Showing posts with label pink*. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pink*. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2010

A quick Silver Bella Tour

I know, I know, this post is long coming. I had to work some long shifts immediately upon coming home, then Thanksgiving, then the dull drudgery of Christmas shopping (OK, the shopping was enjoyable ;). First off, you gotta love these adorable top hats made by Cari Kraft :
Most Bellas start their trip by getting a shopping fix at Second Chance Antiques:
I scored a hat for vendor night, an embroidered blue silk with purple velvet:

Always old friends to meet and new friends to make (here with Amy Powers, Heather Buhaj, and Kathi Pilar)

We don't go away hungry, the chef made these special for our last dinner together:

Swaps are a favorite part of the whole Bella event, isn't this bee crown the best?

Did I mention shopping?

And finally, bringing home our precious pieces to display for our families:

Thanks for peeking into my trip!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ribbon Rosettes for Spring

Has it really been a month? I must admit that Library of Memories is keeping me busy, but I am still super thrilled with the progress we are making toward better kept memories and stories.
It's been hinted that I needed a few more items up in my shoppe, and the rosettes are still top requested. I hope to have some of these beauties up in the next few days!

Except maybe that last one- it's may be a keeper! I'll see how much more of that ribbon I have left to make more.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Silver Bella Shadowbox Class and Bracelet Class

My last class at Silver Bella was the Bundle Up Birdie Class with mohair artist Jennifer Murphy. We used pompoms, real twigs and acorn caps for Birdie. I took special care with the music paper when I adhered it to remind myself to make sure I built my box right side up. The music, of course, is now upside down. Jennifer Murphy's example had two banners, but I had seen someone use the phrase Baby It's Cold Outside. I adore that song (especially in the movies Elf and Esther William's Neptunes Daughter) so I had to snag it for my box. I finished most of this project in class, but took it home to add the pink mica before I hotglued Birdie in.

The other class I took Saturday was Kaari Meng's (French General) bracelet class. She has the most relaxing voice and was very patient explaing the how-tos for us novice jewelry makers. I've had no experience making jewelry, but have loved browsing her site for the visuals. I was able to complete this class entirely (whereupon I rewarded myself with a pretty polka dot jewelry kit from French General). There was a second portion of the bracelet that could be made, but I liked the way it was at this point. Sadly I lost the horseshoe charm that was glued to the large pearl rectangle, but everything else is still there. My favorite is the red glass raspberry on the far right.

I love the colors in this kit, the cranberry reds, pinks, and pearls blend beautifully. I've been able to wear this quite a few times already!