Friday, November 11, 2005

*bling bling*

I thought it was time to sparkle today :o)

This is the dining room chandelier that I inherited from my grandma. It has always hung in this room. I love it. It's a pain to clean, but still I love it.


  1. I am in AWE of how gorgeous your photos are! They are positively fabulous! I love reading your blog because you are so happy and peaceful. I love your attention to detail. I LOVE your wood floors AND your vaccum! Lucky girl to have a built in. I'm glad your mojo is visiting while Mika is out of town LOL. Good company to have! Lots of love from USA.

  2. Gorgeous chandelier & great photo of it!

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I love the warmth of the light and the sparkle of the crystals. This is a wonderful picture of a very specail heirloom. Beautiful!

  4. interesting angle! Lighting is beautifully soft! I love it!


  5. love it! the sparkle, the angle, and the sentimental value. :)

  6. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I love this picture! Nice job!

  7. it is very pretty!

  8. Beautiful. The photo is lovely and the antique is truly a gift to the eye and the heart.

  9. it's beautiful! and I have to agree...loving all your photos...they each have a special meaning to you and how cool is it that we have this challenge so you can document it all!!!

  10. Anonymous11:42 AM

    absolutly completely identical to the ones in the house i grew up in.... to quote one of the shows i like
    MY how it sparkles so ..... :O)


Oh do tell :)