Monday, November 14, 2005

darn it!

So this morning as I typed the weekend's happenings, I had plans to go hang those Christmas lights outside...well IT'S RAINING! Sideways, I might add!
It started raining just when I headed out the door to pick up Niina from preschool, yes...on foot. Mika took the car today. I really thought I was going to get to the preschool Mary Poppins style! Storms winds today, those gusts are horrid. And we had to walk to the store too, no food in the house. So, now Niina is watching a video and this

is in the oven. The recipe for this open face pie will be in the 2Peas PUB recipe book ;o)

I might as well do computer stuff today. Print out address labels and go pretty up my Sis's (is that a word?? LOL) blog.
Stay warm!


  1. That pie looks DELICIOUS!!!!


  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....looks like the perfect rainy day pie!!!

  3. Yummmm... That looks delicious... great shot.

  4. Suski, you rock my domestic world! I am in awe of your accomplishments; seriously, all of the things you embrace and actually get done. You are a role model for me! Thanks for being so inspiring...

    PS: next time I visit you BEST bake one of those bad boys

  5. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Oh, that looks HEAVENLY! I wonder if that last piece of apple pie is still in my fridge?! Now I'm ready for breakfast!

  6. That pie looks delicious!!!

  7. MMMMMmmmm that pie looks good. Darn and I am hungry too. LOL
    Pretty picture of it. Sounds like a perfect day to cuddle up and stay indoors.

  8. Anonymous5:46 PM

    That looks divine! I will have to remember to look that recipe up. Looks delicious. Great picture too.

  9. Yum! Bet your house smells wonderful!

  10. MMMMMMM, looks yummy..... can't wait to get the cookbook.

  11. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I want some of that!! :) You are super poster today you go girl!

  12. YUM! That looks delicious! I ordered a cookbook, so I will be looking for this recipe.

  13. oh that pie looks sinful, mind sending over a piece for me too? ;) I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one ready for christmas.

  14. Anonymous2:17 AM

    mmmmm, that looks so yummy! Great picture :)

  15. Anonymous2:29 AM

    oh man! that looks delicious!

  16. That looks so yummy! Hope you plan on passing it around the Pub :)

  17. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Oh my, I REALLY need that recipe! Looks really good.

  18. The pie looks wonderful, warm and tasty. I'm itching to take Christmas light photos, too.

  19. Oh my! That pie looks soooo delicious! And that's a great photo you took of it too! Hope you're all dried out by now.


Oh do tell :)