Four weeks ago I planted my first seeds.
So much green there now.
A week ago I made this cage to protect the beets from rabbits.
Look how much they've grown in just seven days... I probably should have made a bigger one, huh?
And yes, I do need to thin them out. Soon.
Peas are looking good.
These soda bottles cut in half protect some seedlings. They are like mini green houses.
The pea trellises are bamboo sticks and jute.
Radishes, chard and a flower seed mix gone crazy.
Pumpkin babies.
Spinach spilling over.
A bit of a conundrum..
Carrots in box one:
Carrots in box two...
The only difference is that in box two I used those seed tapes.. something's gone wrong with them, the salad seed tapes are coming up just as bad. Darn it.
I prefer daisies and lupines as weeds more than dandelions.
I have to cut down the lupines before they go to seed, it's not a native plant and there's an effort to not make it spread more.
I see pretty pink peonies in the near future.
Potatoes pushing green out the sides of the tower. The two were planted two weeks apart.
Broccolis are looking strong.
Raspberry bushes popping up in odd spots.
*quick flash two weeks back*
A closer look at the tomato house.
The top will be opened once blooming starts to let pollinators in.
The plastic is attached with screws and grommets.
Pull them out and the plastic pulls up for easy access.
*back to now*
Look at how they love it.
The bottles are a slow release irrigation system right at the roots.
We had an amazingly warm May which gave me radishes in three weeks and spinach in four.
Makes for a happy gardener!