 40 people, but it wasn't clear why so few people voted.

The church member and former pastor who pushed for the vote, Melvin Thompson, wouldn't tell The Associated Press why he did it.

"I am not racist. I will tell you that. I am not prejudiced against any race of people, have never in my lifetime spoke evil" about a race, Thompson said earlier this week in a brief interview. "That's what this is being portrayed as, but it is not."

Thompson stepped down as pastor earlier this year for health reasons, according to Harville's dad, Dean Harville. He said it was Thompson who told him that Chikuni couldn't sing at the church, a small, one-story red brick building with few windows and a white steeple.

After giving interviews earlier this week, the church's current pastor, Stacy Stepp, and several other church members did not return phone calls Friday. One of the members said they were shocked. Stepp said he voted against the measure and would work to overturn it.

The national group distanced itself from the resolution in a statement Thursday, saying it "neither condemns nor disallows" interracial marriage.
It said the church was working to reverse its policy and added, "We encourage the church to follow through with this action."

Harville, who is now engaged to Chikuni, said earlier this week that she felt betrayed by the church.
"Whether they keep the vote or overturn it, it's going to be hard for me go back there," she told AP.

Gulnare is a small town in Pike County, in eastern Kentucky. The county celebrates its Appalachian heritage in the spring with the Hillbilly Days Festival in downtown Pikeville, the county seat, and the Apple Blossom Festival in Elkhorn City, according to a tourism website.

Harville is working on her master's degree in optical engineering at an Indiana college. She met Chikuni, who is from Zimbabwe, at Georgetown College in central Kentucky.

"It's like we were kind of blindsided," Harville said of the church's action.
More than 40 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down a Virginia statute barring whites from marrying nonwhites, overturning bans in 15 other states. But while interracial marriages have soared since then, many churches remain largely segregated.

Curtiss Paul DeYoung, a professor at Bethel College who has studied interracial churches, said church members opposed to a more diverse church usually just go somewhere else.

"Rarely today do you see it so blatantly come to a vote. Usually people just leave but they don't say much about it," DeYoung said. "I think this is still one of the last hurdles around race for a lot of folks in this country. It's just rarely stated this bluntly."

The Free Will Baptists trace their history to the 18th century. They emphasized the Arminian doctrine of free will, free grace, and free salvation, in contrast to most Baptists, who were Calvinists and believed Christ died only for those predestined to be saved.

There are some 4,200 churches worldwide. The National Association of Free Will Baptists organized in Nashville, Tenn., in 1935 and is now based in Antioch, Tenn.
The group said in its statement that the denomination has no official policy regarding interracial couples "because it has not been an issue."

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ordination of Pastor Ephraim Kyando, Boston, MA

Siku ya jumapili, Novemba 20, 2011, Ndugu Ephraim W. Kyando alipakwa mafuta rasmi na kuwa mchungaji katika kanisa la International Gospel Church, Chelsea, MA. Pastor Kyando atakuwa Pastor msaidizi. Pastor Jared Mlongecha ni Pastor Mkuu. Wanaompaka mafuta ni wachungaji Pastor Jared, na Pastor Isaac Balinda kutoka Uganda.  Pastor Jared na Pastor Balinda walipakwa mafuta mwaka 1999 pamoja na marehemu mume wangu Reverend Douglas Whitlow na Askofu Zakaria Kakobe.

Hongera Pastor Kyando!

Friday, October 07, 2011

Worship Leadership Seminar - Arusha, Tanzania


Leading People to Experience God’s Presence

Charles Stanley once said that he believed that most Christians in most churches have never worshiped God. We go to church, but we don’t worship. We sing songs, but we don’t worship. We listen to sermons, but we don’t worship. All of these things are elements of worship but they are not worship in and of themselves which means that you can do all of them and yet have failed to truly worship God. We Christians often mistake the means of worship for worship itself.

According to famous researcher, George Barna, “Worship is a non-negotiable obligation and privilege of every Christian…We agree that when it comes to worship, God deserves it, the Bible commands it, and churches try to facilitate it," he stressed. "But we have a problem when it comes to worship. ... True worship is rare.”

The church in our times faces major challenges related to the renewal of worship. I believe one of them, if not the main one is a lack of understanding what a true biblical worship is. What you hear and understand you believe, and what you believe you’ll obviously do. That is life because life is not only in knowing but in doing.

A seminar for Worship Leadership will be held in Arusha that aims in tackling the challenges on Worship.

Date and Time: October 14-15, 2011 9am – 5pm

Venue: TAG Spiritual Power Center, Mbauda ARUSHA

The target audience: Worship Leaders/Pastors, Church Leaders, Musicians/Singers, Audio Technicians/Engineer, Recording Artist and any one related with Worship Ministry.

Seminar program will cover some topics in three areas but not limited to; Introduction to Biblical Worship: Understanding What is Biblical Worship, Applied Worship Ministry: Integrating Leadership and Team Dynamics, and The Role of Music in Worship: Balanced Approach to Music Ministry in Corporate Worship


Pastor Nick

+255 788 740296, +255 717 425279